Chapter 329 Tyrant 19
After the Shen family heard the news, Shen's father and Shen's mother were waiting for the palace's carriage at the gate of the palace.

This is really great news.

They were worried, afraid, and at the same time hoping that their daughter would come back safely.

The two concubines who hoped to die in the palace did not have Shen Chen.

But from dawn to dusk, there was no news of my daughter.

Send servants out to inquire, and the children of other families have already arrived.

Only their family, no news at all.

Shen Liunian began to cry: "Didn't Mother say that Second Sister is coming back today?"

"Will the second sister not come back?"

Shen's mother clenched her fists: "No, your second sister will definitely return safely."

Until the sky completely darkened, a carriage from the palace finally appeared in the distance.

They saw that their daughter jumped out of the car intact.

"Chen'er." The great joy of regaining what was lost hit the hearts of the Shen family.

Shen Liunian's tear-stained face also instantly turned from sadness to joy: "Second sister!"

But he realized that Shen Chen didn't walk towards them directly, but stood beside the car with one hand raised.

There seemed to be someone else in the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a hand that was as long as jade and as white as snow slowly stretched out and placed it on Shen Chen's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a man dressed in a black robe with a golden thread and dragon pattern walked down in a very dignified manner. Part of his long hair was tied up by a golden hairpin and jade crown, and the rest of his long hair was blowing with the wind.

It looks expensive.

Father Shen was startled, and quickly knelt down with his family members.

"Meet Your Majesty."

How could this evil star appear at the door of their Shen family.

Xuan Qin glanced at him: "Get up."

He looked at Shen Chen, it was Shen Chen's parents after all, he couldn't be too cold, an extremely unnatural smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Shen's father was so frightened that he hung his head and didn't dare to get up.

His Majesty is moody, usually the angrier he is, the happier he laughs.

Shen Chen let go of Xuanqin's hand, and stepped forward to help Shen's father and Shen's mother up.

Xuan Qin looked at his empty palm with a worried expression on his face.

He stepped into Shen's mansion, Shen's mother looked at Shen Chen in surprise, and asked her with her eyes.

Why is His Majesty here?

Shen Chen shook his head helplessly, how could he explain clearly in a few words.

Xuanqin was sitting there, and the Shen family members lined up in a row, restless.

It's really a tyrant's notoriety.

Shen Chen asked Shen's father, Shen's mother and others to sit down without formality, and then sat next to Xuanqin.

Xuan Qin played with Shen Chen's fingers boredly, but heard Shen Chen say, "Where's my sister?"

Cold sweat oozed from Shen's father's forehead, he glanced at Xuan Qin, and found that he was bored, he lowered his head to look at his daughter's fingers intently.

There was no sign of anger.

It looks like she already knew that it was Chen'er, not Lan'er, who entered the palace.

Mother Shen's face froze: "Your sister is a monk."

Shen Chen moved his fingers slightly, but doubts slowly appeared on his face: "Why did my sister become a monk?"

"Isn't my sister pregnant with Brother Song's child?"

Hearing that a strange man appeared in Shen Chen's mouth, Xuan Qin's ears perked up, and he began to eavesdrop seriously.

He was so intimate, she had never called him Big Brother Xuan before.

Shen's mother paused, Song Hanyu's child, did not expect Lan'er to hide something else.

But in front of His Majesty, they did not dare to discuss it openly.

"Your sister is not pregnant. She has realized her mistake and has taken the initiative to become a monk."

She thought about it, but still couldn't help but say, "Chen'er, don't blame your sister."

(End of this chapter)

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