Xuan Qin put down the bow and arrow, and gently handed the bow to the little eunuch, looking at the shocked father Shen.

Xuan Qin smiled with a bit of pride on his pale face.

"Chen'er taught me, and she praised me for being talented."

"Yanchi is dead."

"Whether General Shen surrenders or not, I will not blame you."

Light rain began to fall in the sky, Xuanqin didn't care about the fighting between the two armies, and went down the city wall.

He has already persuaded Shen's father not to resist anymore, surrendering and protecting himself is the most important thing.

He is Chen'er's father, as long as he bows his head, Hengyu will not hurt him.

But Shen's father and Shen Jiaerlang were obsessed with their obsession.

The rain fell on his pale face, and he chuckled.

How can this country be equipped with such loyal soldiers.

It's clearly rotten to the root.

Xuanqin returned to the Zichen Palace in the rain, the people in the palace completely ran away, only a few sincere little eunuchs remained.

He stuffed some gold and silver treasures left in the palace into the arms of the little eunuch.

"Run for your life."

Then he directly closed the door of Zichen Palace.

He picked up the military book that Shen Chen often read, and ignited the curtain.

Then dragging his heavy body, he lay down on the bed.

Her smell has dissipated, Xuan Qin suddenly felt a little sad.

He tried everything, but still couldn't keep it.

As the fire got bigger and bigger, Xuan Qin closed his eyes, vaguely, he seemed to hear the noise outside.

It should be Heng Yu who broke through the palace gate.

Xuan Qin curled his lips.

Gradually lost consciousness.

The palace gate of Zichen Palace was kicked open suddenly, lying on the ground in pieces.

Shen Chen coughed choked by the smoke.

She covered her mouth and nose with a water-soaked handkerchief, and quickly searched for it in the palace.

I remembered that the little eunuch said that he spent most of the time lying in bed.

Shen Chen kicked away the flames and collapsed logs, and walked towards the dragon bed.

Sure enough, he saw Xuanqin who was covered with a quilt.

The flames have spread here.

The bed curtains and quilts were all up, but fortunately, the burn had just reached this side.

At the critical moment, Shen Chen lifted the quilt, held Xuan Qin in his arms, and walked through the flames.

She walked out, her face was darkened, her hair was scorched at some point, and she looked very embarrassed.

The little eunuch saw that Shen Chen came out safe and sound.

Dare to rush forward with concern.

"Master, are you all right?"

"We didn't expect that His Majesty actually set fire and locked the door. I tried my best, but I couldn't open the door."

"Please punish me, master."

Shen Chen hugged the man in his arms, the rain gradually picked up and fell on the two of them.

"Go to the doctor first."

The little eunuch handed the umbrella to his companion and asked him to open it for Shen Chen and Xuan Qin, and immediately ran outside.

Xuanqin fell into a deep nightmare.

He saw that his father was pressing her mother and concubine under him, tearing off her clothes like a beast.

But her mother and concubine were crying like pear blossoms and rain, but she was powerless to resist.

He saw that his father touched his head and said to him: "Qin'er, you are actually my child, come, call me father."

He saw his concubine mother, wearing a bright red wedding dress, hanged to death in her bedroom.

She saw that his father threw him into the animal garden with a look of rage, and scolded him as a bastard, saying that he was a waste, and he couldn't even keep his mother and concubine.

He fights with wild beasts.

He survived all kinds of hardships, but his father, who had been kind to him, showed disgust on his face, and threw him, who was dying, into the cold palace, leaving him to fend for himself.

He survived by stealing the food fed to the dogs by the empresses of the palaces.

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