Chapter 140 Can Howl Produce Food?
When Gu Ye returned to the room, Xie Sining took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen and left them in a hurry without washing them. Things followed. Xie Sining left the house and ran directly to the big banyan tree in the village.

On weekdays, when the village chief has something to announce, it is always under the big banyan tree. There is a bell hanging there, and the whole village can hear it when it rings.

At night, the bell in the village suddenly rang, and the villagers came out of their homes to watch.

Looking at the faint fire under the big banyan tree at the head of the village, the bell will only ring when announcing important events, why does this black light ring the bell?

The villagers felt a little strange.

"What's the matter? It's so late, what are you asking us to do?"

Although they didn't know what was going on, everyone gathered over there when they heard the bell.

Although they didn't know what was going on, everyone gathered over there when they heard the bell.

After all the villagers got under the banyan tree, they took a closer look and found that the person who rang the bell to inform them to come was not the village chief, but Xie Sining.

"Why are you? What's going on in the middle of the night!"

"That's right. I thought it was the village chief's business, but it turned out to be you. If you have nothing to do, don't make fun of us."

Seeing this group of complaining villagers, Xie Sining ignored them, but walked to the torch under the tree, and spoke to everyone with different expressions.

"I know that there have been a lot of rumors and rumors about me in the village recently. It's not that I don't know about it. I just think that those who clean up clean up themselves. There's no need to worry about a few slanderous words. But if I don't say it, it doesn't mean that some people can make progress!"

Xie Sining stood on top and looked down at these villagers.

As she spoke, she saw that some villagers lowered their heads and looked away, so she continued bluntly: "Everyone is from the same village. I don't see you when you look up. I don't want to make such a scene. If you really don't want An Sheng To live, I, Xie Sining, am not afraid of causing trouble."

"I think most of you are also aware of my temper. If I find out that someone is talking nonsense in front of my son, don't blame me, Xie Sining, for turning my face and denying him!"

Speaking of this, the villagers whispered to each other for a while, but no one dared to come forward and say a word.

However, after a while, a discordant voice came from the crowd.

"It's clear that you don't want us to live in peace. You cut off our water source after you grew food in your own fields. It's clear that you want to cut off our big fellow's way of life!"

As soon as the words came out, the villagers immediately burst into flames, echoing the voice, saying that Xie Sining cut off their water source, just to cut off their way of life, what's more, said that Xie Sining might be a witch, otherwise the well would be well Water, how to say dry up and dry up.

"If you want me to say, it was you who saw the village chief leading us to make money, and you couldn't bear the jealousy, so the water source was cut off!"

"That's right, you really lacked great virtue for doing this, and you have the nerve to say that they are all from the same village. Can the people in the same village do this?"

"I think it's strange that the well is dry. Maybe this lady of the Gu family will use some magic tricks to cut off the gift that God gave us!"

There were more and more guessing and resentful words in the crowd, and what they said was getting more and more outrageous. Xie Sining clenched his fists and really wanted to teach them a lesson.

Xie Sining also never expected that the matter of Shengmi En fighting Michou would actually happen to her, and she just felt chilled at this moment.

Just when she was about to bear the anger in her heart in the face of these people's resentment, Gu Ci suddenly walked over from the side and held her tightly clenched fist.

"How do you..."

Just about to ask him why he came, but saw him pinch his head to signal that he should not be impulsive, and then he felt the warmth from his palm.

She calmed down a little, and then she heard the man beside her speak.

"You say how bad my wife is, but you still remember that when the village couldn't pay the grain tax, it was my wife who told the village chief to divert the well water to the fields. Later, the court increased the tax, and it was my wife who took you to plant in winter. It was only through the cold winter that you survived the cold winter, but now you are repaying kindness with grievances. If God has eyes, I am afraid that you will not help those who avenge you.

Everyone who Gu Ci said couldn't lift their heads, but some people still muttered some unpleasant words in secret.

"Since everyone can't tolerate our family so much, my wife and I will leave the village after a while." Speaking of this, he tightened Xie Sining's hand, as if telling her that as long as he was around, she would not suffer any more. Wronged.

He had said to leave the village before, but Xie Sining thought he was just saying it casually, but now that he said it in front of so many villagers, it was obviously a decision.


"Lady, let's go back."

Before Xie Sining could say anything, he was interrupted by Gu Ci.

Looking at his firm eyes, Xie Sining finally just nodded, and then walked back with him.

The villagers watched the husband and wife leave just like that. They didn't know how to react for a while, and it took a while for someone in the crowd to react.

"The head of the Gu family said just now that he wants to leave the village. What does that mean?"

"Are you going to move out? No way?"

Discussions in the crowd gradually started, and the village chief and others who just came to hear Gu Ci's words became a little heavy.

Knowing that Gu Ci said he was going to leave the village, the village chief paced back and forth after returning home, not knowing what to do.

If Gu Ci really left, what about those fields?
The village head originally planned to force Xie Sining away, and then find another opportunity to persuade Gu Ci to transfer the land. After all, Gu Ci is not in good health. Without Xie Sining, he would not be able to take care of so many fields by himself.

But now that Gu Ci said he was going to leave the village, wouldn't the matter of the field be in vain?

"Head of the family, if you want me to tell you not to worry too much, then Gu Ci may be talking to scare people. He still has so many fields here. Where can he go? He doesn't want all those fields in his house?"

Seeing her man getting angry when he came back, Jiang poured a cup of tea and started to analyze it.

After hearing what his mother-in-law said, the village chief thought it made sense after careful consideration, but he was still worried that Gu Ci would really leave.

"Don't forget, that Gu Ci came to the village in trouble. None of us know what happened to him before. If he leaves, our plan will be ruined." The village chief said, sitting on a stool Go up, put the teacup on the table next to him, the worry can't be stopped in his words.

Now Jiang shi didn't know what to say, so she stood aside and watched her man worry, and became worried in her heart.

On the other side, Gu Ci brought Xie Sining back home.

At this time, Gu Ye had already gone back to sleep by himself, and Xie Sining stopped after entering the room, grabbing his hand. "You just said to leave the village, did you mean it?"

(End of this chapter)

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