Chapter 122 It Was An Old Friend

At noon, Xie Sining and Gu Ci had just had dinner and were washing the dishes when they heard someone knock on the door outside.

"Master Gu, Mrs. Gu, open the door quickly."

Hearing that the voice was the village head, Xie Sining wiped the water stains on his hands and went to open the door.

I saw the village chief blocking the door of the house with a few people dressed as officials, one of whom she knew was Duan Zihan.

Although I know each other, but this time I'm here on business, and Duan Zihan couldn't say hello directly, so he just gave her a look.

Xie Sining immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Village Chief, this is..."

The village chief smiled awkwardly.

"Miss Gu, these are the officials from the town who came to ask you something, do you think it is..." the village chief said while hinting.

Only then did Xie Sining get out of the way, and invited these people into the courtyard.

"My lords, I don't steal or rob. I don't know why I came here to ask about something?"

Seeing Xie Sining's unhurried behavior, one of them sized her up and felt that she was not as amazing as the village chief said.

But I still asked: "I heard that you were the one who proposed to take the villagers to plant vegetables and food in the winter. When we adults heard about this, we found it very strange, so we sent us to investigate the reason."

The official sent a brief explanation of the purpose of coming, in fact, he wanted to know the secret.

"Actually, it's nothing unusual. I'm just trying my luck. Last year's food collection took away everyone's food reserves. We can't wait to starve to death, so I thought, why not try to grow something that is easy to survive. , I didn’t expect God to save face, but it really succeeded.”

What she said was the same as what the village chief said.

Several officials looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently feeling that her explanation was somewhat perfunctory, and did not believe it at all.

It's fine to say that it's just that the radishes grown in their village are better than those grown in normal seasons, and they are more than twice as big.

These officials already had doubts in their hearts, but they didn't ask directly because of their identities. This time they came here to find out what was going on.

"So can you tell me the details? We still have to report.

She smiled: "This is the specific situation. If you don't believe me, you can ask other people in the village. The officials are a bit embarrassed.

At this time, Zihan stepped forward and said, "Miss Gu, we were just ordered to investigate. You also know that there will be a war soon. The supply of food and grass is very important, and the higher-ups have been trying to find a way."

For Duan Zihan, Xie Sining's image is not bad, he is quite an upright person, and she also understands that he is just following orders in this matter.

Not wanting to embarrass him, when he was about to say something, Gu Ci came to her side.

"My lords, my wife didn't want the villagers to endure hunger, so she took the villagers to plant things in the winter. When doing these things, she didn't expect to be successful. If you have to ask why, we really can't answer Come up, after all, there is no secret to this."

Turning to look at the man beside him, Xie Sining swallowed back what he was about to say.

Several officials looked at each other, and finally said nothing, but one of them asked: "So, can we go inside and have a look."

Judging by this posture, it's clear that Xie Sining wanted to search the house where he didn't want to have a look in the house. Naturally, Xie Sining was not willing to let them search casually.

"My lords, what do you mean by this? Didn't I think there was something hidden in my house? Even if you really want to search, you must have a search warrant, otherwise you will be considered trespassing."

Xie Sining suddenly became aggressive, which made several officials feel that there was really something hidden in the house, and they still insisted on entering the house to search.

"We're just going inside to have a look without any warrants."

After all, we are about to break in.

Xie Sining looked at it and clenched his fists to make a move. At this moment, Zihan stopped several people.

"Don't be impatient, my lord. My lord asked us to come here just to inquire. He didn't say that we can search at will. If the lord finds out, there will inevitably be some trouble."

However, those people were all from the provincial capital, so they didn't listen to Duan Zihan's words, scolded him not to be troublesome, and still wanted to go into the house to check.

"You..." Xie Sining couldn't bear it anymore and was about to go up to stop her, but Gu Ci grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"What are you pulling me for? These people just owe a lesson."

If this group of people worked under her hands in the previous life, she would tear their skins apart anyway!

"Forget it, the people don't fight with the officials, and we don't have anything in the house, so they will leave if they can't find anything. If you argue with them, it will be troublesome."

Xie Sining looked at him and suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

That's the bad thing about being a commoner. Any little guy from the government can be domineering, and you have to bear with it.

Duan Zihan saw that the faces of both of them were not good, so he hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Don't be angry, you two, these adults are only for business."

"Then forget it." Xie Sining sighed, then looked at Gu Ci, "Anyway, there is really nothing at home."

Gu Ci nodded invisibly and did not speak.

Seeing the situation, Duan Zihan followed into the house, and seeing those people rummaging around, he also went to make a pretentious investigation.

In the end, it was true that nothing strange was found, only a few sweet potatoes were found.

A few people who didn't know what it was came out with the only thing that could be called abrupt.

"What is this?" Xie Sining glanced at the thing that the official was holding, and replied reluctantly: "This is sweet potato, something to eat."


The officer looked at the thing and was a little skeptical, can this thing be eaten?
"Eat it roasted or steamed. If you want to try it, I can give you a few." Xie Sining said, looking at the sweet potato with his arms folded.

What he said seemed to be insinuating that they were ignorant.

This group of people stared at Xie Sining with dissatisfaction, and snorted coldly.

Throw the sweet potatoes on the ground and you're ready to go.

They just came to investigate. Since nothing was found now, they naturally wanted to leave.

The village chief hurriedly sent them out.

Duan Zihan was the last one to leave. Before leaving, he bowed his hands to the husband and wife, and then quickly followed out.

After the few people left, the people in the room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"These people have finally left." Xie Sining went back to the room and sat on the chair. "I thought they didn't find anything and they were looking for something else. I didn't expect that they really left." Gu Ci entered the room and heard her After thinking about this, he shook his head.

"I don't think it's possible to just let it go." As soon as these words came out, Xie Sining was stunned.

"You said they will come again? Didn't they find out nothing? No matter how many times they come again, they won't find anything." Although she said this, she was also faintly worried.

(End of this chapter)

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