Chapter 110
I had to shake my head lightly.

Gu Ci watched, got dressed and got out of bed to get the medicine.

Xie Sining looked at the small turquoise porcelain bottle in his hand, then looked up at him, his eyes full of horror.

"Apply medicine." Gu Ci spit out two from his mouth.

Xie Sining took a deep breath, let out a whimper, and buried his head under the pillow.

When everything was done, both of them were sweating, and they panted lightly.It was getting late now, and both of them heard the noise coming from the next room.

Xie Sining couldn't help but look up at Gu Ci, with a worried look on his face.

Gu Ci rubbed Xie Sining's head.

"Take a good rest." After saying that, he walked out.

Xie Sining put his hands on his head and looked at his back.

When the man walked into the yard, he saw Gu Ye who was bored squatting beside the well.

Seeing his father coming, Gu Ye's eyes lit up slightly!He hurriedly patted the ashes off his body, and stood up from the ground.

After that, I don't know what I thought of, and I looked behind Gu Ci, but there was no one there.

I couldn't help asking, "Father, where is mother? Are you still awake? Why is it so late today? Are you feeling unwell? I'll go and see!"

The little guy was very anxious, and walked towards the inside while talking.

This series of questioning was full of urgency and concern in his voice, seeing that he was about to pass him, Gu Ci twitched slightly, and quickly grabbed him.

"Your mother is not feeling well today. I went to see her just now and she has already fallen asleep. Let her have a good rest. Don't disturb her, you understand?"

Gu Ci exhorts worriedly.

After hearing what his father said, Gu Ye looked at the room and looked at the worry in his eyes, and he was a little suspicious, "Yesterday, the aunt said... Dad fell while walking, was injured and bled a lot, mother just went out."

Gu Ye's voice hesitated: "Why is mother uncomfortable today?"

And when he looked at his father, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

Hearing Gu Ye mention Mrs. Zhang, Gu Ci's originally gentle eyes darkened, and he knelt down to ask Gu Ye carefully.

"What did the aunt say yesterday?"

Although Gu Ye was puzzled, he still told Gu Ci the truth about the matter.

"That's it."

Gu Ci couldn't help but think of the old man Hao who suddenly asked him to write a letter yesterday evening, and all kinds of abnormalities.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid it was a well-designed game, using themselves as bait to lure Si Ning into the game.

For this reason, they specially prepared medicine. Gu Ci gritted his teeth remembering Xie Sining's delirious appearance after planting the medicine last night.

If it wasn't for him noticing something was wrong yesterday, he pushed away Hao Xiu'er who was guarding the door, and ran back by himself...

Thinking about the consequences, Gu Ci couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart!His breathing was constricted.

Gu Ye could feel that the air around him became a little thinner, making it difficult to breathe.

Looking at his father worriedly, his little brows were frowned, a little worried, not understanding what happened to his father.

After a long time, Gu Ci finally calmed down, couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his head, then stood up and walked into the stove.

Gu Ye looked at the door of the house, and then at his father standing in the stove.

After serving Gu Ye a bowl of noodles, he thought about the woman lying on the bed. Gu Ci frowned and thought for a long time before making a bowl of red zero ginger soup.

Push open the door.

Xie Sining turned his head when he heard the commotion, as soon as Gu Ci walked into the room, there was no one on the bed, and the person who was supposed to be lying on the bed was sitting at the table at this moment, with a solemn expression on his face.

He walked forward with red dates and ginger soup, "Aren't you uncomfortable? Why are you sitting here?"

Xie Sining glanced at the brown sugar-flavored ginger soup with a complex expression, "Haoxiuer's mother..."

She squinted her eyes and paused every word.

His eyes were full of danger.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, she was furious. Fortunately, she was flirting with men before, so she almost forgot about the business.

Now thinking of all the things that happened yesterday, she only felt ashamed, and she planned to rush out to settle accounts with those people.

Gu Ci was slightly startled, and quickly grabbed her.

"Don't worry, don't be impatient, my lady."

His hand was grabbed by a big palm, Xie Sining couldn't help but look back at him.

"Of course we won't let her off lightly, but this matter must not be alarmed, otherwise their wish will be fulfilled."

Hearing that what he said had some truth, Xie Sining gradually calmed down.

That posture is obviously to want him to continue thinking.

Since he didn't startle the snake, it means that there will be no other tricks in the future.

Gu Ci stopped speaking at this moment.

"If my lady believes in me, I will handle this matter, how about it?"

Xie Sining couldn't help but look up at him when he heard this voice. The man's eyes were full of smiles when he looked at her, but he was also firm and confident. After a long time, she nodded slowly.

Seeing this, the smile in the man's eyes deepened, and he stretched out his hand to bring over the soup that had been put aside before.

"Drink to warm your body."

Xie Sining took a sip, spicy and sweet, the taste spread on the tip of his tongue, and finally slowly slipped into his stomach, warming his whole heart.

Watching her drink the soup, Gu Ci thought of the family of three, where Xie Sining couldn't see, the coldness in his eyes was extremely cold.

"Then Hao Xiu'er and the mother and daughter will be handed over to you, that ruffian Liu Er... I will teach myself a lesson!"

Xie Sining muttered while enjoying the man's soup.

Obviously, it is difficult to calm down the anger in my heart without letting out a bad breath.

Gu Ci had no choice but to laugh, and could only nod in response.

After a bowl of ginger soup was finished, Xie Sining put on his clothes and went out.

Hearing the movement, Gu Ye came out of the room, but only saw the back of his mother.

I couldn't help but turn around and look at my dad who was standing in the room.

Gu Ci shook his head at his son.

Based on the impression from last night, Xie Sining asked the fat aunt who happened to meet again, and Xie Sining walked to a dilapidated thatched hut.

Looking at the small yard in front of him, weeds regenerated in a panic, dilapidated, and a lot of rubbish was thrown in, Xie Sining.Kick it hard with your feet!
The fence wall, which was already crumbling in the wind, fell down in response. Inside, Liu Er, who had been drinking since he woke up, was in a daze.

Hearing the movement outside, he came out of the inside holding a wine cup, and saw Xie Sining standing in front of the door.

There was a lewd look in Liu Er's ruffian's eyes, and he couldn't help but chuckle. His body was full of alcohol, and he obviously didn't recognize who the person in front of him was: "Little lady, do you miss your brother?"

Xie Sining stood at the door, the man's sticky and naked gaze seemed to stick to his body when he came out, making one feel chills.

Liu Er ruffian's eyes were obsessed, and he approached step by step...


Xie Sining stared at the person in front of him, and suddenly responded.

The sound seemed to excite him even more!
"Then let's go into the house quickly, don't stay outside, it's windy outside!"

Liu Er's ruffian hurriedly greeted him.

She walked in from outside the courtyard very obediently.

When he got to the house, Liu Er ruffian's eyes were blurred.Approaching Xie Sining.

(End of this chapter)

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