Chapter 135
Xie Sining didn't care, smiled and continued: "What's more, we don't send people here now, so I will trouble my sister-in-law to make this trip..."

"The Gu family! Don't be ashamed!" Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Chen opened her mouth and cursed.

"What's wrong with being a man! Don't you want that old Wang family too?"

The smile on Xie Sining's face didn't change, "It's my family's business to decide, anyway, I'll leave it here now, auntie, please do what you want."

After she said this, she stood up, and regardless of the scolding from Mrs. Chen behind her, she turned her head and walked into the room, as if thinking of something, she stopped in her tracks...

He turned his head and glanced at Mrs. Chen, "It's not easy these days, so let's take the eggs from the table too."

After saying that, he walked into the house without looking back, and then closed the door with a bang.

Mrs. Chen got a bad nose, and now she was standing in the yard wheezing and panting. It took a long time to recover, and finally spit into the yard, and then turned around and walked out of Gu's yard with her basket in hand.

With a basket in her hand, she rushed home facing the setting sun, still cursing, and when her figure disappeared, a figure was walking out from the corner of the wall.

The man looked at the courtyard of Gu's family, and then at the direction where Mrs. Chen left, thinking about walking towards the east of the village.Before the man could open the door with his steps, he yelled inside: "Brother-in-law—sister!"

The voice was as loud and clear as a child's, and Jiang's eyes lit up slightly when he heard the voice!Hastily pushed open the door and greeted him outside.

"Why are you here, little hozen?" Mrs. Jiang came to the yard, and seeing that it was really Jiang Hu, she couldn't stop the smile in her eyes.

"Isn't this missing my sister, brother-in-law?" Jiang Hu responded with a playful smile.

Hearing the sound, the village chief also came out of the hall.

Seeing this brother-in-law, Jiang Hu withdrew the smile slightly, and called out brother-in-law respectfully.

The village head nodded slightly, his expression still calm.

"You kid, you haven't been home for two or three months, it must be strange to come to the door suddenly today!" Jiang looked at him, then copied his mind, and said suddenly.

"Could it be that you know how we make money, so you smell the fragrance and come here?"

Jiang Hu's thoughts of being exposed did not show any embarrassment on his face. Instead, he stepped forward a few steps and squeezed his sister's hand, begging.

Jiang Hu's thoughts of being exposed did not show any embarrassment on his face. Instead, he stepped forward a few steps and squeezed his sister's hand, begging.

"Big brother and second brother can do it, why can't I?"

Just as Mrs. Jiang was about to speak again, the village head who had stood on one side without speaking for a long time suddenly became angry and threw the dry tobacco in his hand to the ground...

"You little bastard! You only suck the blood of the family every day, and now I see that there is no movement in the field until now! I bought so many seeds and planted them, but in the end there was no harvest. Let's just say that we lost everything! The large sum of money Jianghu was so suddenly burned by his brother-in-law, he was so shocked that he dared not speak, but the village chief continued.

"Besides, after working for such a long time, how will the villagers explain it? What's more, they rejected the Gu family before! Their family just waited to see my jokes! The prestige I had built in the village for so many years was wiped out!"

The village head was breathing heavily, his chest was heaving violently, and the layers of ruts on his face were wrinkled together. The emotions that had been suppressed for many days broke out at this moment.

Jiang Shi was stunned by the sudden anger of her man!He stayed in place for a while, and finally came back to his senses after a long time, chopping his feet hard.

"What does this have to do with our Huzi? Why are you yelling at him!" She was also angry, and she guarded Jiang Hu like a little chicken, glaring at her man.

The village chief was about to speak again, when Jiang Hu suddenly raised his voice and interrupted—"The Gu family that brother-in-law mentioned is the one in the west of the village?" Jiang Hu said nervously.

The words of the village chief were suddenly interrupted, but he still nodded.

Jiang Hu clapped his hands fiercely.

"When I came, I saw Mrs. Chen from your village," Jiang Hu added seeing their blank faces.

"That's the one... the one who is proficient in killing pigs, cursing, and beating people!"

Mrs. Jiang thought about it for a long time, and it took a long time to realize who he was talking about Mrs. Chen, she nodded and asked, "What did you see?"

The village head also looked over.

Jiang Hu swallowed nervously, "I saw Mrs. Chen coming out of Gu's house, with a basket full in her hands, with a beaming face, and muttering something..."

"What a Gu family! What a Gu family lady!"

Before Jiang Hu could finish speaking, she was severely interrupted by Mrs. Jiang, her eyebrows were full of hostility, and her eyes were narrowed with a sharp light.

"I said, why did their well dry up as soon as our family was about to plant the land!" Jiang Shi seemed to feel that she had come to the truth, and she clenched her hands into fists.

"No wonder, there is no movement in our place. It turns out that Mrs. Chen is a rotten bug. I will go to her to settle the score!" Jiang said and walked out angrily.

Jiang Hu was dumbfounded, he never thought that a word of his own could arouse so much anger.

"What are you in a hurry for!" The village chief suddenly said from behind.

Jiang's footsteps froze.

"You don't have any evidence, so what are you doing rushing out like this!"

"But... just watching that woman from the Gu family crawl on top of us? We spent a lot of money buying the seeds, not to mention the deposit, and a lot of money in the coffin."

The village chief lost his temper earlier, but now he has calmed down, hanging his head in thought and not speaking.

"Sister, brother-in-law, why don't you tell her husband's family about such a femme fatale? If I find out that my wife has this kind of virtue, I will definitely be divorced!" Jiang Hu stood beside him, and suddenly said something.

Hearing these words, the village head glanced at Jiang Hu, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Shi also seemed to have thought of something. She walked up to the village chief and was about to say something, but was stopped by the village chief with a look.

The husband and wife have their own plans.

The next day, the village head and his wife came to the door of Gu's house, and after looking inside for a while, they made sure that Xie Sining was not at home, so they knocked on the courtyard door outside.

"Master Gu, is Mr. Gu at home?"

After a while, footsteps were heard inside, and then the courtyard door was opened with a creak.

Gu Ci was a little stunned when he saw the two people at the door.

"Village chief, you..."

"Isn't it because you were injured a while ago? That's why I wanted to come and see you."

The village head, who didn't know how to speak, thought for a long time, and came up with such an excuse.

It has been several months since he was injured, and he has met countless times before, so it is a bit far-fetched to suddenly say that he came to see him.

Knowing but not poking fun at them, Gu Ci led them into the house, and then gave them hot tea.

The village chief and his wife sat down and looked at each other, but neither of them spoke first.

"There is nothing good to entertain at home, so I can only invite you two to have a simple cup of tea." Gu Ci said.

(End of this chapter)

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