Chapter 114 Leading Out Space Water

As the two gradually walked away, their voices gradually became smaller and smaller.

After seeing off the people and returning home, Gu Ci saw Xie Sining sitting by the fire and warming himself.

Looking up, he saw that he was finally back, "He's back."

Gu Ci responded and observed her expression carefully.

Seeing that she didn't seem to want to ask anything, he walked over to the charcoal stove to drive away the cold air brought from outside.

The only thing that was quiet in the room was the crackling sound of the charcoal fire burning in the stove. After a long time, Gu Ci finally couldn't bear to open the room. I couldn't bear to speak.


The two spoke almost simultaneously.

The man froze for a moment, then said to her, "Say it."

Xie Sining looked at the carbon fire in front of him, and looked at him with relief.

"I just want to say, if you haven't figured out what to say to me, you don't have to think about how to explain it to me. I won't ask you. Tell me when you want to talk."

Gu Ci's heart was slightly touched, he nodded and did not speak again.

"But..." Xie Sining suddenly thought of something and asked, "I still want to ask, what happened to the poison on your body before?"

When Gu Ci was in a coma at the beginning, she called a doctor in the village who was not bad in medical skills. The doctor said that he had been poisoned in his body for a long time.

Later, she also went to ask the doctor, and the doctor said that the poison in his body had lasted at least ten years.

She was aghast.

When talking about the poisoning, Gu Ci lowered his eyes.

Looking at the charcoal fire, the beating flame in the stove seemed to reflect his heart.

"That was the poison planted by my enemy when I was seven years old."

This was the first time he talked about his childhood, and every time he thought of it, his eyes were full of hatred.

Xie Sining didn't speak, just quietly being a listener.

"That man has always been afraid of my family's power. He wanted to get rid of my father but didn't dare, so he made people poison my food, because I'm the only boy in my family. As long as I die or get seriously ill..."

Hearing this, Xie Sining clenched his fists involuntarily, and at the same time felt sorry for the man in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

It's really unfair that he has to pay the price for the grievances of his parents!
Gu Ci sighed as he said that, he seemed to be relieved again, and turned the charcoal fire in the stove with a wooden stick beside him.

"I often think that if I hadn't been poisoned, maybe I would be different now. If I hadn't been poisoned, I would definitely not be a scholar."

He smiled self-deprecatingly.

What if.

Xie Sining became curious.

"If you're not a scholar, then what are you doing?"

Hearing her question, Gu Ci thought about it thoughtfully, and then said to her: "Maybe I can practice martial arts and serve the court, maybe I'm a general now."

What he said was half joking and half serious, but Xie Sining was surprised.

"General?" She blinked, as if she heard something rare.

Unexpectedly, with his frail appearance, he actually has a heart to go to the battlefield, but...

She looked at the man in front of her eyes, and shook her head with an intriguing smile.

Seeing her expression, Gu Ci laughed and said, "I know you don't believe it, but I wouldn't believe it in my place."

There is a bit of bitterness at the end.

Seeing him like this, Xie Sining thought for a moment while warming himself by the fire, then turned to look at him.

"Actually, it's too late now."


Gu Ci didn't understand what she meant by that.

"I can't help you if you want to be a general, but I can teach you how to practice martial arts."

She felt that the poison on his body had been cleaned anyway, and although the injury had not fully recovered, it was fine, and it should be fine if he learned a few tricks to strengthen his body.

When Gu Ci heard the words "Teach you how to practice martial arts", the movements of Gu Ci's hands froze for a moment.

At this moment, he was a little excited inside.

He has practiced martial arts for almost fifteen years, and he never thought that one day, he would be able to practice martial arts again...

He didn't answer, Xie Sining thought that he didn't believe that he could teach him.

"Why, don't you believe that I can teach you martial arts? My skills are still pretty good!"

Although she didn't fully recover the strength of her previous life, it wasn't too bad.

In her previous life, she had never taught an apprentice, and it was the first time she had, but with her ability, it was more than enough to teach a few words.

Gu Ci counted as her disciple who opened the door.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just..."

Gu Ci glanced at her, and said with a smile, "It's just that if you teach me Kung Fu, should I call you Master instead, or a lady?"

There was a smile in his eyes.

Xie Sining blushed a little from his eyes, pretending to be calm and serious.

"Then... of course I'm called Master!"

The man smiled even more when he heard this, and nodded.

"Forget it if that's the case, I still prefer to call you my wife, and besides..." He paused for a moment, and said deeply: "It is always inconvenient to call you master."

At first Xie Sining didn't understand what he meant, but after a while, he realized that he was ashamed and annoyed and threw the sweet potato that was going to be put into the charcoal fire towards him.


Gu Ci caught the things she threw, and smiled happily: "Madam, are you shy? You are really cuter like this!" Seeing Xie Sining's blushing face, with a shy and lovely look, Gu Ci felt even more heartbroken. Satisfy.

Seeing Gu Ci smiling so happily, Xie Sining was furious, and threw another sweet potato, but Gu Ci firmly caught it.

Gu Ci still smiled unhurriedly, but it was such a simple thing that made Xie Sining realize that something had happened.

Then he picked up another sweet potato and threw it at him.

This time she used some strength, but he still held it firmly and easily.

"Okay, if the lady throws it again, there will be nothing to eat."

Gu Ci didn't notice anything, just shook his head with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he put the sweet potato caught in his hand into the charcoal fire, and buried it carefully with a stick.

Xie Sining was silent.

Although she was careful when throwing things, she still had some skills. Even if she didn't seriously intend to hit him, he shouldn't be able to catch it so quickly and accurately.

If he knows martial arts, then it's not surprising, but he doesn't know martial arts.

Therefore, Xie Sining came to a conclusion that Gu Ci's foundation was very good and he was very suitable for practicing martial arts.

Originally Xie Sining taught him martial arts, but only intended to teach him some simple moves. Now that he knows that he is suitable for martial arts, then this matter has to be reconsidered and carefully considered.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Gu Ci thought she was really angry.

"Is the lady really angry?"

Xie Sining was still thinking about something and didn't hear what he said.

Seeing this situation, Gu Ci became a little nervous, put down the things in his hand and pulled her hand over.

"If the lady is really angry, then hit me a few times to vent her anger."

As he spoke, he grabbed her hand and hit himself.

"What are you doing?"

Xie Sining quickly withdrew his hand.

Just now she was just thinking about things, she had no other thoughts, seeing Gu Ci's actions now, Xie Sining also felt a little flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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