After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 121 Fried Eggplant with Minced Meat

Chapter 121 Fried Eggplant with Minced Meat

"Let me do it."

Xie Sining felt that the man looked a little strange, so he didn't give him the ax for a while.

The two of them remained in a stalemate without saying a word. Finally, Gu Ci took a deep breath and said, "Aren't you teaching me how to practice Kung Fu? Take it as exercise for me."

After that, he took the ax out of her hand.

Looking at the man who was walking over with an ax to chop wood, Xie Sining folded his arms and looked at his back for a long time, thinking of why he thought his attitude was a little funny.

"Since you want to practice, then chop all the firewood in the corner." After leaving these words, she turned and entered the room.

Just as a piece of firewood was set up before it was chopped down, Gu Ci was stunned for a moment, looked at the pile of firewood in the corner of the wall, felt a little bitter in his heart, but he followed suit.

By the time he finished chopping the firewood, it was already two hours later.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, let out a sigh of relief, and piled up the batch of firewood one by one, carried a handful into the kitchen and put them away.

During the period, Xie Sining also came out to take a look at him, standing behind him at the door of the room, he didn't notice.

dinner at night.

Perhaps it was because chopping firewood consumed too much energy during the day, but Gu Ci's appetite was so good that he ate three bowls of rice alone, and also drank a bowl of soup, which was more than double his usual appetite.

Gu Ye looked at his father, who was eating a few mouthfuls of rice, and thought he was wrong for a moment. When he saw his father in front of him finish the third bowl of rice, he asked dumbfounded.

"Father, did you not eat all day today?"

Before Gu Ci could answer, the little guy looked at Xie Sining again.

"Mom, did Dad make you angry again, so you punished him not to eat?"

Xie Sining was halfway through his meal, but he couldn't be overwhelmed by this little guy's words.

After looking at the man who was full like a hungry ghost, she turned her head and looked at Gu Ye next to her.

"What are you talking about? Let others hear it and think that I abused your father every day. Your father is tired because he chopped all the firewood in the yard today."


Gu Ye groaned, then lowered his head to pick up the rice.

In the evening, after eating and taking a shower, Gu Ye packed up and went back to the house to do his homework.

And the two adults still seemed to be separated by a wall, although they would talk as usual, but it still seemed to be separated by something.

late at night.

Gu Ye went to bed after finishing his homework, Xie Sining also finished his homework, took a shower and went back to his room.

In the room here, Gu Ci went to bed early with his clothes on.

When she entered the room, she saw the person lying on the bed.

Turning around and closing the door, she went to the table and blew out the candles, then lay down on it too.

The night was quiet outside.

In the room, both of them seemed to have fallen asleep on the surface, but in fact, neither of them fell asleep.

Xie Sining turned sideways to the outside, with his eyes open as if casting a glance behind him.

Although the man sleeping inside breathed slowly, she knew that he must not have fallen asleep either.

After a while, the person lying behind her moved, and she pretended to close her eyes.

A hand wrapped around her waist.

But he just hugged her and didn't do anything else.

She still has her eyes closed.

After a while, the man spoke.

"Sining, are you asleep?"

Xie Sining didn't answer.

After a while, a soft sigh came from the man.

"I know, although you didn't ask, you must still have a lot of questions in your heart, who am I and what secrets do I have..."

Having said that, he swallowed his throat, but still hesitated to say anything.

Although Xie Sining said that if he hasn't figured out what to say, he doesn't have to, she won't ask.

But these two days these things made him especially breathless, especially that matter, if he really took action at that time, it would be fine if he succeeded, but if he failed, what should Xie Sining do.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth: "I..."

"Don't you think you are a bit like a mother-in-law now?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly interrupted by the woman in his arms.

Xie Sining opened his eyes, and said slowly: "Everyone has their own secrets, I can understand that you have things you can't tell, and you don't need to feel guilty towards me."

"It's not your fault."

It wasn't your fault—the words hit his ears and hit his heart.

At this time Xie Sining turned around, holding the man's face in both hands, with a slightly teasing tone.

"I was drugged that day, and when I was in a daze, I said something nonsense and you took it seriously, and you really stayed. Then I told you seriously that day, but why didn't you listen to it?"

The room was dark, and the two looked at each other closely.

Although Gu Ci was still a little worried, but at this moment he really believed in Xie Sining.

He couldn't help but kissed her forehead.

"If you really want to know something, just ask and I'll tell you."

Seeing him being so serious, Xie Sining burst out laughing.

"Well, I will naturally ask you when I want to ask, but not now, but if you need any help, please let me know, okay?"

Hearing this, Gu Ci hugged her tightly in his arms and nodded in response.

After a while, he said again: "But I have a question now, I wonder if you can answer it for me?"


Xie Sining felt very comfortable nestled in his arms, and was about to fall asleep when he suddenly asked such a question, and responded with a sleepy voice.

"Did you really ask me to stay because of that medicine that day?"


Hearing this, Xie Si Ning suddenly gasped, not knowing how to answer, and simply pretended to be asleep.

Hearing that the woman in his arms didn't move for a while, Gu Ci stopped teasing her, and just fell asleep quietly with his arms around her.

The days passed day by day, and soon it was the beginning of spring, which was also the time for farming. However, other villages survived the harsh winter very hard, but because of Xie Sining, the life here was even richer than in previous years.

This is a good thing. Every household has enough food surplus, so there is no need to eat chaff and swallow vegetables because of the requisition.

But it is precisely because of this uniqueness that it has also attracted the attention of the government.

I heard that Yuanxiang Village can grow vegetables and food in winter. This rare fact is really strange, so it spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon it spreads all over ten miles and eight villages.

Many foreigners came to inquire about the secret.

The matter soon spread to the provincial capital, and the city officials heard about it, so they sent people to the county government, and the county government sent people to Yuanxiang Village to investigate.

On this day, an official from the county government came to the village and directly approached the village head to inquire about the matter.

The village chief didn't know what was going on, so he thought about it and said, maybe God rewards the food, and he can't bear to see the people in the village suffer.

Of course, the official didn't believe this, and said that the village head concealed it intentionally, so he should be questioned.

The village chief was so frightened that he thought of Xie Sining in a hurry.

After all, she suggested the method of farming in winter, so there is nothing wrong with telling her about it.

Then the official said that he wanted to see Xie Sining, and the village chief had no choice but to take them to Gu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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