Chapter 134 Returning to the Village
"Go quickly, I will take care of it here, don't worry!"

Xie Sining nodded and walked towards the village.

"Ms. Gu's family is really a good person." After she left, Mr. Wang who had been standing silently behind him suddenly spoke.

Old man Wang glanced back, "He's a good person, but we can't live up to his trust, can we?"

After hearing this, Mr. Wang looked a little ugly, and finally pursed his lips and stopped talking.

And here, Mrs. Chen met Fat Aunt on the ridge before, and felt that she was about to lose face. When she got home, she saw a few grandchildren playing in the yard.

The shiny hair on the big cock's tail was almost bald now, and she was suddenly angry!As soon as she picked up the broom that was placed next to her, she whipped it over - several grandchildren were taken aback by the way she pulled over!They ran away crying one by one, and there was a commotion in the yard. It didn't stop until several daughter-in-laws heard the voice coming out of the room and took the child back to the house.

Only then did Mrs. Chen support the broom, and sat on the bench in the yard panting.

"What kind of trouble are you doing!" The old man of the Chen family came out of the main room with his back hunched, with a faint look of displeasure on his face: "You can only feel at ease if you want to disturb this family?!"

When Mrs. Chen heard this question, she was immediately annoyed!

She stood up with a grunt!Pointing to the big rooster that was about to be plucked in the yard, he shouted: "Look at those precious granddaughters of yours! The family can hardly afford to eat, and they are still working like a demon every day!"

Old man Chen looked over there in the direction of her finger, and saw the slightly shabby roosters in the yard...

His complexion was also a little ugly for a while, and he said: "It's just a few hairs pulled out, it's not a big deal, why can't you afford to eat?"

"Aren't the sons in the family farming with the village chief!" Mr. Chen straightened his back as he spoke.

"Cut! Those sons of yours didn't tell you that the dark land is cleaner than the land in our yard! We still have a few green onions in our yard! Are you still thinking about making money?" Mrs. Chen Pooh.

"Why, how did this happen?" Mr. Chen couldn't believe it, "But I went to the field ridge a few days ago. Isn't the Gu family's land growing very well?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Mrs. Chen's complexion was a little ugly, and she let out a long sigh.

"Isn't it? It's just that the land of Gu's family is well-grown-if this continues, what will we eat as a big family! The two people who were at war just now are all standing in the yard with sullen faces and sighing.

Old man Chen found a stool and sat down, his eyes rolled, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Didn't the Gu family look for us before? Now the seeds I bought before seem to be unable to grow, and their field grows so well, how about us?" Old man Chen glanced at the old woman, without saying a word. After speaking, it means something.

"You mean..." Mrs. Chen naturally understood what her man meant, but hesitated.

"What are you afraid of? She begged us to go before, but now we are willing to help her. Is it possible for her to take care of her family?" The corner of Mr. Chen's mouth twitched into a smile.

Hearing her man's words, Mrs. Chen's mouth was slammed, and she also felt that this was the truth, "Then I will go to Gu's house to ask?"

Old man Chen nodded, then walked into the room with a smile on his face.

After finishing the meal, Mrs. Chen threw the bowls and chopsticks to her daughters-in-law and went out. Halfway through, she remembered something, then turned around and went home, and took out some eggs from the cabinet.

Mrs. Chen's heart twitched in pain. After taking five, she quickly closed the cabinet, put on the basket and went out the door.

Gu's family, today Zhao Pan came early and prepared the family's meals and put them in the cupboard, so when Mrs. Chen came to the door, they had already finished their meals.

Xie Sining was sitting in the yard thinking about something, when it was getting late, she heard a sound from the door, she looked up, and saw Mrs. Chen smiling obsequiously.

She was a little surprised and raised her eyebrows.

The man had already come in, "Hey, it's really early for the Gu family."

Mrs. Chen walked into the courtyard, and while she was talking, she couldn't stop looking around.

"It's okay, has your aunt eaten?" Xie Sining asked.

Mrs. Chen didn't expect the other party to be so polite, and she was a little pleasantly surprised. While smiling all over her face, she became more sure about the matter hidden in her heart, "Eat, eat, my daughters-in-law are taking turns at home. Cooking food."

After a few words, she stepped forward and put the egg in her hand on the table.

"I see that your family doesn't have chickens. These are the eggs laid by my own chickens. The little boy eats them very well! I just want to bring them to you to taste."

Xie Sining didn't even see the basket of eggs, so he asked, "Auntie is here today, is there something wrong?"

This Mrs. Chen is not a simple character in the village, and now she suddenly came to the door, and she is so attentive...

To be courteous without doing anything is to rape or steal, Xie Sining is well aware of this truth.

Mrs. Chen didn't want the person who was polite to her just now to suddenly change the tone and be so direct, her face that was smiling before suddenly became a little stiff.

"It's actually not a big deal..." she said while thinking about it, she found a stool and sat down, looking at Xie Sining who was sitting across from her.

"My man thought about it, and finally felt that it was not right to follow the village chief's house. How could it be so reliable to follow the elder sister?" She said while looking sideways at Xie Sining.

"Look at the fact that you asked us to farm before, and our group of talents did it. Otherwise, so many young people in the family would have starved to death!"

Xie Sining sat on the side and quietly watched her exaggerated expression. With her appearance, she could figure out what was going on in her mind with her feet. She was like a mirror in her heart, but she still asked.

"Auntie, are you planning to stop following the village chief?"

Xie Sining sat on the side and quietly watched her exaggerated expression. With her appearance, she could figure out what was going on in her mind with her feet. She was like a mirror in her heart, but she still asked.

"Auntie, are you planning to stop following the village chief?"

The smile on Mrs. Chen's face froze, and finally she let out a curse.

"How can you say that? As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. The unreliable village chief made us work for nothing for a while! I didn't go to him to settle the score Well, this doesn’t allow us to choose another family?”

She was actually angry at the end, her eyes looked in the direction of the village head's house, full of resentment, and then she looked at Xie Sining.

"How about the Gu family, you begged me to come before, but now our family is here, let me tell you if it's okay."

Xie Sining looked at the person in front of her with her head held high, her toes held high, her somewhat bloated body sitting on the small bench, her face full of arrogance, she suddenly wanted to laugh for some reason.

"It is true that you were recruited to join the gang before, but you refused earlier. Now that the village chief's harvest is not good, it is somewhat unreasonable for me to ask you again... What's more." She looked at the face of the person in front of her. His eyes were staring like brass bells, and fire almost spewed out of them.

(End of this chapter)

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