Chapter 117 Really...

Before Xie Sining could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Aunt Fat. Seeing Aunt Fat's sincere appearance, her heart was slightly touched. The words were all about this person, so it was hard for her to refuse.

I had no choice but to nod and agree, but I thought in my heart that in the future, if I make delicious food at home, I have to bring it to the fat aunt's house to taste.

However, if little Gu Ye knew about this thought, he would definitely frown and curl his lips.

But now, Xie Sining took over the basket that Aunt Fat handed over, and said, "Then thank you for your kindness, Auntie is going home now?"

Aunt Fat glanced in the direction of her home, then at Xie Sining, "Where is Sister Ning going?"

"I'm idle at home, and I'm planning to go to the field ridge to have a look." In her heart, she is still more concerned about the effect of space water on the field.

On the ridge?
He couldn't help but think of the black bean eggs that were planted years ago, so he said.

"I'm idle, I'm idle, I have nothing to do, I haven't seen the field ridge for a long time, let's go and have a look."

As he spoke, he took Xie Sining's hand and walked towards the field ridge.

Along the way, I saw many women standing in front of Hao Xiu'er's house, pointing fingers.

The fat aunt led Xie Sining along the road, she was very puzzled, and she muttered when she passed by.

"What are these old girls doing? Why are they crowding people's doors one by one?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked behind him.

Xie Sining didn't know either, so he didn't speak.

But the fat aunt was very curious, wishing to go and ask the matter clearly, but now that she had something to do, she could only hold back her thoughts, only thinking that when she had nothing to do, she must go and find out the matter clearly.

Xie Sining still doesn't know what Aunt Fat is thinking at this moment.

When the two came to the field ridge, they found that there were many people standing on the field ridge.

They looked at each other, walked forward, and looked down to see a patch of green on the ground.

Although I don't know what's going on below, but just looking at the leaves that are growing gratifyingly, it makes people feel full of vitality, which is very satisfying.

At this time, many people in the field smiled and greeted Xie Sining when they saw Xie Sining coming.

Xie Sining went back one by one, took a look at the vegetables grown on the ground, and heard the uncle next to him say.

"You really don't need to talk about it. My family grows radishes and cabbages. Let's talk about the radishes first, and just talk about the cabbages. Although they are not edible, they look juicy and juicy, which is very pleasing to look at."

The old man was cheerful, his eyes and brows were full of smiles.

Others also responded one after another. Although the weather is getting warmer now, when they planted it, the land was extremely hard, and it was freezing and snowy in the twelfth lunar month.

It is already a miracle that the seeds survived the cold winter without freezing to death, and it is even more unexpected that they have grown into such a shape now.At this time, everyone was thankful that they hadn't been lazy before.

Looking at the villagers standing on the ridge, the breeze blows and smiles rise from the bottom of my heart, which is simple and moving.

During the period, someone asked Xie Sining, what can grow from the seeds that were brought earlier, Xie Sining smiled but did not answer, and said that he would know in the future.

The two returned to the village from the ridge, and after saying goodbye at the intersection, Xie Sining returned home alone.

It was still early in the day, so she opened the door.

As soon as he walked through the door, he saw chaotic footsteps on the ground, Xie Sining paused, and then continued to walk in.

Inside the room, Gu Ci was sitting at the table, staring at something in front of him in a daze, he pulled himself out of his thoughts when he heard the movement, looked up and saw Xie Sining coming in from outside the room.

He quickly stood up and put away the teacup placed in front of the table. Xie Sining leaned against the door and watched him busy. The room was filled with the atmosphere of outsiders.

Seeing him in a hurry, Xie Sining lowered his eyelids and entered the room without intending to ask more questions.

When only Gu Ci was left in the main room, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, put the teacup in his hand on the table, leaned against the wall, and looked at the door of the inner room with a complicated expression.

In the room, Xie Sining also stood by the window and looked outside, with the same complicated expression.

The things of these days are all mixed together, and Xie Sining's brows inadvertently frowned when combined with Gu Ci's expression when the matter was mentioned earlier.

Thinking of these things, she walked towards the door and pushed it open.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ci, who was standing at the door, took a sudden step back!
Xie Sining stared blankly at the obviously flustered man, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Then he walked out of the main room, stood in the main courtyard, and began to tidy up the vegetables he had picked earlier, with thoughts surging in his mind.

These days, no matter how things are on weekdays, it seems that when Gu Ci's past is mentioned, the two of them are a little silent.

Fortunately, the man had already entered the study by himself, so Xie Sining had no scruples.

But Xie Sining forgot, the window of the study was pushed open, so that he could see everything in the yard clearly.

Looking at the obviously absent-minded woman in the courtyard, Gu Ci sat alone behind the desk and closed his eyes, hiding the dark and unclear emotions inside.

Thinking of all the previous plans, and the necessary conspiracy these days...

This kind of meeting will only happen more in the future, and it will be indispensable, and how could a smart woman like Si Ning not notice it, thinking of this, Gu Ci felt a pain in the forehead, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to rub it.

"Sister Ning is not at home."

Xie Si Ning was picking vegetables in the yard absent-mindedly, when there was a burst of angry shouts from the door, the voice was extremely familiar.

She froze for a moment, then came to her senses and hurried to open the door.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the fat aunt was in sight.A face full of smiles.

"Auntie, why are you so happy?" She asked puzzled.

Hearing the question, the fat aunt hurriedly suppressed the smile on her face, but she never suppressed it, and squeezed all the creases on her face.

She waved her hand: "Hey, it's okay, hey, look at me, I'm a fool, I promised to bring it to you, why did I bring it home by myself halfway, if my old man didn't ask, I might Haven't responded yet."

As she spoke, she handed the basket hanging in her hand to Master Xie Sining.

It was agreed before, but now it would be hypocritical to refuse, so Xie Sining had no choice but to accept it.

Then I saw the fat aunt approaching me with a mysterious expression on her face.

"Is your man at home?"

Xie Sining didn't understand why, but still nodded: "You're at home, what's the matter?"

The fat aunt glanced into the room, and then lowered her voice extremely low: "Did you hear about that?

The fat aunt glanced into the room, and then lowered her voice extremely low: "Have you heard about that?"

"What's the matter?" Monk Erzhang Xie Sining was puzzled.

"I just knew you didn't know." Fat Aunt looked around, and after confirming that there was no one, she said to Xie Sining in this row.

"You don't know that there is a rich man who proposes marriage to that little hoof of Hao Xiu'er."

"The rich man?"

Fat aunt bit these three words very hard earlier.

"Is it a good match?" Xie Sining asked.

(End of this chapter)

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