Chapter 111 Tears of Excitement
Just two steps away from Xie Sining, the ruffian Liu Er suddenly wailed.

The sound was so earth-shattering that even the birds perched on the surrounding trees ran away in fright. If it weren't for the fact that Liu Er's ruffian lived relatively far away, wouldn't this movement surround many people?
Liu Er ruffian fell to the ground, and it took a long time before he stretched out his hand, covering his knee tremblingly, his eyes became clear again, looking at the female lead who was slowly approaching him, his eyes were full of horror.

"Good sister?" She said with a chuckle from her throat.

After that, his eyes turned cold, and he stepped on the other free left hand of ruffian Liu Er fiercely.

Liu Er ruffian lay on the ground with his mouth open and his eyes staring, and there was another burst of wailing, the sound was extremely ear-piercing.

Seeing him gasping for breath, lying on the ground trembling and rolling his eyes, his body shook like chaff.

Now in this situation, I try to control my body to move out as much as possible, trying to stay away from this evil spirit.

Xie Sining raised his foot and walked forward slowly.

"Go around when you see me in the future! Let me hit you again if I see you again! Do you hear me!"

Her voice was deep and harsh, full of danger.

The person who fell on the ground nodded with his eyes closed.

Seeing his appearance, Xie Sining snorted coldly and walked out. When he was about to walk out of the door, his eyes froze somewhere. She didn't stop walking, and quickly disappeared into the hut.

After a long time, until the sound of footsteps could no longer be heard, Liu Er ruffian collapsed on the ground and panted like a fish lacking oxygen.

Now he is full of fear towards Xie Sining, just now that she kicked him just now, he can clearly feel that this person really wanted his life just now.

Now, the rest of his life after the catastrophe, he has recovered his life. His back is covered in cold sweat, and he is lying on the ground weak.Xie Sining, who was walking in the village, thought of the pink bellyband on Liu Er's ruffian bed...

Can't help but think of something.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and walked all the way home.

"came back?"

Hearing the movement at the door, Gu Ci and Gu Ye couldn't help sticking their heads out of the room.

Looking at the father and son, Xie Sining couldn't help but chuckled and nodded.

Immediately walking into the house, Gu Ci saw this and walked in too.

"How about it?"

The man asked as soon as he entered the room, and looked her up and down while talking, even though he knew that nothing would happen, but he knew it was the same thing.

Seeing the intact Xie Sining now, Gu Ci put his heart back in his stomach again.

"If they hadn't given the medicine yesterday, those two people... could do nothing to me."

Xie Sining spoke, full of disdain for those who did the tricks.

Hearing her arrogant voice, Gu Ci couldn't help but chuckled and nodded repeatedly.

Thinking of what he saw at Liu Er's house, Xie Sining restrained his expression and said, "I saw Haoxiu'er's bellyband at Liu Er's house..."

The topic changed so quickly that Gu Ci didn't realize it for a while, and he was stunned for a long time before he understood.

Xie Sining looked at him in a daze, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Didn't Haoxiu'er's family have a burglar before, and came to our house angrily, saying that I stole Haoxiuer's from their house..."

She felt that the family was too disgusting even here.

Then he thought about it and said: "Speaking of which, I happened to see a figure that day, coming out of Hao's house over the wall and passing by. At that time, I explained it to the mother and daughter. They didn't believe it. Now that I think about it, could it be that the ruffian did it? .”

She talked a lot, and she was a little thirsty, so she couldn't help pouring a pot of tea from the side.

Gu Ci sat on a chair, listened to these, and couldn't help but think deeply.

He tapped on the table with his slender, white fingers, and he already had a plan in mind.

Earlier this man said that he would help him get ahead, but now she has told him such important clues, so Xie Sining didn't ask about the specifics.

Since that day, there have been many rumors inexplicably in the village.

Some said that Liu Er's ruffian and Hao Xiu'er had a sincere relationship but were beaten by Aunt Zhang.

Some people say that Liu Er's ruffian is obsessed with Hao Xiu'er.

But the most widely spread and most exaggerated one is that Liu Er's ruffian Hao Xiu'er and the two have already promised each other that they will have an affair for life, maybe they have a secret knot.

People always believe what they want to believe. Such exaggerated rumors are spreading in the village. Although no one will take this matter to the surface, they all murmur in their hearts.

"Bah, bah, how is it possible? Xiu'er is the most innocent and good girl I grew up with. How could she do such a thing! Someone must be envious of Xiu'er's good birth, so she opened her mouth Slander! Empty words and white teeth hurt people!"

The aunt and mother-in-law of the Hao family held a basket in the crook of her arm, and let out an ouch.

Aunt Wang was standing by the side, eating melon seeds, and cut her mouth: "Why are you slandering her with empty teeth? My grandson told me that we must follow the wind and shadow, and there are winds and shadows. Otherwise, how many girls in the village would not To slander, to slander your Xiuer?"

She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

My aunt choked on her mouth.

"It's not a big deal, I also heard that ruffian Liu Er is an infatuated kind, and there is still Haoxiuer's belly bag on the bed!"

The women onlookers all groaned, and many young daughter-in-laws blushed when they heard this.

"Impossible!" When it came to this, my aunt became anxious.

She categorically denied it, but they can't let them continue to slander like this. It doesn't matter if Hao Xiu'er is alone, and she wasn't born. At most, she can't explain it to Xiu'er and her father. Is the daughter of the family still married?
"Shut up! How could my Xiu'er do such a thing! You said that the bellyband was on the bed of that ruffian Liu Er. Have you seen this with your own eyes?"

The aunt raised her eyebrows and questioned.

The woman was indeed hearsay, and now she was questioned like this, and she couldn't get rid of it on her face, and she froze in place for a while, speechless.

She was taken aback by this, and many people around her couldn't get used to it.

Mrs. Wang was one of them. She stepped forward a few steps, and said to the aunt, "So what if I didn't see it with my own eyes? Then why don't we go over and have a look together, won't we understand this?"

The point of my aunt's mother-in-law is not enough in front of the experienced Wang Pozi.

"Let's go, let's go, I just have nothing to do, let's go and have a look."

While she was still hesitating, she was pushed and shoved by the back of the neck towards Liu Er's ruffian's house.

All of a sudden, my aunt and mother-in-law neither entered nor retreated, with a bitter face, she could only pray in her heart that Hao Xiu'er would not embarrass her.

A group of women walked towards Liu Er's ruffian's house in a mighty way, attracting many people along the way, they all became interested because of this matter, and came with them.

So the team has grown a lot along the way.

For some reason, my aunt always had a bad premonition in her heart.

After finally arriving at the door of Liu Er's ruffian's house, my aunt and mother-in-law were about to yell inside.

But Mrs. Wang quickly covered her mouth, and then winked at the people behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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