Chapter 113

After being yelled at like this, the two mothers burst into tears again, and the mother shouted while crying, "What can I do in the future?"

The old man Hao, who suddenly aged several years, sat on a wooden bench beside him with a cigarette stick.

"I told Xiu'er before that you didn't like the one who looked down on you. Now that Xiu'er has such a reputation, she can't help her to choose. Hurry up and find someone else."

Hearing this, both mother and daughter were taken aback.

"What? You're going to marry our Xiu'er to someone? The old man Hao didn't say anything.

This is the only way now, otherwise, after a few days, those words will become more and more intense, and by that time, all the towns and villages will know, and it will be even more difficult to find someone.

"Our family, Xiu'er, is such a sign that she wants to marry a good family. How can she just be so casual..."

"It's because you said that all the time and pampered her that she developed her current temperament. Now that you still want a good family, it's good if someone wants her."

The old man Hao also held his breath for a long time, and couldn't help but burst out.

It was the first time that Hao Xiu'er saw her father making such a big fuss, and Hao Xiu'er forgot how to cry for a while, and when she realized it, she threw herself on the pillow with an aggrieved face, and her body twitched from crying.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhang opened her mouth, but finally fell silent.

In a blink of an eye it is the Lantern Festival.

The village was very lively that day, and every household was busy celebrating the festival, so there was no time to talk about those gossips.

In the afternoon, Gu Ci used bamboo strips and paste to paste a lantern for Gu Ye.

After dinner in the evening, Gu Ye went out with a lantern and went to the Lantern Festival with his friends.

Xie Sining packed the dishes and was about to wash them when Gu Ci came over to take them from her.

"I come."

It just snowed yesterday, and the outside is covered with ice and snow, making it much colder.

Gu Ci didn't let her touch the cold water, and he washed the dishes every day, even if Xie Sining said it wasn't cold.

The cleaned dishes were put back into the kitchen, and a cloak was taken from the house, and she was lightly covered. "It's not that cold at home."

Seeing him fasten the cloak for herself, Xie Sining felt that this man seemed to have misunderstood her, how could she be so delicate.

"Of course you don't need it at home, but today is the Lantern Festival, don't you want to go out for a walk?"

The man fastened his cloak, put his hands on her shoulders and said.

Xie Sining has never been interested in lantern festivals, but after hearing what he said, she suddenly had the idea to go and see them.

Then the door was locked, and the two went out together.

After the Lantern Festival, the year is over.

Because of the conscription, many recruited men in the village will enlist in the army after the new year, so the village chief wanted to have a good time, and spent a lot of money to invite lion dancers to make a fuss for half the night.

The lion dancer stepped up the ladder, the lion's head swayed while walking, and made difficult movements from time to time, which attracted the applause of the spectators.

The two stood in the crowd, Xie Sining watched the excitement, and clapped along with the crowd when he was in the mood.

The man beside him had soft eyes, and then she dragged him to the front of the crowd.

After so long, it was the first time I saw her showing such a childish side.

In fact, she is really not very old.

"Father, mother, have you come to watch the lion dance too?"

A small brain squeezed over from the side, looking at the two with bright eyes.

Seeing his son coming, Gu Ci smiled and hugged the little guy up. The family of three enjoyed themselves together like this. Hao Xiu'er, who was in the crowd, saw this scene.

She hasn't come out for several days, and today is the Lantern Festival, mother persuaded her to come out, and say goodbye to the bad luck.

Who would have expected to see such a scene here.

She gritted her teeth with hatred, clenched her fists with both hands, her nails were almost embedded in the flesh, and she didn't even know the pain.

Xie Si Ning, who was immersed in the excitement, didn't notice this, but when Gu Ci unintentionally glanced at the crowd, he saw the pair of eyes full of resentment falling on Xie Si Ning.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the smiling person beside him, didn't say anything, but grabbed her hand suddenly.

"what happened?"

Xie Sining looked at her puzzled.

"Let's go and have a look elsewhere." After that, he took her hand and walked out.

It was also at the moment when he got out of the crowd that Xie Sining felt as if someone was staring at him behind him, he frowned and looked back, but there was no one other than the people watching the lion dance.

"Did you see something just now?

Combined with her own feelings and Gu Ci suddenly pulling her away, she quickly guessed what was going on.

Gu Ci didn't say a word, took her and the child for a stroll at the lantern festival and then went home.

When they returned, Gu Ye had already fallen asleep in his arms, and the two of them didn't speak for fear of disturbing the child.

Gu Ci looked the same, but he was thinking about the pair of eyes that he saw in the crowd just now, full of hatred towards Xie Sining.

It seems that those rumors did not make Hao Xiu'er restrained.

On the second day, the school started, Xie Sining sent Gu Ye back to the school, and when he came back, he heard outsiders talking at home.

When I walked into the house, I saw that it was Mu Jin.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

Mu Jin greeted the person who entered the door.

"Brother Mu Jin is here. When did you come? Have you had breakfast?"

This Mu Jin came once last time, then left in a hurry, and never came again, and came again today, maybe there is something wrong.

Xie Sining asked and observed the expressions of the two.

There was no expression on Gu Ci's face.

Mu Jin smiled politely.

"I've eaten, thank you sister-in-law."

This person seemed a bit reserved, Xie Sining glanced back and forth between the two of them, and soon understood, "You guys have something to talk about, then you talk, I'll go take a look at the field."

After speaking, he turned and went out.

Although she doesn't know what they can't say in front of her, she is not someone who likes to inquire about secrets. Since it is inconvenient for them, let's give them some space to talk.

Seeing Xie Sining leave, Gu Ci's eyes were a little complicated, and then put away those chaotic emotions, and looked at Mu Jin.

"Have you found everyone?"

Mu Jin nodded.

"Most of the subordinates, as well as the old people left behind by your father, have been found, and the whereabouts of a few others are not yet clear. The found people are all placed in a safe place, waiting for you to arrange the next step .”

Gu Ci nodded.

At this moment, the atmosphere was a bit serious, Gu Ci walked back and forth, thinking a lot carefully.

Afterwards, they explained to Mu Jin, and the two said a lot of things in secret. As for what they said, it is unknown when Xie Sining came back, the two of them happened to be going out.

"Are you leaving, don't you stay for a meal?" She looked at the two and asked.

Mu Jin politely refused.

"No, I have other things to do this time, so I have to hurry back, so I won't bother my sister-in-law."

Hearing what he said, Xie Sining didn't want to say anything more, so he nodded and asked Gu Ci to send him off, and then went back home.

Watching his daughter-in-law go back, Gu Ci turned his head and thought about it, then said to Mu Jin: "By the way, there is one more thing you need to do."

(End of this chapter)

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