Chapter 112 Notice
The rest of the mothers-in-law understood, and walked inside one after another. Today was also a coincidence, the ruffian Liu Er didn't know where he went, and the whole room was empty.

Pushing open the door that was about to fall, the rotten and muddy smell of the house came blowing along with the smell of urine, and many people couldn't help but frown.

The smell in the house is daunting.

But now there is no need to go in. In the room at a glance, there is a brightly colored apron on the bed.

The crowd fell silent for a moment.

My aunt stood in front of the crowd, looking at the bellyband inside, her hands and feet felt cold now.

She thought to herself, it's over, it's over, it's over.

Not only is her old lady's face completely humiliated, but there are also so many daughters in the Hao family...I'm afraid it will be difficult to marry in the future, and I can't help but secretly hate it!Doesn't Mrs. Zhang know what kind of virtue her daughter is?And eagerly let myself to dip into this muddy water!
"What are you doing standing in front of my house!" Liu Er ruffian.When he came back from the outside, he saw a group of people surrounded in front of the house, and couldn't help but make a sound in doubt.

The leading women covered their mouths and laughed.

"Just to take a look, let's leave if there's nothing wrong."

Those people spread out, seeing the bustle now, they didn't want to stay here and dispersed.

Only the blue-faced aunt and mother-in-law were left, and Monk Erzhang was puzzled by Liu Er's ruffian.

So far, Hao Xiu'er's reputation has been completely ruined. When many people in the village pass by Hao Xiu'er's house, they have to point and point at Hao Xiu'er's house for a long time.

Aunt Zhang couldn't hold her head up in the village, and she hadn't left the house for a long time.

On the contrary, Xie Sining was refreshed these days, and he had avenged his revenge.

While eating, she looked at the man sitting on the side, "I really didn't expect that you would still take advantage of those old women in the village."

She smacked her lips as she spoke, amazed that since ancient times, scholars have been noble and pretentious. Although they know that Gu Ci is not one of those pedantic people, they are actually smart enough to take advantage of those talkative women in the village. After getting his hands dirty, he cleaned up Hao Xiu'er and the others.

This made her really admire.

Xie Sining's eyes were too hot and naked, with a hint of ridicule inside, Gu Ci was extremely helpless.

Picked a chopstick dish into her bowl, and ordered.

"Eat well."

Taking a look at what he picked for himself, there was almost a small hill piled up in the bowl, all of which he liked, seeing that Gu Ci was about to pick up food again with his chopsticks.

She quickly said: "Okay!"

Gu Ci's hand holding the vegetables froze slightly, Xie Sining quickly added after seeing this.

"Hurry up and eat by yourself, I have enough in my bowl." She said while pointing to the bowl.

Following the direction of her fingers, she saw the dish arched like a hill in front of her, and passed the dish on the chopsticks, "You should eat quickly, I've been busy talking for a long time, the dish is going to be cold gone."

Seeing that he finally stopped serving food, Xie Sining nodded obediently while heaving a sigh of relief.

While eating, she saw an empty chair opposite and asked, "Where's Ye'er?"

"I went to Erhu's house to play. Earlier, Erhu's father came to the family branch and said that he had dinner at his house."

Xie Sining chewed the vegetables, looked at the person in front of him and nodded, "I'll get him back in a while, and I'll run out day by day."

The man nods.

After eating, Gu Ci cleaned up the dishes and didn't let her do anything.

Xie Sining stood aside and looked helpless, so he went out to find little Gu Ye.

In front of Erhu's house, Gu Ye was following a group of school-age children in the village throwing stones at the tree to beat sparrows. Cheers came from time to time, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Xie Sining suddenly approached from a distance, several children looked at each other, Gu Ye came out from the crowd and called out: "Mom."

The voice was a little timid.

He glanced at a row of chirping sparrows squatting on the big locust tree in the distance, then looked at the pile of stones on the ground under their feet, and responded.

He picked up three stones from the ground, gestured towards the mid-air, narrowed his other eye slightly, and immediately threw them into the air!
The eyes of a group of children moved towards the stone one after another.

bang bang bang...

There was the sound of something colliding, and the hearts of a group of children were raised tightly!Then they saw three sparrows falling from the tree!

They opened their eyes wide, turned their heads to look at Xie Sining, their eyes were full of admiration, and they even envied Gu Ye.

They opened their eyes wide, turned their heads to look at Xie Sining, their eyes were full of admiration, and they even envied Gu Ye.

"Go and pick up the sparrow, let's go home." Xie Sining said softly to the little guy.

Gu Ye happily agreed, trotted over to pick up a few sparrows, and raised his head towards the group of envious friends, as if to say "my mother is amazing".

When returning home, Xie Sining saw a falcon hovering in the sky above his house.

The eagle appeared to have appeared above the village more than once.

Don't worry about it, took Gu Ye into the house, tidied up and put him to rest.

The gossip in the village intensified, and Hao Xiu'er didn't even dare to go out.

Those old ladies were talking about those things, but she couldn't make it clear even if she was full of mouth.

The old man Hao's hair turned gray a lot, and Hao Xiu'er also shed tears every day, and even threatened to hang herself unbearably humiliated.

Fortunately, she was discovered in time when she was going to do something stupid, and Aunt Zhang stopped her.

The mother and daughter cried with their headaches in their arms. The old man Hao held his breath and smoked a pipe. The more he heard the mother and daughter cry, the more annoying he became.

"Okay, okay, it's come to this point, what's the use of you two crying? If you two hadn't designed to harm the lady of the Gu family, how could you have come to this point!"

Old man Hao didn't know the plan of the mother and daughter at the beginning, he only found out later, if he had known earlier, he would definitely not have helped his wife and daughter to do such immoral things.

Later, when he heard that Gu Ci had arrived in time, he was still glad that the lady of the Gu family was fine, otherwise this conscience would not be over for the rest of his life.

But who knows that within a few days, rumors about his daughter Hao Xiu'er and Liu Er ruffian spread in the village.

Don't think too much, it must be the fault of the Gu family, but who can blame this!
Aunt Zhang also regretted it, but she hated it even more, hated the Gu family, and hated her man for being worthless, and he was useless if something happened.

"My Xiu'er, why are our mother and daughter so miserable? Your mother and I married a useless man, so you have such a useless father. Our mother and daughter have been bullied, and he even made a fart If you don’t dare to let it go, you know it’s our own fault, if you want me to say that our mother and I are dead together!”

Hao Xiu'er was crying and crying, listening to what her mother said, her crying became louder.

Seeing that his mother-in-law was about to go to the kitchen to get a knife, the old man Hao hurriedly dragged her back.

"Oh, what are you doing! That child is ignorant and you are ignorant? Gu Ci is already married, and you two are rushing to break up the family. If you do such a horrible thing, can you blame him for revenge? ? Both of you did it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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