The day of March, the yuan of age, the yuan of time, and the yuan of month.

The palace banquet was held in the Taiji Hall. There was no singing and dancing, no cup exchange, only the ministers who were forced to sit below with their families.

All of them looked like dead parents, their faces were very ugly.

Xuan Qin stood up unsteadily from the high position.

Holding a glass of wine, he walked slowly in front of the ministers, who wanted to bury their heads in their chests.

Keep Xuanqin from noticing them.

at last.

Xuanqin stopped, and everyone's heartbeat also stopped.

Xuan Qin pursed his lips, and smiled softly: "My lord father-in-law, my son-in-law would like to offer you a glass of wine."

Immediately drank it down.

Drinking too fast, Xuan Qin seemed to be choking, his eyes were red, he bent over and coughed.

I can't wait to cough up all my internal organs.

"Chen'er is sleepy and hasn't woken up yet." Xuanqin's face showed a touch of indulgence: "My son-in-law will toast her father-in-law again."

Father Shen didn't dare to speak, so he could only drink with him.

Your Majesty, completely insane.

This year's Yanchi.

There is no congratulations from all directions, no worship of hundreds of barbarians, and the dynasty of all nations is not yet young.

It's not that I didn't come.

If they came, they were all killed by Xuanqin, and the two armies fought without beheading the envoy.

But Xuan Qin is a lunatic.

He slaughtered all the messengers.

Yan Chi will die in his unscrupulous hands one day.

Shen Lan looked at Xuan Qin's drunken reddish cheeks, that indistinguishable and coquettish face gave her a great shock.

He looks better than Heng Yu.

She had never looked at Xuan Qin so closely.

She stood up, smiled like Shen Chen, and drank the wine in her hand.

"Your Majesty, this cup, my servant respects you."

Xuan Qin looked at her face and was in a daze.

Shen Lan raised her head and looked at him boldly.

But he didn't want him to laugh in a low voice. : "Dong Shi imitated her, imitating her appearance, and you deserve it too."

"This face, you really don't deserve it, it has tarnished my heart."

"Come here, peel her skin for me."

When Shen Lan heard what he said, her face turned pale with fright, and she knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy.

Shen's father just ignored her for a while, and she stabbed him in such a big way again.

He hurriedly knelt beside him: "It's the minister who has no way to teach the daughter. I beg Your Majesty to bypass the little girl. The minister is willing to take the punishment for her."

Xuan Qin's dark eyes looked at the trembling Shen Lan, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

He turned around and drank the wine in the silver jug ​​in one gulp.

He drank wine and passed out on top of the main hall. Seeing Xuan Qin being helped down, all the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

The first day passed.

It was March, the breeze was playing, and the catkins were flying, but Yanjing seemed to be still in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

I don't know when the real spring will come.

Until the summer solstice, there were floods in the south of the Yangtze River, refugees fled everywhere, corpses floated for thousands of miles, and people everywhere raised poles and revolted.

They are under the banner of punishing tyrants and pacifying the world.

Yanchi was in total chaos, but Xuanqin, who was far away in Yanjing, didn't seem to care about anything.

He walked under the palace wall in thin clothes, and the flower was dead.

But the dead branches hadn't been cleaned up yet, and there was a strong smell of blood on his body.

He covered his forehead in pain, and his bright red lips also faded, turning pale.

Every time he had a headache, tyranny would appear in his heart, and only blood could calm it down.

The palace people around him have become less and less.

Xuanqin walked and walked to the zoo again.

After Shen Chen left, the cubs in the zoo starved to death completely, and the Nuoda zoo was desolate and overgrown with weeds.

Looking at the silent Yan Chi on the wall of Xuanqin Palace, he curled his lips and smiled.

This wicked country should have perished long ago.

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