Chapter 346 Tyrant 36
The little eunuch saw that Shen Chen came out safe and sound.

Dare to rush forward with concern.

"Master, are you all right?"

"We didn't expect that His Majesty actually set fire and locked the door. I tried my best, but I couldn't open the door."

"Please punish me, master."

Shen Chen hugged the man in his arms, the rain gradually picked up and fell on the two of them.

"Go to the doctor first."

The little eunuch handed the umbrella to his companion and asked him to open it for Shen Chen and Xuan Qin, and immediately ran outside.

Xuanqin fell into a deep nightmare.

He saw that his father was pressing her mother and concubine under him, tearing off her clothes like a beast.

But her mother and concubine, crying pear blossoms with rain, were powerless to resist.

He saw that his father was touching his head, and said to him: "Qin'er, you are actually my child, come, call me father."

He saw his concubine mother, wearing a bright red wedding dress, hanged to death in her bedroom.

She saw that his father threw him into the animal garden with a look of rage, and scolded him as a bastard, saying that he was a waste, and he couldn't even keep his mother and concubine.

He fights with wild beasts.

He survived all kinds of hardships, but his father, who had been kind to him, showed disgust on his face, and threw him, who was dying, into the cold palace, leaving him to fend for himself.

He survived by stealing the food fed to the dogs by the empresses of the palaces.

He said that he was the one who killed his mother and concubine.


Didn't you kill my mother?


The scene in front of me was like the wind and sand being blown away.

He saw that in Zichen Hall, the girl squatted on the ground and held his injured foot, her eyes were full of pity.

she asked him.

Does it hurt?

He hurts, he hurts so much.


He also saw, beside the vermilion city wall, the girl in fox fur bent over and sniffed the gorgeous flowers.

He wanted to rush over and hug her.

But he saw her fall into the icy river without a sound.

Xuan Qin followed and jumped in.

But the bottom of the river is not cold, it is warm.

But he was suffocating.

He tilted his head up, breathing heavily for air.

The dream was shattered, and the consciousness began to wake up slowly.

He opened his eyes, only to find that he was lying in a strange place right now.

The purse tied to the corner of the bed swayed gently with the breeze, and the tip of his nose was full of the smell of gardenias.

Xuanqin opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak at this time, his throat was swollen and painful.

There was also burning pain on his face.

Just as he was about to prop himself up and sit up, he was pushed down by a strong hand.

"I'm not well yet, what are you doing sitting up?"

The familiar voice made Xuanqin a little stunned, as if he was still in a dream and not awake.

He turned his head, and when he saw Shen Chen in a light yellow dress sitting beside his bed, tears quickly filled Xuan Qin's eyes.

Shen Chen was still holding a bowl of medicine in his hand, and she slightly raised her lips to him: "You just woke up, come and drink the medicine."

"There's no need for me to ferry it to you."

Xuanqin was still in great shock and did not recover.

He suddenly struggled violently.

Shen Chen frowned, had no choice but to put the bowl aside, and fixed him with both hands.

"Don't move, the wound is about to burst."

It took a long time before Xuanqin calmed down, his eyes fixed on Shen Chen, and tears seemed to flow down desperately.

Shen Chen reached out to wipe, but didn't want to wipe more and more.

"Hey, don't cry, it's all my fault."

"do not Cry."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the country is broken]

【Mission Completion 40%】

(End of this chapter)

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