Chapter 119 What do you want to buy?
When there were only the two of them left in the yard, looking at the man whose legs were trembling, Xie Sining waved his hands and said loudly.

"Stop standing, go back and rest."

Hearing the voice, Gu Ci slowly stood up straight, but did not enter the room, and looked straight at her, his eyes full of doting.

"Just leave the bacon, and wait for Zhao Pan to get it later." The man said softly.

Xie Sining tidied up the ground by himself, and nodded noncommittal when he heard the words.

Before, I felt embarrassed to bother others, but the father and son both said so, can he still insist on his own way?

Although I was a little upset, Zhao Pan came after a while. After handing over the bacon to him, I was really relieved. Zhao Pan didn't dare to let her do it in the kitchen. In desperation, he had to go to the main room to sweep the floor.

On the table in the main room, apart from a few teacups, there was also a book on it.

Xie Sining picked up the book, glanced at it inadvertently, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the content on it.

Then he closed the book with a normal expression, glanced into the room, and then packed all the books and teacups. After dinner, he prepared to wash up and sleep in the morning.

When Xie Sining woke up, he realized that there was no one around him. He took another look at the sky. It should be still early in the day. Why did this man get up so quickly.

While rubbing her forehead, she remembered the book she saw in the main room yesterday, and she probably had a guess in her heart.

Putting on his clothes, he walked towards the door, pushed open the courtyard door, it was dusty before dawn, as if covering everything in the world with a layer of tulle, Gu Ci was standing at the corner of the courtyard practicing Work hard.

At this time, the man also saw the woman who pushed open the door and came out, and was a little stunned for a moment, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.

He still maintains the previous moves and just stays there in a daze, watching Xie Sining walking towards him.

Suddenly felt a pain in the shoulder.

Xie Sining said, "You must concentrate on everything you do, straighten your waist and tuck in your belly, and feel carefully where your power is, find the core position, and feel it carefully."

She started while talking, and personally guided a few times.

Looking at the woman who was close to him, with a serious expression on her face teaching him, he was a little dazed, and finally came back to his senses under Xie Sining's urging, and carefully felt the core point of what she said.

Immediately, he looked up at her in surprise.

Seeing his appearance, Xie Sining turned to look at him with a chuckle, but the look in his eyes couldn't hide the seriousness

After he practiced the basic skills like this for a long time, the sky began to gradually brighten, and Xie Sining taught him a set of basic moves.

The two of them were back and forth in the courtyard. Apart from being a bit reluctant at the beginning, Gu Ci soon got into the mood, and the time passed quickly.

Finally, when the little guy got up from the bed and walked into the yard rubbing his sleepy eyes, both of them were sweating profusely.

([-]) The little guy came out of the room to look at this, and then looked at that. He didn't quite understand why all his parents were standing in the yard this morning.

"Go and put on your clothes, it's time to tidy up and go to school." Xie Sining urged in a loud voice.

Gu Ye nodded and went back to the house.

Only then did she look back at the man, "The set I gave you earlier is considered self-defense. You usually practice the basic skills, and then practice that, whether it's to strengthen your body or to have a one-and-a-half-style self-defense in the future, it's fine. "

Gu Ci looked at her serious and rigorous expression, then nodded in response.

After packing up the little guy and going to school, she knew that someone at home would come, so she also went out, leaving room for Gu Ci.

When only Gu Ci was left at home, Gu Ye looked at the empty courtyard and took another look at the beautiful figure. Gu Ye clenched his hands tightly and took a deep breath. What he wanted to say in his heart before, he still didn't say it in the end.

But in the bottom of my heart, I vaguely guessed that Si Ning had already noticed it, but...that incident was a serious crime involving the nine clans. It would be fine if it happened, but if it failed...

He couldn't imagine the consequences, so he took a deep breath and swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and he would hold on to the bottom of his heart until the matter was over.

But here, after Xie Sining figured out what happened before and after, she was no longer in a hurry to get angry. Everyone had her own. She was wandering around the village. In such a big village, she didn't know where to go for a while. After thinking about it, she was still planning to go Fat aunt's house to see.

Walking in the direction of the fat aunt's house, I never thought that I would run into Erhu who was holding his younger brother by the side of the road.

Seeing Xie Si Ning approaching, Er Hu's eyes lit up slightly, and he wanted to say hello, but he didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly stopped when he reached his mouth, and finally just nodded slightly.

"Er Hu, why are you here? Why don't you go to school at this hour?" Xie Sining asked Er Hu who was holding the baby by the side of the road.

Erhu's expression became more and more ugly, but he remembered that this aunt went to Gu Ye's mother, who was very good at hunting birds, and she had a good impression of her in her heart. Now she asked with a muttering mouth, and still said: "My father is so good today. I went to the military camp to report, and my mother said... I will be the pillar of the family after I stay at home..."

The little fat pier's aggrieved voice came.

Xie Sining glanced at people walking towards the outside of the village in the distance and asked.

"Would you like to go to school?"

The little guy hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

Xie Sining understood that it was because of the confusion about the future and the sudden heavy responsibility. She rubbed Erhu's head.

"Everyone has their own way to go. Your father and you are the same, but each of us must work hard to live our own lives. We can't stop Dad from joining the army. Erhu will be a little adult from now on. Take good care of mother and younger brother, you know?"

The little guy blinked his eyes, finally nodded heavily, and led his brother away.

Watching them leave, he walked towards the fat aunt's house, and was about to open the door when the door creaked open, "Sister Ning! Why are you here?"

"Isn't this idleness at home? I was thinking about it, so I wanted to ask my aunt to go to the mountain to see if there are any wild vegetables and medicinal materials to dig back."

Hearing that this was the reason, Aunt Fat smiled and waved her hands, "You, you really can't be idle all day long. It just so happens that I have nothing to do. At this time of wait for me to clean up, let's go together."

Xie Sining nodded in response, and waited at the door for the fat aunt to clean up the house, when suddenly he heard the sound of gongs and drums outside, couldn't help but look sideways, and then heard the sound of firecrackers.

Not long after, the fat aunt packed up and came out of the house, smiling and saying, "Let's go."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the sound of firecrackers being set off in the distance, which shocked her into a shudder, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, and then she patted her chest.

"Hey! It scared me to death, what is going on in front of this?"

Thinking of the sky-shattering sound of firecrackers just now, Fat Aunt still has lingering fears.

Xie Sining shook his head, "Let's go first."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Fat aunt was full of curiosity, and the direction where the firecrackers were set off seemed to be Hao Xiu'er's house. This... Fat aunt had a vague guess in her heart, but she couldn't quite believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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