Chapter 137 Space Soil

He heard Gu Ci speak.

"If I remember correctly, the two of you have rented a lot of land from my Gu family."

His voice was cold and his eyes were dark, as if he had no emotion.

The village chief was slightly taken aback. It was true, but he didn't know why he mentioned this suddenly, so he nodded first.

Seeing him nodding, Gu Ci slowly picked up the teacup from the table, took a sip, put the teacup down, and then said in a cold voice: "Whether my wife is innocent or not, as a husband, I know very well. As for the well water..."

He looked at the two people in front of him, and his eyes were faint: "The well water suddenly dried up overnight. The land you couldn't grow was condemned by the heavens. What has it to do with my wife? So my wife still has orders for the well water." Incompetent!?"

The village head blushed from his words!For a moment, he stood up and pointed at Gu Ci angrily, but before he could speak, he was cut off in a cold voice.

"In the past, Gu Ci thought that the village head's family was kind, and that's why he was willing to rent the land to you cheaply. Now that I think about it, I was wrong..." The corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

Hearing these words, the village chief's heart trembled suddenly, and he looked at the person in front of him with fear in his heart. Sure enough, Gu Ci's next sentence confirmed his guess.

"If you two continue to slander my wife like this, the friendship between the two families will be broken! The land that was rented before will no longer be rented from today!" Gu Ci's voice was filled with frost.

"You, you!" Jiang Shi also stood up tremblingly, pointed at Gu Ci who was sitting at the table, and even mentioned you a few times, but couldn't explain why.

The head of the village suddenly looked solemn. The Gu family has a lot of land, and there are a lot of high-quality land, and the price is reasonable. There is no such good renter in the entire county. If they fall out with the Gu family again because of Xie Sining If the Gu family insisted on taking it back at this time, they would not be able to please their family.

It's just that I didn't expect that Gu Ci would protect that woman so much that he would go against him, the village chief. Thinking of this, the village chief's complexion became extremely ugly, but now he dared not say any more, so he could only walk out with Jiang's despondently. Gu family.

As soon as the two of them went out to lie down in the room, they immediately became quite quiet, and Gu Ci's expression was still gloomy and ugly.

Until both of them walked out of the gate of Gu's house, Jiang looked back, still full of unwillingness, and asked the old man through gritted teeth.

"Is it hard for us to forget it?"

The village chief glanced at the gate of Gu's family, and snorted through his nostrils, "I can't just let it go like this! But we have to find a compromise."

His eyes were cold and full of calculations.

The two returned home, and rumors arose in the village the next day.

Among them, Mrs. Chen's family was the head, talking about Xie Sining everywhere in the village, and all kinds of bad things about the arrangers came out. What they said was so vivid, all kinds of non-existent things, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Even the clothes Xie Sining wore in the past and the way he walked had to be judged.

At this moment, at noon.

Under the big tree in the village, a group of women gathered under the head of Mrs. Chen, and now they work with the village chief, and the field is not in a good mood. The above side talked non-stop.

"Let me tell you! A few days ago I got up early in the morning and was going to water the fields, but I saw dust flying in front of me, and a galloping horse galloping away!" Mrs. Chen's voice was sharp, and her expression on her face was lifelike. If you don't know, you may think that the theater troupe came to the village to give a play.

"That dust, it smeared our faces!" She said as she pushed a woman next to her, and the woman responded quickly.

"That's right, that's right, a few days ago, we saw with our own eyes that Xie Sining was riding a big horse, running all the way towards the county town!"

There was an uproar in the crowd, and a little daughter-in-law said in disbelief.

"The little lady of the Gu family can also ride a horse?"

"I heard from my elder brother that riding a horse is not easy. My elder brother has been learning for a long time. Who taught her this?" another young daughter-in-law said, her eyes full of envy.

"Tch, who else could it be? It must be the government servant who hooked up with Xie Sining in the county."

Everyone heard a crisp sound and turned their heads to look.

Then he saw Hao Xiu'er who hadn't seen her for a long time, who was wearing gold and silver at this time, and was supported by a maid, walking slowly towards them.

Looking at Hao Xiu'er's current posture and the huge gold bracelet on her wrist, Mrs. Chen swallowed the saliva in her mouth, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"Xiu'er, what are you?"

Hao Xiu'er rolled her eyes, and said disdainfully: "It's not the master who shows pity, let me come back to see my mother, she said as she walked towards her house, halfway there, she suddenly looked back at the group of people, " Don't be fooled by Xie Sining's appearance, he looks bold and generous, but he actually has a lot of calculations in his heart. "

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Only the people under the big tree were left with envious faces.

"It's true that different people have different fates. Even Xie Sining, who is so disobedient to women, has the pain of Master Gu. It's not like us, one by one."

"It's true that different people have different fates. Even Xie Sining, who is so disobedient to women, has the pain of Master Gu. It's not like us, one by one."

An older daughter-in-law smiled wryly, and then laughed at herself.

"So what if the head of the Gu family loves that woman again? Isn't she eager to hook up everywhere! This kind of person will be punished sooner or later!" Someone said bitterly.

They were chatting here, but on the other side, the fat aunt's family was too busy to take care of the fields these days, and hadn't been to the village for a long time, so they didn't know about it.

At this moment, I was making lunch and put the food in the basket before walking towards the field.

After delivering the food to the men, when they had finished eating, the fat aunt happened to walk back with Mrs. Sun, passing by the bottom of the big tree, and happened to hear the words of these women clearly.

Although he only heard those one or two sentences, he thought with his toes that they were slandering Xie Sining again, and the fat aunt immediately became angry!

Just as she was about to rush up, a wrist grabbed herself fiercely, she turned her head angrily, and saw that Mrs. Sun was also full of anger, she said in a low voice.

"What are you dragging me for?"

That tone, as if seeing a traitor, is very incomprehensible.

The veins on Sun Niangzi's arms were exposed, and she suppressed her anger and said every word.

"What are you rushing up to argue with these savages now? It's just a few words to talk about. The non-existent things are all fabricated. These people have nothing to do in the village every day, let alone people who only believe It is useless for us to explain what we want to believe!"

"Don't teach them a lesson, let them pour dirty water here with empty teeth?" Fat aunt's anger remained undiminished, and she didn't listen at all.

The people under the tree didn't notice the two people standing in the corner, they were still talking to themselves.

A lot of gossip came into their ears verbatim, and the two of them stood in a stalemate for a long time. Finally, the fat aunt let out a heavy breath: "Then what do you say!"

(End of this chapter)

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