After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 107 I am very happy that you can stay

Chapter 107 I am very happy that you can stay

Even though it was like this that day, Hao Xiu'er still couldn't help blushing when she saw Gu Ci just now, and she nodded heavily.

Aunt Zhang couldn't understand what her daughter was thinking, she laughed and patted her hand: "Let your father hold on, Xiu'er will wait."

Under Hao Xiuer's expectant eyes, Aunt Zhang walked towards Gu's house with the medicine prescribed by old Zhangtou in her hand.

Along the way, he thought about what to say in his heart, and then hurriedly ran towards Gu's house.

Bang bang on the gate of the Gu family's courtyard, "Miss Gu's family! Come out quickly, something happened to your husband"

She yelled inside, her voice was loud, and the panic in her tone couldn't be concealed.

Hearing the movement, Xie Sining couldn't help but tremble, walked out of the room, opened the door and saw Aunt Zhang standing in front of the door with a panicked face.

The door was pushed open suddenly, Aunt Zhang showed just the right surprise on her face, and immediately gasped for breath, she said with her hands on her hips.

"Go and have a look, your man has lost a lot of blood!"

Taking advantage of the dim light from the room, Xie Sining looked at the woman in front of her with sweaty head, staring at Mrs. Zhang half-believing in her words.

Aunt Zhang felt a little cold when she saw her eyes, and seeing that she was about to lose her composure, Gu Ye walked out of the room.

"What happened to my father? Didn't he go to help Grandpa Hao write a letter?"

If Mrs. Zhang met a lifesaver, she hurriedly followed Xiaowa's words and said, "Yes, but I accidentally fell on the way and touched a wound on my body. This is a lot of blood. My man Terrified, I hurriedly carried it back to my house, the lady of the Gu family, go and have a look! This can't stand the delay!"

Looking at the person in front of him, he could feel the strength of the little guy pulling on his sleeve.

With heavy eyes and heavy breathing, she said, "Lead the way."

Aunt Zhang let out a breath, let out a quick hey, and walked out with Xie Sining.

"Stay well at home." After telling Gu Ye, Xie Sining followed Aunt Zhang.

Gu Ye stood behind the door, watching his mother gradually walk away with the figure of the man, his little face was also full of anxiety.

Mrs. Zhang walked in front with the people, holding the medicine in her hands, her palms were full of sweat, the two walked quickly and seeing that time was running out, she opened the medicine bag, squeezed it inside, and quietly covered her mouth and nose, The medicine hidden in front of him came out.

Xie Sining, who was following Aunt Zhang, only felt a vague fragrance wafting through the tip of her nose. Because the surroundings were full of vegetation, she frowned but didn't care.

As she walked further, Xie Sining felt her head getting dizzy, her breathing getting hotter and hotter, but the scene in front of her eyes became more and more blurred, and her back broke out in sweat, only then did she suddenly realize that something was wrong!
The lake in front of him is not the direction to go to Hao's house at all!

She stopped abruptly.

Aunt Zhang turned around at this time, and seeing her cheeks flushed, she couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you leave? Your husband is waiting for you right ahead!"

She laughed loudly, appearing dark and eerie in the existence under the night, and the people who listened were horrified.

I don't know if it's because of the traditional Chinese medicine, but Xie Sining only felt that the scene in front of her was becoming more and more blurred. There was a fire burning in her body. She was breathing heavily. Looking at the old woman in front of her, she narrowed her eyes fiercely, and slapped her unceremoniously. past!

Aunt Zhang was a little confused by this slap, Xie Sining knew that this was a game no matter how confused she was, and she was going to go back.

"Ruffian Liu Er! Hurry up and come out to me!" Seeing that woman Xie Sining was about to leave, Aunt Zhang suddenly yelled!
Xie Sining was startled, and then saw a person appearing in front of him.

"Hey, isn't this the lady of the Gu family? Look what's wrong with this little blushing girl?" Liu Er ruffian said as he walked forward.

Looking at the person in front of him, Xie Sining had some fear in his eyes, and slowly moved back.

"Little lady, don't be afraid, my brother loves you one by one." Liu Er ruffian looked at the charming Xie Sining in front of him, he swallowed, a wolf-like green light appeared in his eyes, but his tone seemed to be coaxing.

As he slowly approached, Xie Sining felt as if thousands of ants were crawling on her body. If she hadn't been so weak now, she could have torn the couple apart with the face and face in front of her, but in front of her she could only drag the heavy The body backed away slowly.

Xie Sining's big mouth slapped Aunt Zhang's face before, and her ears were still buzzing. She looked at the scene in front of her with hatred, and felt relieved!
Seeing that the two of them were still advancing and retreating but not getting to the point, fearing that something might happen, they couldn't help urging: "What are you waiting for, ruffian Liu! Hurry up."

Liu Er ruffian looked at Xie Sining in front of him, his heart was itchy, he just thought she was more beautiful than Miss Taoliu in Chunhonglou, he just wanted to take his time so as not to scare the little beauty.

Now being urged by Aunt Zhang, he only felt that the atmosphere was interrupted, and he shouted impatiently: "Got it!"

Then he immediately changed his face and smiled at Xie Sining: "Little lady, let's get down to business..."

He smiled greasyly, Xie Sining only felt a chill in her heart when she looked at him, and she stared at the person in front of her with eyes full of defense.

Aunt Zhang was watching from the side, her eyes were full of excitement!Calculating the time in his mind, when they finished their work here, Xiu'er happened to lead Gu Ci to this side.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ci will definitely get tired of this bitch when he sees it with his own eyes. It would be even better if he was sad.

Xiu'er can follow Gu Ci and take good care of her. Gu Ci, who was hurt by love, will definitely be attracted to Xiu'er when the two of them get along like this for a night.

At that time, she will be cast aside by thousands of people, and her own Xiu'er will marry into Gu's family to live a good life. Aunt Zhang will stand aside and make calculations, the wrinkles on her face will almost wrinkle together.

Liu Er's ruffian stared at Xie Sining with sticky eyes, he just felt as if he had also been poisoned by that nasty drug, his mouth was so dry, and he was about to rush towards Xie Sining - Xie Sining looked at the smelly man in front of him towards him Come on, something seemed to hit my mind, which was a little chaotic because of the traditional Chinese medicine!
Liu Er's ruffian brows and mouse eyes gradually enlarged, Xie Sining looked at the face in front of him!She clenched her hands into fists, and the tingling pain in her palm brought clarity to her mind. She raised her foot and kicked the person in front of her hard!
Pain is coming!

"Ow one by one" Liu Er's ruffian stared at the boss, quickly covered his sore spot, and wailed, but Xie Sining didn't give him time to react.

He kicked the opponent's chest.

Ruffian Liu Er was caught off guard and was thrown down violently. The back of his head hit the stones on the river bank. Coupled with the severe pain in his lower body, he wailed for a while...

This accident came too late, Aunt Zhang looked at Liu Er ruffian who was lying on the ground, looking at Xie Sining like a ghost, and screamed——Xie Sining's head became more and more dizzy, and the hot itching that penetrated her bones made her collapse, Gu But this woman can only run home desperately!

It took a long time for Aunt Zhang to come back to her senses, that bitch has been hit by Huichun San, what am I afraid of her doing!

Annoyed at the bottom of my heart, I was ready to chase after...

But Xie Sining, who was running along the pitch-black river, saw a flame rising in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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