Chapter 115 Gu Ci's Blessing
The injury on his body has not fully recovered, if it is broken, it will be troublesome.

Seeing this, Gu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, but still had that playful tone on his mouth: "I was afraid that you would not understand my grudge, so I helped my lady beat me back. It is better to be beaten than to ignore me."

"You!" Xie Sining was helpless for a while, and then said with disgust: "Go away, I don't want to be angry with you."

At this time, there was some movement outside.

Xie Sining got up and went out to have a look, it turned out that it was Aunt Fat.

Today, the fat aunt's family made some glutinous rice cakes. Thinking of this sweet thing, little Gu Ye likes to eat it the most, so I sent some over.

Fat aunt also really likes this child Gu Ye, but whenever the family makes something to eat, she always sends a copy to this child.

After sending Aunt Fat away, it was getting late, so Xie Sining tidied up and went to pick up Gu Ye.

Today is the first day of school after the new year, and on the way back after picking up the little guy, he was chattering non-stop.

For example, who brought what fun, and who shared the delicious food, they have been tirelessly talking about it.

When he had finished speaking, Xie Sining said abruptly: "So you're too busy playing today, didn't you study poetry well?"

The little guy was holding the small cloth bag he had packed his books in, his little face was flushed from the cold, but he was still very excited.

"No, sir just taught us a poem today, let us recite it, explained it, and asked questions. I answered them all, and the master praised me!"

Xie Sining couldn't help smiling when he saw the little guy saying this as if he was asking for credit.

"So powerful? Auntie Fat brought some glutinous rice cakes today, and I can allow you to eat one more."

As soon as he heard that there was something delicious, Gu Ye immediately clapped his hands happily, and then quickened his pace and ran home.

"This kid, be careful not to fall!" Seeing this, Xie Sining hurried to catch up.

At this time, little Gu Ye's attention had already been attracted by the glutinous rice cakes, so he didn't care what the mother behind him said.

Seeing this, Xie Sining shook his head helplessly, and followed him on his own.

When little Gu Ye came home, he saw that a table of food had been set on the table, so he ran over and sat down immediately.

"Daddy, there are so many delicious foods, are they all made by Uncle Zhao?"

This delicious food is definitely not from my mother's hands anyway.

Just as he was about to start, Hao Guci who was setting the table and chopsticks slapped his little hand with the chopsticks.

"Go wash your hands first."


The little guy pouted aggrievedly, but he still ran to the side to wash his hands obediently.

Seeing this, Gu Ci had a faint smile on his face.

Turning to Xie Sining, he said: "Lady, come and sit down to eat!" Xie Sining just came over, and nodded upon hearing this.

After the two of them sat down, little Gu Ye started to move. First, he put a piece of sugar oil glutinous rice cake into his mouth, chewed it a few times and exclaimed: "It's delicious!" "Eat more if it's delicious." He took a piece of glutinous rice cake.

He picked up the bowl and took a sip of porridge, then picked up some pickled radishes.

After eating well, Gu Ye seemed to remember something and swallowed hard.

"By the way, mother, when will you give birth to a younger sister for me?"

Xie Sining, who was almost choked to death by the porridge because of these words, coughed and hurriedly cleaned up the mess in front of him.At this time, Gu Ci was also slightly surprised, not understanding why his son would suddenly ask about this.

But soon, a smile appeared in his eyes.

It seems that there is no problem with asking this question.

Glancing at Xie Sining, seeing that the other party was full of surprise, he pretended to be nonchalant and lowered his head to drink the porridge.

Seeing the man looking at him, Xie Sining couldn't care less about wiping the table in front of him, and turned to look at his son in shock.

"Who taught you to say this? You don't learn well at such a young age!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the chopsticks, his face was on fire, and he didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at the man in front of him.

At this moment, she even wondered if Gu Ci taught the child to say these words.

Gu Ye looked innocent, not knowing what he said wrong.

"No one taught me. When I went to school today, Xiaopang said that his mother is going to give birth to a younger brother. From now on, someone at home will play with him."

As the little guy spoke, his face was full of envy, and finally he looked at Xie Sining with anticipation.

"Mother, I don't want a younger brother, can you give me a younger sister to play with?"

The man on the opposite side couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

Xie Sining didn't know how to answer the child, so he gave the man who was gloating over there a hard look. "stop laughing!"

Gu Ci immediately put away that expression, stretched out his hand to add food to Gu Ye's bowl, and pretended to be educational: "Eat well, these are not your questions."

"Why?" Gu Ye didn't understand.

Then he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and grabbed Xie Sining's sleeve.

"Mother, you love me the most. I want a younger can give me a younger sister, okay?" This little guy is really annoying, and Xie Sining's head is blown by him.

"Okay, okay...don't shake me! You're going to dazzle your eyes."

Gu Ye instantly lit up.

Mother agrees?Does he have a sister?
"Mother, when will you give birth to my younger sister?"

Xie Sining just took a sip of water, but choked it out again.

"Cough cough cough one by one"

He glanced at his son who didn't give up until he got an answer, and then at Gu Ci who bowed his head and pretended to drink porridge.

She took a deep breath and forced a smile to face Gu Ye.

"It doesn't count if my mother tells me about it, I have to ask your father."

The little guy blinked his eyes and turned to look at his father.

Slipped off the stool and ran to Gu Ci.

"Father, let mother give me a younger sister!"

Seeing his son desperately wanting a younger sister, Gu Ci gently patted his head.

"Yes, yes, but daddy has to remind you first, if you have a younger sister, in the future, you will give your younger sister any fun things, and you will also get a share of the delicious food. As an older brother, you must always protect your younger sister."

He carefully explained this to his son.

Gu Ye blinked his eyes and listened carefully.

"Not only that, in the future how much your parents love you, you will love your younger sister as much, and even ask you to give up some younger sisters from time to time. In this way, do you still want younger sisters?"

After listening to what father said, Gu Ye fell silent.

Xie Sining on the side saw that the little guy stopped talking after hearing these words, and thought that he was still a child, and wanting a younger sister was just a whim, if it really came to share his love, he probably didn't want any younger siblings.

Gu Ci still has a way. After some analysis, he dispelled the child Gu Ye's thoughts.

Xie Sining secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Gu Ye, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again at this moment, "I can share all the delicious and fun things with my sister, and I will love my sister like a father and mother, and I will also protect my sister!"

At a young age, when he said these words, his eyes were full of determination.

Xie Sining, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was stunned again.

(End of this chapter)

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