Chapter 342 Tyrant 32
Looking at the silent Yan Chi on the wall of Xuanqin Palace, he curled his lips and smiled.

This wicked country should have perished long ago.

A disgusting person like him should never have come into this world.

Dirty dynasty, dirty people.

Only destruction is the final destination.

He raised one hand, touched his chin, and bent his eyes with a smile.

In just a few months, Yanchi was almost eaten away.

If the old emperor knew, the country he treasured in his hands would be ruined in his hands.

The coffin boards that will be so angry will not be able to cover it.

By the way, he no longer has a coffin.

The corpse buried in the imperial mausoleum was an old eunuch he randomly found in the palace.

His father and his brothers.

It is still lying in the snake den.

He walked under the palace wall in thin clothes, and the flower was dead.

But the dead branches hadn't been cleaned up yet, and there was a strong smell of blood on his body.

He covered his forehead in some pain, and his bright red lips also faded, turning pale.

Every time he had a headache, tyranny would appear in his heart, and only blood could calm it down.

The palace people around him have become less and less.

Xuanqin walked and walked to the zoo again.

After Shen Chen left, the cubs in the zoo starved to death completely, and the Nuoda zoo was desolate and overgrown with weeds.

Chener, where are you?

Have you followed Hengyu back to Longxi?

Three months ago, Longxi took the lead in going to war against Yanchi, and now Longxi's army has broken through the Longqi Pass.

Because of his order, Longxi's army is in such a state that it should be able to reach Yanjing in a month.

The day Yanjing City was broken.

Can I have another look at you?
Will Hengyu bring you to Yanchi?
He didn't believe that Shen Chen would die.

The corpse he found was a fake, she fell into the water with Heng Yu, she must have been hidden by Heng Yu.

Even though it was already a scorching summer day, he still felt cold, so he walked slowly back to the bedroom.

The palace was also empty.

The palace people died and ran.

He poured himself a glass of water on his own, his body was so emaciated that only a skeleton remained.

A little eunuch of twelve or thirty came in with a food box. He knelt on the ground and cried in a voice: "Your Majesty, let's eat something."

Xuan Qin raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "I have no appetite, take it."

"His Majesty."

Xuanqin covered his head with a splitting headache: "Get lost!"

The little eunuch dared not disobey the order.

I had to wipe away my tears as I walked out.

Your Majesty's health is not good, and now he doesn't take any medicine, and his food is very poor.

The imperial physician said that His Majesty was born with poison in the womb, and was born weak. Now he is overly sad, and the depression is accumulated in his chest.

Haven't eaten yet.

I'm afraid time is running out.

During this period of time, His Majesty did not get angry often, and he didn't have the strength to get angry.

Every day, I just go to the bedroom where the imperial concubine used to live, or wander around in the palace in a daze.

Most of the time is spent in Zichen Palace.

A man talking to himself.

Seeing them, these slaves feel distressed.

Obviously when the imperial concubine was around, His Majesty has improved a lot. He is not as gloomy and scary as before, he would ask them with a gentle smile what girls like.

They are also often asked to go out to collect novel gadgets for the imperial concubine.

But after the death of the imperial concubine, His Majesty completely gave up on himself, and now he doesn't even go to court.

The ministers wanted to see His Majesty, but they were all blocked outside the palace gate. Except for General Shen, no one could enter the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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