Chapter 139 You Go Back First

Some adults who took the child away were talking dirty, and Erhu, who had been playing with Gu Ye all the time, had a strange expression on his face.

"Erhu, what's wrong with you today? Why are you staring at me all the time?"

Erhu looked around for a while, as if he was afraid that others would eavesdrop, and after confirming that there was no one around, he whispered to him.

"Gu Ye, my mother told me to stop playing with you in the future, because your mother is a bad woman, she wants to embezzle your family's money, maybe even kill your father!"

"You bullshit!"

Of course Gu Ye didn't believe Er Hu's words.

Mother loves him the most and treats father very well, how could it be like what Erhu said?He didn't believe it, he didn't believe anything.

"It was my mother who told me. My mother never lied to me. If she said it was true, it must be true."

Erhu also confidently said that his mother would not lie.

"My mother is the best mother in the world. It must be your mother talking nonsense. My mother is good to me and my father. She is not a bad woman!"

"Oh, this child is so pitiful, he is still being deceived."

Before Erhu could speak, an old lady came to the side, and looked at Gu Ye with pity.

This is Mrs. Fang from the village, she also likes to sit and gossip with the old ladies in the village on weekdays.

When she said this, she obviously heard the conversation between the two children.

When Erhu saw someone coming, he ran over quickly. If someone told his mother that he was playing with Gu Ye, he would definitely be beaten up.

After the two tigers ran away, Aunt Fang came to Gu Ye, grabbed his arms and pulled him over, and said to him with a frown.

"You silly boy, you two are really not good people, she doesn't even know how many men there are outside behind your father's back, but she brought more than one green hat to your father, why do you still call him mother now? "

Gu Ye was young, so he half-understood what Aunt Fang said, but he knew it was not a good word, so his face sank, and he opened Aunt Fang's hand.

"My mother is not a bad person. If you say that about my mother, you are the bad person!"

"Hey, you child, why can't you tell the good from the bad? Your mother is a woman who is prone to flirtatiousness. Both of you father and son are fools, and you don't even know you've been cheated on."

"You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, my mother is not!"

Gu Ye was anxious and angry when he heard that, so he picked up the stone on the ground and threw it at Aunt Fang.

Aunt Fang was hit in the face unexpectedly, and she was so angry that she burst out.

"Little bastard, do you dare to hit my old lady?" Aunt Fang rushed towards Gu Ye angrily, and was about to hit him with her slap.

Gu Ye is just a six-year-old child, and he must not be able to beat an adult, so he can only hide and bear it with stones.

"Ouch! You brat, how dare you beat my old lady? See if I won't beat you to death today!" The stone hit her, and she cried out in pain.

Aunt Fang is also a pungent master. She has always bullied Gu Ye in the village. Today, Gu Ye dared to resist her, of course he pissed her off.

"Hmph, you old woman, if you dare to hit me, my mother will definitely not let you go!" Gu Ye shouted while hiding, but he was still caught by the collar inadvertently.

"Little bastard, you dare to scold me, right? Today I will teach you a lesson for your father!"


Just as the slap was about to fall on Gu Ye, Xie Sining's voice came from behind.

Aunt Fang paused for a moment, and then Xie Sining who was walking quickly snatched Gu Ye from her hand.

Xie Sining looked at Aunt Fang in front of her, with anger that couldn't be concealed in her eyes, Aunt Fang's heart skipped a beat, but soon she put her hips on her hips and looked directly at the woman protecting the child in front of her.

"What do you look at, your little bastard has no rules, contradicts the adults, and even fights! It's like this at a young age, I'm afraid it will kill and set fire when it grows up!"

Listening to this aunt Fang's dirty mouth, she did see Gu Ye throwing stones at people when she came just now, but she understood her son's temperament.

Although he is usually mischievous, he will never throw stones at others for no reason. There must be other reasons for this. Now, there's no need to speak so viciously about a child."

After Xie Sining finished speaking, he looked at Gu Ye who was grinning angrily, and asked him.

"Why are you throwing stones at people?"

Hearing his mother's questioning, Gu Ye put away his expression of wanting to bite someone, thought about what happened just now, and still looked at Aunt Fang very dissatisfied.

Gu Ye's small face was full of anger and his teeth were itching, while staring at Aunt Fang, he explained to Xie Sining.

"Yes... it's the old woman who said... Mother, you are a bad woman, trying to harm me and Daddy. I couldn't be more angry. Mother is not that kind of person, but she insisted on saying that Mother is not good, so I threw her away... ..."

Having said that, Gu Ye glared at Aunt Fang angrily.

At this time, Aunt Fang's face was a little guilty, but she still crossed her face and said: "What I said is the truth, your mother... Before she finished speaking, she met Xie Sining's cold eyes, and Aunt Fang's back straightened. Mao, I was a little scared.

"I can ignore how you arrange me outside on weekdays. If you say those things in front of Ye'er in the future, don't blame me, Xie Sining, for turning my face and denying others."

Xie Sining's eyes looked like he was about to kill someone, so Aunt Fang shouldn't have said anything more.

Afterwards, no longer caring about Mrs. Fang, Xie Sining brought Gu Ye home.

Gu Ci waited at home, and finally saw his wife and son came back, but in the end he saw his wife came back with a cold face.

It looked like someone was mad at him.

"what happened?"

He walked up to ask a question, Xie Sining looked at him, pursed his lips and lowered his head and said to Gu Ye.

"Go wash your hands and come over to eat."

Gu Ye obediently nodded and ran to wash his hands. Only then did Xie Sining angrily sit down at the dining table and pat the table.

"This group of people is too much. They spread all the gossip to Ye'er's ears. Although I don't care about it on weekdays, Ye'er is still a child. How can those people say those things to him?"

The more Xie Sining thought about it, the angrier he became.

Hearing what she said, Gu Ci probably knew what was going on in his heart, and there was a look of coldness in his eyes when he thought about it, but he comforted Xie Sining on his mouth.

"Don't be angry, if you really can't stay any longer, let's leave and change places."

"Change place?" Xie Sining was a little surprised. She was actually annoyed by the gossip in the village these days, but she also knew that it was difficult for her to stop those people's mouths.

She thought about turning a deaf ear and ignoring them, but she never thought about leaving the village. Now that Gu Ci said that suddenly, she hesitated.

"Where can we go from here?"

As soon as I said this, Gu Ye had already washed his hands and came over, so the two had no choice but to stop talking about this topic for now.

Xie Sining asked Gu Ye to come over for dinner, and it was already dark outside after dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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