Chapter 118
After hearing this, the fat aunt couldn't help curling her lips, and said disdainfully.

"Which serious rich man would take a fancy to her, Hao Xiu'er?" The voice was a bit loud, and the fat aunt's heart twitched after she finished speaking.

Turning his head and glanced at the courtyard, he said cautiously: "The backyard of the rich man is terrible. It is said that there are groups of wives and concubines, and they only pick some young girls to attack. If Hao Xiu'er is carried away now, it is estimated that they will be tenth. Three rooms—r”

"I don't know where the rich man heard about Haoxiuer's name in our village. He said that it was a flower in the village, and it was extremely beautiful, so he rushed to admit her as the thirteenth. Aunt Fang."

"If it's a good match, let's not say anything, alas, but the rich man is almost over fifty now, and it is said that he has a big belly, tsk."

Aunt Fat spoke with a little regret in her voice.

Xie Sining didn't reply after hearing this, and the fat aunt continued to talk over there.

"Hey, although Hao Xiu'er's unconscious mother doesn't do any good things in the village all day long, she is a big girl who is as beautiful as a flower, and she is just a concubine for the rich man in this class. Isn't this ruined? Now this village is talking about it everywhere."

Fat Aunt's eyes changed from gloating at the beginning to melancholy, Xie Sining stood watching from the sidelines, feeling rather sympathetic, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

"Then how did Hao's parents come back?"

Speaking of this, Aunt Fat regained her spirits.

"The old man of the Hao family firmly disagrees, but... the Hao Zhang family is just a guy who is open to money. Seeing that the other party is rich and powerful, he said earlier that there is something to discuss, and the rich man's family also understands who It's a breakthrough, and now that person is being sacrificed at home all day long... Tsk, how can old man Hao beat Mrs. Zhang?"

The fat aunt couldn't help but clicked her tongue, her voice was full of disdain: "As far as I can see, in a few days, I'm afraid that Hao Xiu'er will be packed and sent to the rich man's house."

Standing at the door and listening to this for a long time, Xie Sining sighed, "Each has his own life."

Aunt Fat nodded, "Again, I heard that the rich man's house is far away from our village. How could Hao Xiuer be mentioned by him?"

Mentioning this, Xie Sining couldn't help but glanced into the room.

"If you want me to say, Hao Xiu'er's little hoof is dishonest!"

Hearing Fat Aunt's final conclusion, Xie Sining couldn't laugh or cry.

Finally nodded, after talking at the door for a long time, the fat aunt finally said all the words in her heart, and she was very happy at this moment, and said goodbye to Xie Sining.

Watching Aunt Fat leave, Xie Sining took all the things she sent to the stove and put them away, and when he came to the main room, Gu Ci just came out from the study.

Remembering what Aunt Fat said about Hao Xiu'er earlier, she couldn't help asking.

"Haoxiu'er, you did it?"

This question was nonsensical, and Xie Sining didn't explain much, staring at the man's eyes, she knew that this man's hearing was excellent, and at this distance from the gate of the courtyard, even if the fat aunt lowered her voice, she could hear a few words in a few words. Seven or eight.

Under Xie Sining's gaze, Gu Ci nodded slowly.

Seeing him nodding, Xie Sining felt relieved for some reason, but still asked knowingly, "Why?"

Gu Ci was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence: "If you die without repentance, you will avoid future troubles."

Seeing the decisive appearance of the person in front of him, the ruthless hostility revealed between his brows was completely different from the gentle and refined Gu Ci in the past, Xie Sining was slightly taken aback.

Gu Ci also looked at her, and the two stared at each other in the main room, neither of them looked away first, each had its own persistence and stubbornness.

But Xie Sining suddenly figured out something, what she was holding on to before was suddenly relieved, she nodded lightly, and then went out.

Standing in the yard, sorting out many things that have happened these days, my heart suddenly calmed down.

For the next few people, Gu Cibu's plan is in full swing, more and more Gu's family visits, Xie Sining will notice it every time he goes home.

On this day, even little Gu Ye realized that something was wrong, so he raised his voice and shouted into the study: "Father, did our house have guests before—"

Hearing the movement, Xie Sining raised his head and saw Gu Ye pointing to the cup in front of him with an innocent face.

Hearing the voice, Gu Ci came out of the room in a hurry, and subconsciously glanced at Xie Sining, seeing that her expression was normal, he was relieved and at the same time a little puzzled.

Little Gu Ye was already tugging at the corner of his clothes and asking.

"It's Dad's guest." Gu Ci helplessly explained, and while speaking, he glanced at Xie Sining.

But Xie Sining had already walked out calmly, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to the room, "Gu Ye, come to the yard to wash your hands, and go and do your homework well in a while."

The little guy agreed, and then ran out quickly.

Looking at the backs of the two, one big and one small, Gu Ci stayed in the room by himself, but felt that he was the one who was left behind, and he didn't want to go back to the study for a while, so he walked out by a strange coincidence.

In the yard, Xie Sining washed the little guy's hands, and then called him back to the house to do his homework. After the little guy left, he turned his head and saw the person still standing in the yard, and said.

"Don't stand around stupidly, if you have nothing to do, go take a stride."

Gu Ci was puzzled, and then saw Xie Sining walking towards him, leading him to walk down the courtyard wall, "It's right here."

After finishing speaking, she blinked playfully, then chuckled lightly, and continued to pack the bacon.

Gu Ci hasn't recollected this meeting yet, he just thinks that this person is angry and making fun of himself, and he is not annoyed at all, he just does it honestly.

Afterwards, Xie Sining packed up the vegetables and the bacon, and was about to bring them into the kitchen when Gu Ye happened to come out of the house and saw his father standing outside the courtyard wall with beads of sweat on his head.

He blinked, puzzled.

But he kept walking, went straight to the well where mother washed vegetables, and asked.

"Mother, what kind of meat is this?"

As soon as Xie Sining heard the voice, he looked up and saw her two small eyes full of longing, he couldn't help but chuckled, and said.

"It's bacon brought from Auntie Fat's house. Can I fry some for you at night?"

As soon as this sentence was said, the little guy's expression became very strange in an instant.

"Mother, Uncle Zhao should come to our house today, don't worry about it, just wait for him to come." Gu Ye hesitated to speak.

Taking a look at the bacon she washed, and then at Gu Ye, she gave a long answer.

Seeing her like this, Gu Ye felt his scalp tingling, and quickly changed the subject and said, "Mother, what are you doing?"

Turning his head to look towards the corner of the courtyard, he was full of curiosity.

Xie Sining also followed the little guy's gaze, and saw the man whose face was dripping with sweat not long after he rode his horse. Their eyes met in the air, she raised her eyebrows, and answered.

"Nothing, why are you interested?"

Gu Ye immediately shook his head like a wavy drum, and then ran back into the house in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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