Chapter 123 Gu Ci Hit the Arrow
It's not that she's afraid, she just thinks that life like this is pretty good, and she doesn't want to get into trouble with the government.

"Since they want to investigate, let them investigate enough, and we don't need to deliberately avoid them." Gu Ci's tone was extremely relaxed, as if these people were not worth his worrying at all.

While speaking, he poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Xie Sining, letting her warm her hands.

Holding the tea in her hand, she looked at the man in front of her, with a sense of mystery between her brows.

She froze for a moment.

"Why do you keep looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

Gu Ci's questioning voice came, and she looked away, then took a sip of hot tea, and shook her head.

"It's nothing."

Gu Ci didn't continue to ask.

The news of the official messenger coming from the village quickly spread, and the fat aunt was close, so she ran to Gu's house immediately to find Xie Sining and asked what was going on.

Auntie Fat doesn't have the temperament to join in the excitement, which makes Xie Sining helpless.

But still patiently told her what happened.

After the fat aunt finished listening, she clicked her tongue in surprise, "It's really strange to talk about the people in the government. They don't care if we ordinary people can't eat. Now that we have grown our own food and have enough food and clothing, they still pay for it. Come investigate."

Having said that, he sighed.

"Hey, it's said that the parents' officer, the parents' officer, how can this be something that the parents' officer can see?"

Xie Sining smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Aunt Fat seemed to realize something, she quickly closed her mouth again, and looked outside, as if she was afraid of being heard by others.

"I'll tell you what I said, but don't say it out loud."

"Fat aunt, don't worry, I have a sense of propriety, there is no way to say this, we close the door on weekdays, and we can just complain a few words on our own."

After hearing this, the fat aunt smiled cheerfully.

"Okay, I should go back too."

She stood up and was about to leave, but before she could move, she suddenly became dizzy.

Seeing how her body was precariously holding her head, Xie Sining quickly supported her.

"Aunt Fat, are you alright?"

He quickly helped her to sit down again.

Shaking her head vigorously, and then slowing down for a while, the fat aunt felt much better.

"I don't know what's the matter. I've been dizzy these days, but as long as I sit for a while, I'll be fine. Sister Ning, don't worry."

That's what he said, but Xie Sining was still a little worried, after thinking about it, he turned and went to the bedroom.

After the fat aunt came, Gu Ci read a book in the room. After all, it was inconvenient for him to be around when women were talking.Seeing Xie Sining coming in a sudden hurry, he put down his book and asked, "What's the matter? Has Aunt Fat left?"


Xie Sining answered while searching for something.

Finally, I found some money from the cabinet, packed it carefully, and said to Gu Ci: "Fat aunt said that she has not been feeling well recently, and she is always dizzy. I will take her to Dr. Chen's house to have a look. You can pick it up later." Let's go, Ye'er."

"Okay, then go quickly." After hearing Xie Sining's words, Gu Ci didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll go out first, and Ye'er will leave it to you."

"En." Gu Ci nodded.

After Xie Sining left the room, Gu Ci continued to pick up the book and read.

After coming out of the room, Xie Sining took the fat aunt and said that he would take her to see a doctor.

Aunt Fat quickly refused.

"There's no need to see a doctor. I'm just a little dizzy. It's not a serious problem. Besides, seeing a doctor costs money."

"No, dizziness can be big or small. You don't have to worry about the consultation fee. I'll just pay for it."

Originally, the fat aunt didn't want to trouble her, but when she heard that she would pay the consultation fee, she became even more unhappy.

"How can it be done, no, no, then I can't go."

Seeing that the fat aunt was resolutely unwilling, Xie Sining pulled her and said, "No matter what, let's go to the doctor's place to have a look. For the consultation fee, it is assumed that you borrowed it, and you will pay it back when you have it." Having said all this, the fat aunt really couldn't hold her back, so she had to follow her to Dr. Chen's place in the village.

After arriving at Dr. Chen's home, the doctor took the pulse of the fat aunt first, and asked, "What do you feel uncomfortable?" The fat aunt pointed to her forehead and replied, "It's just a little dizzy. What's the big problem, this Ning girl is just worried, she insists on bringing me to you to have a look, "

Xie Sining didn't care what the fat aunt said, just looked at the doctor, and when he got his pulse, he immediately asked: "How is the doctor? What's wrong with her?"

The doctor looked as usual, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"It's okay, I just want to announce my happiness to you."

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned, and they didn't realize what was going on for a while.

After a while, the fat aunt suddenly realized something, and asked the doctor with some excitement.

"Doctor, what do you mean?"

"You are happy."

After receiving the exact answer from the doctor, Fat God was stunned, and then he couldn't speak any more excited words.

She turned her head and took Xie Sining's hand, her eyes were full of tears, and her voice was trembling.

"Girl Ning, I... Did I hear you right? The doctor said, I... I'm happy?"

"Yeah, you heard me right, you're finally here." Xie Sining was also happy for her.

"It's true, is it true?" Fat Aunt rubbed her belly in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

Seeing her appearance, Xie Sining couldn't help laughing.

This fat aunt is too happy, but thinking about her situation, it seems to be normal. If the fat aunt is two years older, I am afraid that there is really no hope of having children.

The fat aunt pulled Xie Sining excitedly and said: "Ning girl, this is all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I don't know when I would know."

After hearing Aunt Fat's words, Xie Sining said with a smile: "Auntie Fatty, you are very lucky. You have been looking forward to it day and night, and this dream has finally come true." Auntie Fatty laughed from ear to ear when she heard this. Putting her hands on her stomach, although she couldn't feel anything yet, she still felt very moved.

Afterwards, Xie Sining asked the doctor about what needs to be paid attention to, and the doctor explained that not to do too much heavy work, eating well and sleeping well are more important than anything else.

Then another anti-fetal drug was prescribed, and nothing happened.

Xie Sining accompanied the fat aunt back home, and when she got home, the fat aunt told her man about her pregnancy.

When old man Wang heard that he was going to be a father, he was also excited and didn't know what to do. Finally, Xie Sining relayed the doctor's words, put down the medicine and went back.

It was almost dark when they returned home, and Gu Ye was also picked up by Gu Ci. When he entered the door, he saw the two fathers in the yard, one collecting clothes and the other helping to wash rice.

Seeing her come back, Gu Ci stopped collecting clothes, turned to ask her: "How is it, is Fat Aunt okay?
Xie Sining smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay, it's a happy event."

"Mother, what is the happy event?"

(End of this chapter)

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