Chapter 344 Tyrant 34
Shen Lan lifted the curtain on the car window and looked at the familiar city of Yanjing.

She suddenly felt that her choice was not wrong, and she felt a little bit of returning home in her heart.

She will be Heng Yu's woman in the future.

Even because of this face, after Heng Yu inherits the throne of Longxi, he will definitely make her a concubine.

Become a concubine or marry a servant.

Which choice is more correct, the result is self-evident.

The two armies fought.

She actually saw her father and elder brother on the city wall, they were wearing Yan Chi's armor, their eyes were firm, and there was death in their eyes.

They are willing to sacrifice their names for Yan Chi.

Shen Lan lowered the curtain.

She was afraid of being discovered by her father, and also afraid of seeing his disappointed eyes.

However, she suddenly felt a burning gaze that could not be ignored.

Shen Lan's hands were in mid-air.

is a tyrant.

Standing on the city wall, Xuanqin didn't have the slightest grief of a subjugated king, but his thin face looked relaxed and carefree.

He eagerly searched through Longxi's army, and finally saw a well-protected carriage.

But the woman threw back the curtain.

With just one glance, Xuanqin knew that it was not Shen Chen.

He lowered his eyes, and the black dragon robe on his body rustled in the wind.

Heng Yu deceived him.

He really missed Shen Chen very much, but no matter how hard he inquired, he couldn't find out her whereabouts.

He wrote a letter and sent it to Longxi.

a few days later.

The letter he sent to Longxi finally got an answer.

Hengyu admitted.

Shen Chen was taken away by him.

But Xuan Qin was extremely happy, he knew that Shen Chen was not dead, she was still alive.

Since she likes Hengyu, this country should be given to her sweetheart, and it should be regarded as her dowry.

Xuan Qin smiled wryly, he knew he didn't have much time to live.

He only hoped that before he died, he could see her one last time.

Even if it's just standing on the palace wall, it's good to see it from a distance.

But this only wish has come to nothing.

That person is not Shen Chen.

Xuanqin coughed, the little eunuch next to him dared to hand over the clean white handkerchief, seeing the dazzling red in the middle of the handkerchief, Xuanqin put the handkerchief away calmly.

Heng Yu rode on the steed, raised his head to look at Xuan Qin.

He didn't expect Xuanqin, a turtle with a shrinking head, to actually come.

In the letter, he pleaded bitterly, begging him to let him see Shen Chen one last time, and he was willing to give up the country.

Heng Yu only felt that he was not only crazy, but also a fool.

It took only one year for Yan Chi, who made the country rich and the people strong, to become like this.

I thought Shen Chen was not dead.

In fact, the female corpse was not burned by him at all, but was stolen by him.

He was absolutely sure that it was Chen'er.

Chen'er is dead.

It was all because of Xuanqin, if he hadn't sent someone to assassinate him in order to take over Shen Chen, how could Shen Chen have slipped and fell into the water.

In the end, the lunatic would crush her to ashes.

He tore off Shen Lan who was timidly hiding in the carriage and refused to come out.

Hug it on the horse and put it in your arms.

Since he thinks that Shen Chen is not dead, he can make good use of his madness.

"Xuanqin, Shen Chen is in my arms right now."

Father Shen clenched the long knife in his hand.

"It's just a woman, open the city gate, and I'll give her to you."

Shen Lan's eyes widened in shock, she didn't expect Heng Yu to be ruthless, they had just finished loving each other, and now they were going to abandon her.

She shook her head frantically: "No, no, I'm not."

Xuanqin could tell the difference between her and Shen Chen at a glance, if she fell into Xuanqin's hands, she would definitely die without a whole body.

Heng Yu's handsome face that made Shen Lan's heart skip a beat approached her.

He whispered threateningly: "Shut up."

"You're talking I'm going to kill you right now."

Unexpectedly, while the two were talking, a long arrow pierced through Shen Lan's heart in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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