Chapter 106
Aunt Zhang's eyes were filled with a gloomy and cold light, and there was a loud voice.

"Don't worry, mother will definitely arrange this matter properly!"

Hearing what mother said, Hao Xiu'er finally felt relieved.

Aunt Zhang finished washing the dishes in the stove, then hurried out, walking in the village, many people greeted her with a smile.

With something in her mind, she just nodded her head sloppily, and then walked away quickly.

Seeing her like this, the villagers sitting under the big tree all exchanged glances, "What's wrong?"

"Who knows, I'm afraid I'm going to do something wrong?"

"Why do I see that she is heading towards the west of the village?" Someone looked at Aunt Zhang's back and suddenly called out.

Only then did everyone look at it one after another, "It seems to be true."

They knocked melon seeds on their lips and didn't care too much: "I'm afraid there must be something in the past."

Here, Aunt Zhang avoided people all the way and finally came to the door of Liu Er's ruffian's house. She said that the house was in dilapidated condition. It was a thatched house that was rebuilt from a cowshed.

"Second ruffian! Open the door quickly."

Aunt Zhang stood in front of the fence of his house, yelling towards the inside, looking at the crumbling fence in front of her, she didn't want to stretch her feet to kick it, for fear that the fence would fall down and the person inside would rely on it.

"Who is it, it's early in the morning?" There was a noise in the room, and Liu Er ruffian rubbed his sleepy eyes, covered a nest of straw heads, and came out of the house wrapped in a quilt. He was stunned when he saw Mrs. Zhang for a while.

"Ma'am, this is it?" Liu Er's ruffian glanced at Aunt Zhang, opened the door as he spoke, and put his hands into his sleeves to signal for Aunt Zhang to come in.

Aunt Zhang blushed from Liu Er's blatant gaze. She glanced at the fence he pushed aside and hesitated.

But this kind of thing can't be said outside. After thinking about his daughter, he gritted his teeth and walked into the yard.

Liu Er's ruffian frowned when he saw it.

Aunt Zhang closed the door as soon as she entered the house.

"Why did my aunt suddenly come to look for me today? Is she so impatient?" Liu Er ruffian's eyes showed a malicious light, and he approached slowly with restless feet.

"Fuck!" The smelly room was dark and damp, exuding a foul smell.

Aunt Zhang narrowed her eyes and looked at the man in front of her defensively: "Be honest with me, I'm here today to discuss something with you, it's a good job for you."

Hearing what she said, Liu Er ruffian took his eyes away from her.

"Tonight..." Aunt Zhang told the matter to the person in front of her.

Liu Er ruffian's eyes lit up when he heard Aunt Zhang say that!
But then he came to his senses, yawned and shook his head repeatedly: "Then the lady of the Gu family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, do you think she is one of those little ladies in the village who are powerless?"

Back then, everyone in the village knew about Xie Sining beating off a group of bandits by himself.

Aunt Zhang also reacted to his reminder.

Thinking of Xie Sining's fierce appearance when he dealt with the bandits, she felt a little apprehensive.

Then Aunt Zhang frowned, thought for a while, and finally decided after gritting her teeth: "It's okay, I will take care of it."

Seeing Aunt Zhang patted her chest to reassure, Liu Er's ruffian curled his lips: "You can count as hiring someone to do something, and it's not worth asking someone to do something..."

He raised his hand, stretched out his index finger and thumb and rubbed it twice, the meaning was self-evident, and then he laughed twice. "If's not impossible to get something else."

Liu Er's ruffian approached slowly, with a terrifying smile on his lips, Aunt Zhang took a deep breath, and then poohed again.

"Fuck, you son of a bitch! I could be your mother! You're still so shameless, tell me, how much does it cost!"

Aunt Zhang's chest heaved violently, which was really sinful.

Hearing Aunt Zhang's last sentence, Liu Er ruffian laughed, then stopped and stood still.

He yawned, and said foolishly: "Look at what you said, I didn't say much, three hundred copper coins... what do you think, ma'am?"

Aunt Zhang's eyes were about to pop out, "Three hundred copper coins, huh! You can weigh half a catty of pork, you are really killing pigs."

While talking, she took out her purse, took out twenty copper coins and threw them on the table, "Would you like it or not!"

Liu Er ruffian's eyes lit up when he saw the twenty copper coins!I thought about going to drink two pots of wine after I was happy at night.

Smiling and nodding, he hurried up and swept the copper plate on the table into his palm, with a playful smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter for you."

Watching him sweep the mace into his palm and put it into his bosom for the last time, Aunt Zhang only felt the pain in her flesh, but she remembered how her daughter felt wronged, no matter how painful she was, she could only bear it, and said in a cold voice.

"Wait by the river after dark tonight." Then he snorted from the tip of his nose and walked out.

After going out and smelling the fresh air, I would often exhale, feeling bad luck in my heart, but thinking of the messy appearance of ruffian Liu Er, and thinking of what Xie Sining would suffer tonight, I felt very happy.

At night, the old man Hao knocked on the door of Gu's house.

It was Gu Ye who came out to open the door. He didn't know what happened today, so he shouted inside: "Father! Someone is looking for..."

Hearing the sound, Gu Ci came out of the room, and saw Old Hao's simple and honest face, he turned cold.

"Master Gu..." the old man Hao called out embarrassingly, muttering but couldn't speak.

Gu Ye felt bored standing by, and then went back to the house.

Seeing his son go in to practice calligraphy, Gu Ci looked at the old man Hao with a bitter face, as if he didn't know how to speak, and asked, "Uncle Hao, if you have something to say, tell me."

"This... can I ask you to write a letter to my brother's house?" Old man Hao asked after thinking about it.

Gu Ci looked at the old man Hao's sincere face, with some uneasiness on his face, and after thinking about it, the old man Hao was relatively honest, so he agreed.

"Don't be so troublesome, I have pens and inks at home."

As he said that, he was about to go home. The old man Hao got his mother-in-law's order, and now he quickly grabbed him: "It's already troublesome to ask you to help write the letter. How can I still use your paper? It's a precious thing!"

The old man Hao had a face full of disapproval, and he dragged him outside while talking.

Unable to resist him, Gu Ci had no choice but to agree, and shouted into the room: "I'll go out for a while, Si Ning, and I'll be back soon—"

Standing in the backyard, Xie Sining didn't pay much attention to the voice and replied.

The old man Hao walked with Gu Ci in the village with his hands behind his back, but because the sky was a little dark, the old man Hao walked extremely slowly, so Gu Ci didn't rush if he wasn't in a hurry.

The old man Hao and Aunt Zhang went out one after another.

And Mrs. Zhang went to the barefoot doctor's house in the village, talked to old doctor Zhang, and walked out of the house with the medicine under the dark eyes of old Zhang.

Aunt Zhang just felt that this old face was completely humiliated today, but when she thought of what would happen tonight, she felt a lot more relaxed, and walked home humming a little tune.

It was dark and night and the road was difficult to walk. Aunt Zhang saw Hao Xiu'er who was guarding in front of the house and nodded to her, she understood. "Is someone already inside?" She looked at her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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