After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 105 He Lishu, do you still want it?

Chapter 105 He Lishu, do you still want it?

The sound shook the yard into a bit of silence, and then the Hao family couple also went back to the house and closed the door.

Everyone looked at the empty inner courtyard, and they all looked at each other. "If you want me to tell you, this girl from the Hao family has a heart for Master Gu. That's why she did this..." The woman who had spoken before spoke again. , winked and said, although the voice was deliberately lowered, but the people around him agreed.

"It's not a big deal. If you want me to say, some people themselves... tsk."

Hao Xiu'er, who was sitting by the couch, listened to everything that happened outside, she clenched her teeth tightly and clenched her hands, her complexion twisted.

"However, the head of the Gu family is indeed a man. It's rare to see such a man who helps his daughter-in-law get ahead like this..."

"It's really rare. Otherwise, the little girl who wouldn't be hooked will never forget it." Aunt Wang glanced at the inner courtyard and looked at everyone.

"What are you still doing around here? It's not that I'm talking about you guys. At the beginning, I yelled vigorously, huh, but now when the man opens his mouth, you all change your countenance, tsk."

While mocking, she walked out.

Everyone's faces were not very good-looking when she said that, but they didn't dare to say anything in front of their faces, until the figure of the person disappeared, then they poohed in the direction of the person and cursed in a low voice.

"This old thing will become noble now!"

They kept talking and dispersed one after another.

After confirming that all the people around the door had dispersed, Aunt Zhang opened the curtain and walked out of the room. She glanced at the closed door of her daughter and sighed.

For several days, Hao Xiu'er stayed in her room and did not come out.

Until lunch time that day, Mrs. Zhang put the food on the table, and glanced at the old man Hao who was sitting on the threshold smoking a pipe, but she still didn't see Hao Xiu'er, and took off the hood around her waist while asking.

"Has Xiu'er left the house yet?"

After talking for a long time but no one responded, she glared at the man who was only interested in smoking dry tobacco, and Aunt Zhang walked towards the west room.

Until the footsteps passed by him, the old man Hao frowned and glanced outside.

Aunt Zhang knocked on the door of the West House, and shouted, "Hey, my daughter, it's been a few days, you can't eat without food."

There was no movement in the house.

"Xiu'er, why are you closing the door in broad daylight? Be obedient, open the door quickly and go eat."

There was still no movement in the room, Aunt Zhang sighed deeply, and finally said in a deep voice: "Xiuer, be good, open the door—"

Footsteps sounded slowly in the room, and finally the door opened with a bang. Mrs. Zhang pushed the door open, and she saw Hao Xiu'er with a dark face, and raised her eyebrows to look at the old man Hao who was still sitting in the main room.

Finally, he closed the door with his backhand, and followed Hao Xiu'er to sit on the couch.

"Xiu'er, mother knows that you have been wronged, Ang." She comforted in a low voice, but Hao Xiu'er couldn't hold back for a moment, tears poured out!

"Why! Xie Sining, that flirtatious woman! Gu Ci was fascinated by her, and actually trusted her so much, it's better now..." Hao Xiu'er was panting violently.

"Everyone is talking about our Hao family!"

Different from eyes full of tears, Hao Xiu'er's eyes are full of scarlet hatred!

Seeing that Hao Xiu'er finally reacted and was no longer as tense as before, Aunt Zhang finally relaxed, took Hao Xiu'er's hand, put the other hand on it, and gently patted it to comfort her.

"We're right, we're all that vixen Xie Sining, who hooks up with others outside, and makes Gu Ciye obsessed with indiscriminately standing up for her, what a bastard one by one"

"Mother, I'm not reconciled, I don't want to let her go like this! Why?" Hao Xiu'er muttered, Gu Ci's cold gaze when he looked at her was still engraved in her heart, making her feel full of sadness.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Mrs. Zhang felt a little distressed, and she rolled her eyes, thinking about it.

She glanced at the room, then whispered something in a low voice next to Hao Xiu'er's ear.

Hao Xiuer's eyes lit up!
The mother and daughter murmured in the room for a long time, and Hao Xiuer's face changed into a smile again, "Mother, when do you start?"

Seeing her impatient look, Aunt Zhang reached out and poked her on the forehead, "Don't worry, I'll go find that person after dinner, no matter what... I can do it tonight."

Hao Xiuer nodded, with a cruel light in her eyes, until Aunt Zhang patted her hand, she suppressed her smile again.

The mother and daughter walked out of the house hand in hand.

At the dinner table, the old man Hao looked at the appearance of his wife and daughter, and felt strange.

Aunt Zhang seemed to be casually talking while she was eating, "It's really a bad luck to talk about the Gu family."

Listening to her sighing, the old man Hao looked over, and answered casually: "How do you say?"

Hao Xiuer pricked up her ears and listened.

"I said earlier that I would ask the head of the Gu family to help me write a letter and send it to my natal family. Who would have known that I had such a misunderstanding with the Gu family, now look... hey."

Hearing what his mother-in-law said, the old man Hao also thought about it, and said: "Although Mr. Gu has some literary talents, he is not the only one in the village who can write letters, isn't there Sun Xiucai? "

Seeing that her man was not enlightened at all, Aunt Zhang cursed inwardly for being so ignorant, and then pretended to be coping.

Then she thought about something and said: "Then I am thinking that Sun Xiucai is going to take the merit test next year, so it's not good to bother me?

And it's not like you don't know about his daughter-in-law. If you go to write to him at this time, it's no wonder she doesn't throw us out. "

Originally, the old man Hao thought it was nothing, but now that his mother-in-law said it, after thinking about it, it was indeed so.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the woman in front of him and said, "Otherwise, Mr. Gu is a scholar, so he shouldn't be so fussy. Let's ask him to write a letter at night. It's been a few days... His anger should have calmed down. .”

As the old man said, his mouth became a little more uncertain.

Hao Xiu'er was puzzled, there was nothing like this in what she said to her mother earlier.

Why did he suddenly talk about going to Gu's family to ask for a letter, and he looked at Aunt Zhang suspiciously in his heart.

Aunt Zhang ignored her, and said to herself: "You go to Gu's family that night, I can't afford to lose this person."

Glancing at his wife, the old man Hao finally agreed to go with a sullen face. After the meal was finished, the old man put down the bowl and went to the ridge.

Seeing her father walking out of the door, Hao Xiu'er hurriedly asked: "Mother, what kind of letter do you want father to write to Gu's family?"

Aunt Zhang looked at her daughter while putting away the bowl: "If you don't lure Gu Ci out, how can you let her go out in the middle of the night with Xie Sining's vigilance."

Hao Xiu'er understood as soon as she changed her mind, and looked at her mother with a smile.

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled, with calculations in their eyes.

"Then, is the person you mentioned earlier reliable?"

Hao Xiuer asked Aunt Zhang who was walking out with a bowl.

"Don't worry, with his notorious reputation and his temperament of being unable to move when he sees a woman, heh, Xie Sining won't be able to cleanse himself by jumping into the Yellow River this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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