Chapter 328 Tyrant 18
If it wasn't for this woman who suddenly appeared today.

Xuan Qin even forgot about the "concubines" who were summoned by his harem to feed wild animals.

The woman's small face was a little red from the cold, she looked extremely cute, she didn't know how to read words, and she didn't notice that Xuan Qin's brows were already wrinkled.

Shen Chen smiled and said, "Get up."

But the concubine didn't seem to hear it, she bent her knees and looked at Xuanqin.

It's a pity that the winks were thrown to the blind man.

The blind man only had Shen Chen in his eyes, Xuan Qin glanced at her coldly, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since she doesn't want to get up."

"Come here, watch her here. Without my permission, if she dares to stand up, I will throw her into Huaqing Pool to feed the fish."

The little eunuch next to him saluted Xuanqin: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The concubine's face turned pale instantly. In this freezing weather, in order to show Xuan Qin her good figure, she only wore thin clothes.

If she stayed in this snow for a few hours, she would definitely freeze to death.

The concubine hurriedly knelt down, her face was full of fear: "Your Majesty, my concubine, I know my mistake, please let your majesty let me go."

Xuan Qin grabbed Shen Chen's hand and placed it on his cold face: "Let's go back."

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "Okay."

Xuanqin held Shen Chen by the hand, his long eyes swept across the crying woman kneeling on the ground.

"Drag away and feed the fish."

"Yes." Several strong eunuchs stepped forward to support the woman.

At this moment, the system finally remembered its mission, which is to transform the system by a villain.

It tentatively opened its mouth: [Host, she didn't do anything harmful. 】

[God has the virtue of being kind, host, why don't you save her. 】

Shen Chen raised his eyebrows, his eyes curled up, like a little fox in the snow.

She recalled in her mind: "God has the virtue of being good at life, so it has nothing to do with me."

She couldn't help wondering if she was too gentle in these worlds, making the system forget what kind of person she was.

When had she been so kind in its eyes.

It's ridiculous.

People, always have to pay the due price for their actions.

Instead of pinning the hope of life on others, it is better to rely on yourself.

The woman was dragged away, and she kept shouting to His Majesty, begging him to let her go, but she didn't dare anymore.

Xuanqin suddenly thought of something, he looked at Shen Chen: "Chen'er thinks I'm too cruel."

Shen Chen nodded: "It's really cruel."

Xuan Qin licked his red lips: "From now on, if Chen'er won't let me kill people, I won't kill people."

The two finally walked back to the Zichen Palace, the frost on the eyelashes turned into small water droplets, each crystal clear.

Shen Chen warmed himself by the fire, but did not answer his words.

She will only be more cruel than him.

It's as if a little lunatic ran to a big lunatic and promised her that because of her, he would never get sick again.

After this day, Xuanqin finally thought of Yingyingyanyan in his harem.

Those women were not well informed, and before they had time to learn from the past, they only knew that Shen Chen was favored by him, and they all started to move around, and ran into Xuan Qin everywhere in the palace.

He danced here for a while, and sang a song there for a while. What's more, he even made food, and even ran to Xuanchen Hall to bring him food.

Xuan Qin was very irritable, but he didn't want to start a killing spree, for fear of scaring Shen Chen.

So he sent people to send all those women out of the palace.

Shen Chen was left alone.

In this way, no one will suddenly appear in front of them to disturb them.

When the families heard that their daughters had been sent back safely, some were glad, some regretted, and some were even outraged.

(End of this chapter)

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