Chapter 131 Unsatisfactory Tears

Seeing that Gu Ci finished speaking, he nodded with a smile, went to the side room and did not come out again, the village chief had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Xie Sining.

"Miss Gu, look, what's going on here?"

Xie Sining looked as if he had just realized, "Oh, village chief, you want to ask about the well water, actually I don't know what happened, last night, the well behind my house suddenly dried up, I We are also looking for the reason."

"Ah?" The village chief didn't believe it, "How could it be so good to just do it? Miss Gu, if you are angry and don't want big guys to use your well water, you should also say so. Suddenly the water source was cut off, this...isn't that good?"

Hearing this, Xie Sining sneered immediately: "Village Chief, what are you talking about? Why should I be angry? Everyone has their own ambitions. I understand this. If you don't believe me, then you can go to the back of the house and have a look. Then you will know whether what I said is true or false."

Naturally, the village chief didn't believe it, and finally went to see it himself. Seeing the dry well, he had no choice but to believe it.

Although he still had doubts in his heart, it was hard to say anything more with the facts in front of him. In the end, he left in disgrace and returned home. The village chief walked back and forth angrily.

"How could a good well water dry up overnight? It must be that Mrs. Gu tried to cut off the well water."

Jiang was so angry when she saw her man came back, she also added fuel to the side and said, "The Gu family thinks that we can't grow food without her. If you want me to say, it was possible to grow it before, it was in our village. It has nothing to do with her because of the good climate and soil, she just happened to be lucky."

"Head of the family, I don't think we should wait any longer. Didn't someone pay [-] Wen to collect our village's food yesterday? We promise to come down, and when we earn money, the Gu family's regrets will have no place to cry!"

Originally, the village chief planned to wait a little longer, maybe the price of food could rise further, but now that his wife said so, he thought about it and thought it was ok, he clenching his fist and hitting his palm, and made a decision.

Xie Sining brought Aunt Fat and the others to work in the field, and the village chief led the villagers to grow food.

On this day, the village chief called all the villagers together, saying that someone bought grain at a high price and was willing to pay fifteen cents a catty.

When the villagers heard it, it was several pennies higher than Xie Sining's, and they agreed firmly. Then the village head signed a contract with them, agreeing to deliver [-] dans of grain in three months, and also received a deposit. .

The deposit alone was a huge amount, which made the village chief very happy, and immediately got the villagers busy.

In order to grow food as soon as possible, Xie Sining negotiated with Gu Ci to use all the fields of the Gu family, and even spent a sum of money to hire someone to help.

Before this, Xie Sining had already surveyed every field, and at the same time led the space water to the ground to moisten these farmlands, and mixed the space soil into the land.

All of this was going on quietly, and Aunt Fat and the others didn't know it. After the land was raised, they began to plant the fields and sow seeds.

After working for several days, dozens of people were invited to help, and finally the Gu family's hundreds of acres of land, as well as Fat Auntie's land, were all planted.

Afterwards, Xie Sining hired a few more honest people, and entrusted Zhao Pan to take them with him, to inspect them every day and take care of them.

However, within three to five days, young buds could already be seen sprouting up in the field, Fat Auntie and the others were very happy to see them.

"Oh, this grows so fast, I'm afraid it will be harvested in less than a month."

"That's right, Mrs. Gu has a way."

A few people stood on the ridge of the field, looking at the joy in the field, smiling from ear to ear.

On the other hand, the village chief and other villagers also planted it at the same time. Now let alone green buds, even caterpillars can't be seen.

Looking at Aunt Fatty's family over there, small buds have already sprouted, and there is no movement in their own house, and some villagers are already secretly worried.

"They are a day earlier than us, maybe they will grow out tomorrow? We are in a hurry now, is it too early?"

Some of them said that, and the others could only comfort themselves in this way when they heard it.

A few days later, the crops in the field were already half as high as the calf. The fat aunt went to look at them every day, and she was very happy.

Strange to say, this crop not only grows fast, but also is not too worrying. If the crops grew like this in previous years, they should have been busy weeding and repelling insects.

And let alone pests, I didn't even see a single weed, which made everyone worry a lot.

After walking around the field, feeling that there was nothing to see, the fat aunt was about to go back, but when she went back, she bumped into Mrs. Chen from the village.

"Hey, isn't this from the Chen family? You also come to see the crops." The fat aunt greeted cheerfully.

Aunt Chen's expression was not very good-looking, she glanced at the crops behind the fat aunt, thinking that she didn't even see a shadow of Miao Miao, she nodded in embarrassment, and then hurried away.

Looking at the Chen family like this, of course the fat aunt knew why.

At first, these people didn't believe in Xie Sining, they always thought that they could grow crops in winter because of the good land, completely forgetting that if Xie Sining hadn't brought them with him, they would have had the full meal they are now?

To put it bluntly, these are a bunch of ungrateful people.

Fat aunt also looked down on them from the bottom of her heart.

After another half a month, the Xie Sining family's farmland is growing very well, and it is estimated that the harvest will be ready in another half a month.

After planting the land for so many years, the crops can grow so fast, which is unprecedented. Although I thought it was amazing, Fat Aunt and the others were very sensible and didn't ask the bottom line.

Because of the partnership, they also often go to Gu's house, and they get to know each other because of their partnership. I'm an acquaintance with Uncle Li, so it goes without saying that Mrs. Sun has always been aggressive in the village, and few people dare to provoke her. Recently, she often goes to Gu's house, and often sends some rice cakes, candies and so on to Gu ye.

Xie Sining was a little surprised when he heard that Mrs. Sun wanted to be a partner. After all, she was not familiar with the Sun family, that is, when she went to the town to go to the market, she would occasionally ride in Uncle Li's car together.

She had heard people say before that this daughter-in-law of Sun Xiucai's family was so arrogant and pungent.

But these days, they lived in peace, but Xie Sining felt that she was not as exaggerated as the villagers said, and Mrs. Sun was just a little more straightforward.

It seemed that what she had heard before were all rumors.

Thinking this way in my heart, I raised my head and saw Mrs. Sun's family standing outside the courtyard. The courtyard door was unlocked. Mrs. Sun was about to shout inside, but she might as well have bumped into the people inside.

She wasn't embarrassed, she walked in and shouted, "What is Mrs. Gu's doing in the courtyard?"

(End of this chapter)

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