After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 138 It's useless to find me

Chapter 138 It's useless to find me
Mrs. Sun glanced at those people in disgust, "They talked about the non-existent things a few days ago, and they couldn't come up with any new tricks. Let's go to Gu's house and talk to Si Ning to see how she reacts. "

As she spoke, she dragged the fat aunt away.

Aunt Fat took one last look at those people and followed Mrs. Sun away.

When they reached the door of Gu's house, the two of them knocked lightly on the door of Gu's house, and someone inside responded quickly. Xie Sining pushed the door open and saw the two people standing at the door, and subconsciously smiled.

But soon it was discovered that the faces of the two people were obviously wrong, and they couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Auntie Fat stood in front of the door because she was really impatient, so she didn't hold back for a long time, and said everything in one go, and looked at Xie Sining angrily after she finished speaking.

"We have to figure out a way, we can't let them keep making arrangements like this!"

Mrs. Sun stood by and didn't make a sound.

After hearing this, Xie Sining's complexion sank, his deeply drooping hands were slowly clenched, but he remained silent for a long time without opening his mouth.

Fat Aunt's anger has not subsided.

Xie Sining raised his head and looked at the two people in front of the door, "It's noon now, it's hard for you to run back and forth, but have you eaten yet?"

Looking at the woman standing in front of her, the fat aunt said incredulously, "Don't you care what they say about you?"

Mrs. Sun stood aside, looking a little embarrassed, and gently pushed the fat aunt's arm.

She fell silent, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Fat Auntie smiled lightly, "Okay, then I'll be nosy today, and I won't worry about eating salty radishes!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left regardless of Xie Sining's expression.

Seeing the back of Fat Aunt leaving, Xie Sining felt helpless in his heart.

"You don't have to worry, Fat Auntie is worried about you. She was so angry at your reaction that she is angry with herself right now." Mrs. Sun persuaded after a while, a little worried Look at her and thank her.

Xie Sining frowned tightly, but did not speak.

"Just let her go with the gossip outside. It's not the first time. Those who love to talk will always talk. Let's not argue with them. We will be gone in two days." Madam Sun looked worried, as if she was really afraid. She couldn't think about it.

Feeling that the people around him are caring about him, Xie Sining couldn't help but smile, "I don't look like someone who cares about these things?"

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Sun really didn't seem to have a problem, so she felt relieved, took her leave and went home.

After the two left, Xie Sining closed the door with a bang.

He turned around and went back to the main room, sitting at the table with a very ugly expression on his face.

Hearing the loud closing sound, Gu Ci came out of the room at this moment, and saw the sullen woman alone as soon as he stepped out of the room, he couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter?" said while walking outside, "Who made my wife angry."

He walked to the table, sat down slowly, poured a cup of tea for her, and placed it in front of her himself.

Xie Sining rested his chin on his hands, "The rumors outside have started to spread again."

As if feeling the man's doubts, Xie Sining put down the hand supporting his chin, straightened his body and said, "What are you hooking up with men, there are already wild men out there, and they are high-ranking, powerful, and powerful!"

After hearing what she said, Gu Ci's expression gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help thinking of the previous days.When the village chief came to the door, he seemed to have guessed something, and his face was a little ugly for a while.

Seeing this man's dignified expression, Xie Sining couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes wide: "Do you believe it?"

Hearing her speak, Gu Ci withdrew from his thoughts, and then was slightly taken aback.

"What do you believe in husband?"

Xie Sining narrowed his eyes slightly, "Trust what those in the village say about me."

The man felt even more absurd in his heart, and then he couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth and smiled helplessly, took Xie Sining's hand, and said, "How could it be."

The hand was grabbed by the man, Xie Sining struggled lightly a few times, but he couldn't break free. At this moment, he asked angrily, "Then why were you so sullen earlier?"

"I'm just angry for my husband, but those people outside are planning to arrange my wife like this." Gu Ci said warmly.

Xie Sining carefully scrutinized the man's complexion, then nodded slowly, somewhat satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

"The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting, let them say it, I will do my own thing well, I can't live in their mouth forever."

Gu Ci watched her eyes gradually faint with a smile, and nodded.

At this moment Xie Sining was very free and easy, but what she didn't expect was that this free and easy would disappear in a short time.

There was movement at the door again, Xie Sining looked at the sky outside, and knew that little Gu Ye was back, as expected, the door was pushed open, and he heard a voice calling his mother.

Xie Sining responded outside, and then walked out.

Seeing this, the man on the chair got up too.

"Why did you leave school so early today?"

In the yard, Xie Sining asked.

"The master of the academy said that the exam will be tomorrow, let us come back today to study."

She nodded knowingly, and then said.

"Are you hungry? Mother is going to cook for you." While talking, she walked towards the kitchen.

The little guy's tender face froze slightly, and then he looked at his father bitterly.

Leaning closer to Gu Ci, he whispered the conditions, "Daddy, I'll finish all the books in a while, can I go out and play with them?"

Gu Ci looked down at his son, with a look of anticipation in his eyes, and a gloomy expression on his face.

"People often say, play small exams, play big exams, dad one by one." Gu Ye gently shook his father's clothes and begged.

"The man also said that if you don't take the test, you don't play?" Gu Ci's eyes seemed to be smiling.

After hearing this, the expression on the little guy's face collapsed and he was completely stupefied.

"Okay, I'll check your homework in a while, and if it's okay, go out and play."

Little Gu Ye's heart beat faster, he let out a cheer, and trotted into the study.

Hearing voices from the courtyard, Xie Sining poked his head out from the kitchen.

Xindao, I don't know what the father and son are up to.

After a while, Gu Ye took the completed homework to Gu Ci for review.

He looked nervously at his father in front of him. Although he had always done his homework carefully and there was nothing wrong with it, he was still a little nervous, afraid that his father would not let him go out to play.

Gu Ci flipped through the pages of the book, and finally finished reading. He nodded in satisfaction, seeing his son's look of anticipation, he still spoke at noon.

"Go, but remember to come back for dinner later."

"Okay! Thank you, Dad!"

Gu Ye readily agreed, and then happily ran out to find friends to play with.

After the child went out, Gu Ci went to the kitchen to help Xie Sining, and after a while the food was prepared and brought out.

He promised well before that he would come back when eating, but now that the food is ready, he still hasn't seen anyone from Gu Ye.

"This kid is probably going crazy playing outside again, I'll go find him." Xie Sining set up the dishes and went out to find Gu Ye.

Under the tree, Gu Ye was playing with his friends. Unexpectedly, some parents of children saw their children playing with Gu Ye, and took the children away without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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