After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 132 Naturally Listen to Mother

Chapter 132 Naturally Listen to Mother

While talking, she looked into the courtyard and asked, "Gu Ye hasn't returned yet?"

The other party was so enthusiastic and direct, Xie Sining's eyes fell on the oiled paper bag wrapped in sugar cake in the other party's hand, with a clear look in his eyes, he smiled randomly, nodded and said: "Yes, the lady is here early today, then The little guy hasn't finished school yet."

Mrs. Sun was slightly stunned, turned her head to look at the sky, then helped her forehead, and said with a smile: "Look at my memory, bad! It's okay, it's okay for us to chat."

While talking, she found a small bench and sat down without seeing anything.

Xie Sining looked at her like she was about to have a long talk.

Sure enough, when the people sat down, Madam Sun looked around, then looked at her and said with a smile: "If you want me to say, I didn't follow the wrong person one by one."

Xie Sining looked at Mrs. Sun with confusion in his eyes, but he probably already guessed what she was going to say in his heart.

"You don't know." Mrs. Sun pouted her lips in the direction of the field ridge outside, "It's just that they are ungrateful, and they have been punished for seeing money. Not to mention vegetables, not even a hair grows!"

Mrs. Sun curled her lips while talking, Xie Sining could hear the rejoicing in her words, and there was a bit of schadenfreude in her words, even though she knew in her heart that this would be the result, she still asked a question to agree.

"Not long?"

"That's right, the dark potatoes don't grow anything!" Mrs. Sun became more and more excited as she spoke, "So, one must not forget one's roots, otherwise God will open his eyes and all the blessings given to him will be taken back."

She said with emotion: "You don't know, we went to the field ridge this morning, and when we met those people, everyone's face was ugly! Especially the village chief, it's been less than half a month now, and the village signed with someone before. The list is going to be ruined! I heard that fifty cents a catty, if this compensation..."

Madam Sun took a deep breath and said, "How many pigs have to be killed to pay for it?"

Xie Sining heard her chattering in his ears, and he had a new understanding of her. He usually only thought that she was quite aloof.

"Tell me... how many loads of food did the people from the county government order?

This is not a secret thing, Xie Sining thought for a while before returning: "Four thousand dan."

"There are so many, so our fields are still short, what should we do?"

Xie Sining had already considered this question before, but now he only smiled lightly and said: "The boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge."

Sun Niangzi blinked, and finally nodded, half understanding.

There was a sound at the door, and the two people in the yard looked out one after another, only to see Gu Ye walking in from the outside.

"Mom!" Gu Ye called out first.

Xie Sining smiled.

He immediately saw Mrs. Sun who was sitting next to her, her eyes lit up, and she immediately shouted, "Hello, Auntie!"

These days, Mrs. Sun comes to Gu's house with sugar cakes on her hands every three days. Gu Ye has a very good impression of this very refreshing aunt.

Hearing Gu Ye calling himself, he let out an eh, and pointed to the table, "There are rice krispies on it."

Gu Ye looked in the direction of her finger, then nodded heavily.

After the little guy entered the room, the two men started talking again.

"Based on the current situation, the village chief may have to beg to come before you in a few days. What will you do then?" Mrs. Sun asked.

"Please come to me? Does the lady think that I will soften my heart and help them later?" Xie Sining asked back.

Lady Sun shook her head, her eyes were firm: "You won't."

Seeing the firmness in her eyes, this time it was Xie Sining's turn to be slightly stunned, "Why do you see that?"

"From that day on the carriage, when you faced Aunt Zhang and the others, I knew that you were a person with clear grievances and grudges."

Xie Sining looked at her resting her head on her hands, thought for a while, and finally said: "The village chief is very face-saving, not to mention the quarrel was so tense before, he won't ask me for this matter."

Her tone was firm, Mrs. Sun understood.

"You said earlier that the village chief told the villagers fifty copper coins a catty of grain?" Xie Sining asked suddenly.

Mrs. Sun nodded, "Yes."

Thinking of the village chief's house that day, he said that people outside offered fifty copper coins a catty, but he didn't agree, how could he agree in the end...

Xie Sining always felt a little strange in her heart, she thought about it for a while and didn't speak.

"Now that it's getting late, I have to hurry back and cook for my family, so I'll leave first and come back another day." Madam Sun looked at the sky, stood up and said.

Xie Sining came back to his senses and got up immediately, taking a look at the sky.

It was indeed getting late now, so I didn't stay long and sent the man to the door, and didn't return home until the figure of the man disappeared.

When it was night, she was lying on the bed thinking about what Mrs. Sun said today. The more she thought about it, the more something went wrong. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up. Something was wrong, so she had to go to the town to find out.

With such a plan in my heart, I closed my eyes and fell asleep slowly, and waited until the next day, when it was dawn.

Xie Sining did not delay.

Turning over and getting out of bed, he opened the door just in time to meet the man who came out of the room.

"Wake up so early, why don't you sleep for a while, where are you going?" Gu Ci asked softly.

"I have something to do, I want to go to the town to see."

Seeing that she didn't intend to say more, Gu Ci also asked: "Then go, come back earlier."

After Xie Sining responded, he turned and walked outside.

After going to Uncle Li's house to borrow a horse as usual, she got on the horse.

Whip!The dust flew up and soon reached the market place.

Unlike going to the county government office before, there was a lot of people in the market, shoulder to shoulder, Xie Sining could only get off the horse, and led the horse forward slowly.

Xie Sining only felt a little impulsive now, and now he was at a loss as to where to go to find out, so he could only inquire slowly.

When passing by a grain store, I heard the people surrounding the outside talking a lot.

"I see that there is no grain for sale there! Why do these grain sellers open a shop today?" One person asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm afraid things will get moldy, so come and scrub them." Another person returned.

"Cut," the clerk of the shop came out with a rag, looked at the crowd and said arrogantly, "What do you country bumpkins know?"

"Our master has got the grain! Our store will be reopened soon." The guy was terrified. In the current situation, their grain store is the only one open on this street, which is impressive.

The people watching looked at each other in disbelief.

"How could there be food!"

"You guys don't understand this! My master's shop came in from the outside at a high price, and there are no other stores!" Said.

"I also invite all the parents and folks to join us on the day we reopen one by one."

There were only a few voices from the people watching around.

(End of this chapter)

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