Chapter 120
Seeing Fat Aunt's curious appearance, Xie Sining couldn't laugh or cry.

The two walked towards the gate of the village hand in hand, and when they walked in, the overwhelming sound of firecrackers and the waves of dust were really eye-opening.

The fat aunt groaned: "My dear mother, that old woman really sold her own daughter to the rich man!" She looked at the scene in front of her in amazement, and her mouth was filled with amazement.

"That mother-in-law spent a lot of money if I want to say. This battle... there are no real wives in many families, let alone just an aunt."

Xie Sining knew before that it was Gu Ci's hands and feet, but now looking at the scene in front of him, he is not surprised at all, "He is a rich man with a lot of money, huh, how can we be comparable to a farmer like us? Old man Hao So what if you can't bear it?" Suddenly someone next to him spoke in a strange way.

"If you want me to talk about Ang, if it wasn't for that little bitch from the Hao family... How could the rich man know her name? I don't know her name, but one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Look at that old lady, she is now in a happy mood That look! Poor old man Hao, alas."

The man pretended to sigh and the road was soon surrounded by villagers who came after hearing the news. Even if Xie Sining wanted to leave, he couldn't do so now, so he could only frown and stand between the crowd. Listen to the gossip of these women.

Finally, I saw a rose red sedan chair carried out from the gate of Hao's house.

Everyone stepped back and pointed at the small sedan chair, discussing a lot.

"It's the first time I've seen a rose-red sedan chair! Not to mention it's really pretty!" An elderly woman hunched over with a strange look on her face.

The person next to him cut it, and said disdainfully: "Is there anything I haven't seen before? It's this color for people to make small ones. Anyway, you can't use Zhenghong. Mrs. Fang likes it? Why don't you find a rich man to make one for your granddaughter?" Little, hey, doesn't this fulfill your wish?"

The person who spoke was also an unscrupulous person, who had been idle in the village all day, everyone looked at each other after hearing this, and no one spoke.

And the lady Fang who spoke before, her complexion turned blue and pale, she didn't know that her unintentional sentence before would lead to so many things, now she keeps her mouth shut and bows her head, and dare not speak again.

The small sedan chair that a group of people were watching was carried out, and the curtain of the small sedan chair suddenly lifted a corner, Hao Xiu'er showed half of her face, and she stared straight at Xie Si Ning who was standing in the crowd, her eyes were full of hatred.

Looking into those eyes, Xie Sining was very calm, and the curtain was not lowered until the sedan chair passed by.

At this moment, the fat aunt touched Xie Sining with her arm.

"The little hoof seemed to be looking this way just now, isn't it looking at you?"

Xie Sining glanced at Fat Aunt upon hearing this, feeling a little helpless, and did not speak.

After the bridal sedan chair went far away, Mrs. Zhang sent it out from the door of her house. Seeing that her daughter had finally married into a rich family, her face was full of relief.

When he turned his head and saw Xie Sining, he was still looking up with pride.

My daughter married a wealthy and powerful man, not much better than Gu Ci from her family, even though she was young, she would enjoy endless wealth in the future.

Seeing the proud Aunt Zhang, Xie Sining sighed inwardly.

In fact, she always felt that Hao Xiu'er's nature was not bad, it was because of her mother's misbehavior that she taught her badly.

Now that Mrs. Zhang married her daughter to the rich man's house, she obviously pushed her daughter into the fire pit, and she has been climbing a good marriage. I am afraid that she will regret it in the future.

I've seen the excitement, and soon the crowd dispersed, and a few gossiping women were chattering while walking.

Seeing that everyone dispersed, Xie Sining also went into the mountains with the fat aunt.

Hesitantly, it snowed a few days ago, and the trees were covered with icicles, which were crystal clear and very cold.

Walking on the road, the fat aunt said, "I'm afraid there are no herbs on the mountain in this winter. Look, it's frozen everywhere."

Xie Sining didn't speak, and walked straight into the mountain.

Aunt Fat didn't know why she was looking for herbs. Her family is the wealthiest in the village now. Others eat coarse grains, but his family eats white flour and rice every day, which is better than that of the landlord's.

The two wandered around in the mountains for a long time, and in the end Xie Sining found a few herbs and planted them in the space without the fat aunt seeing them.

In the end, in Aunt Fat's eyes, Xie Sining was still empty-handed and had nothing to gain.

At first, she thought it was a waste of time, but she was about to go back, when the fat aunt suddenly saw a few small umbrellas standing under the tree beside him, where the dead wood and pine needles were piled up.

"Sister Ning, where do you look, there are mushrooms!"

After saying that, it passed, and after pulling away the messy dead leaves on the side, I picked all the mushrooms.

"I really didn't expect that there are mushrooms in such a cold day."

Seeing these mushrooms, the fat aunt immediately swept away the previous haze and smiled happily.

Although it is not a rare item, it is better than going back empty-handed.

Afterwards, the two searched again on the mountain and picked some mushrooms, but there were not many, but the basket brought by the fat aunt was half full. When they went back, they shared a share, which was enough for a meal.

Guessing that the time is almost up, Xie Sining suggested to go back today and come back later when it gets warmer.

The fat aunt looked at it for a long time and didn't see any mushrooms. She thought about it for a while, so she followed Xie Sining down the mountain with a basket on her shoulders.

After returning to Aunt Fat's house, Aunt Fat took the mushrooms to wash in her own sink while talking, then divided them into two and asked Xie Sining to take one back.

Xie Sining shied away and said no, but Aunt Fat insisted on giving it, otherwise if she went to the mountains and she had nothing, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

When Aunt Fat said this, Xie Sining felt a little guilty. She really couldn't tell Aunt Fat that she didn't return empty-handed.

But after thinking about it, he finally accepted the fat aunt's kindness.

He went home with the mushrooms that his aunt gave him, and when he arrived at the door, he saw Gu Ci sweeping the floor.

She walked in and saw that there was no one else in the house except him, so he took the mushrooms into the kitchen, put down the mushrooms but saw the tea set that had just been cleaned and had water stains.

Apparently there was another visit to the family.

Walking out of the kitchen, Gu Ci had already swept the floor, and only then did he see Xie Sining coming out of the kitchen.

"You are back, you have been out for so long, did you go to the field?"

Hearing the man's question, Xie Sining shook his head and replied: "I went to the mountain with Fat Aunt to have a look. I wanted to pick some herbs and came back, but I couldn't find them. I found a few mushrooms at that time, and I will let Zhao Pan take them tomorrow." Let's make chicken soup."

Hearing this, Gu Ci nodded.

Thinking about the people who came to the house just now, his eyes dodged a little, and he didn't know whether he should tell her or not.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, he saw that the woman in front of her had already stepped aside, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to chop wood.

He saw it and hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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