After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 144 Planting Radishes or Mizuna

Chapter 144 Planting Radishes or Mizuna

In the end, I couldn’t. I planned to go out alone and buy things cleanly. In the end, I became a family of three traveling together.

When the door of the yard was opened, a family in the opposite yard also opened the door.

The two families happened to have a face-to-face meeting. The person who opened the door was an old woman in her seventies with gray hair. She was shocked when she suddenly saw a family of three on the opposite side.

It took a long while before I came back to my senses, and said tremblingly while leaning on my crutches: "Are you new people here?"

Xie Sining nodded.

"We just moved here today, and we will be neighbors in the future. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me."

She said this very politely, the old lady was happy when she heard it, and quickly waved her hand and said.

"We're all neighbors from now on, and it's right to help and take care of each other. Why are you being so polite?"

Although he said so on his mouth, his brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, obviously very happy that someone was holding him like this.

Xie Sining and the man beside him exchanged glances, and Gu Ci looked at him with soft light in his eyes.

After saying goodbye to the old lady, they went out together.

This time it was the road led by Gu Ci. After passing through the alleys, she came to the main street. She was a little surprised, looking back at the narrow alley and asked.

"We took the carriage just now, did we come in from this alley?"

Gu Ci shook his head and said, "The other way is more spacious, but if you want to go shopping on the street, it's better to walk through the alley."

Hearing his explanation, Xie Sining nodded and understood.

"We have just walked all the way, but there are many people living around."

As Xie Sining said this, he thought in his heart: I thought this person would choose a quiet place.

And how could a man fail to understand what Xie Sining meant between his words?explained.

"Families in the town are different from those in the village. In the village, everyone knows everything about a family, but in the town everyone lives their own lives behind closed doors."

"Is that so?"

Gu Ci nodded heavily.

Seeing his appearance, Xie Sining smiled: "Got it."

The family of three walked towards the grocery store in the town, because they had been to the town quite a few times before, so it was not a blind eye, and they had to ask for directions everywhere.

The purpose was clear, and when he arrived at the place, Xie Sining looked at the dazzling array of things in the grocery store, and felt a little headache for a while, not knowing where to find them.

The little guy next to him looked around with great interest.

"What does this guest officer want to buy?"

Just when she was having a headache, a male voice sounded.

Xie Si looked back, and saw a young servant standing behind her, holding a rag in her hand, she thought for a while and said, "Everything in the new house has to be resettled, first bring me all the pots and pans One set, and a few bowls and chopsticks later.”

The proprietress who was sitting behind the counter was listless, her eyes lit up suddenly when she heard what the hostess said!
Here comes the big business!

The sleepy man ran for more than half, and immediately stood up from the chair and said, "Wait a minute, lady, a batch of new products arrived today, and I'll help you find them right away!"

Seeing the fiery figure of the proprietress, Xie Sining couldn't help laughing.

When they went back, their hands were full, and even Xiaotuanzi inevitably had things in both hands.

Gu Ye had a bitter face, depressed.

"What's wrong with Ye'er." Xie Sining asked in a low voice.

The little guy pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. Gu Ci glanced at him and said, "I have been tossing all day, are you hungry? Although I still didn't get a response, the little guy's footsteps have obviously slowed down. What's the matter?" don't understand?
He exchanged a glance with the person standing beside him, his eyes full of ridicule.

Gu Ye walked ahead with something in his hands, but his little face slowly turned red.

There are quite a few food stalls in the town, thinking of taking the pots and pans back home to scrub again, and make another meal, it will be late at night soon...

Thinking of this, Xie Sining took the little guy's hand and walked towards a wonton stand.

"Boss has three bowls of wontons."


The family of three put their things on the ground beside the table and sat on the table. The scene of people coming and going in the distance, although it was night, it was not like the village where it usually quiets down at night.

People came and went in the town, and many vendors began to come out to do business.

Xie Sining was puzzled and couldn't help asking: "Is there no curfew here?"

Hearing the question, Gu Ci was about to answer, when suddenly someone answered from the next table.

"What are we afraid of if the emperor is far away today? It's good to do business at night, and we can earn some money to subsidize the family. We don't have to light a fire to cook by ourselves when we are hungry at night."

The big man was eating hot wontons, while speaking inarticulately, his words were full of complacency.

Only then did she understand.

"You can't say things like that." A scholar at the same table as the big guy opened his mouth solemnly at this moment: "The curfew in the capital and other places is also for the safety of the people. We..."

The scholar was wearing a turquoise robe with elegance and integrity, but there were a few words on his mouth.

There is no such thing as a famous trick, and the big man next to him sneered.

"All right, all right! Knowing that you are a scholar, there is no need to show off your little knowledge in front of a rough man like me." After the big man finished drinking the last sip of soup in the bowl, he picked up his burden and left.

Only the scholar was left with an ugly expression on his face.

Xie Sining didn't expect to see a war of words even after eating a wonton.

At this time, the wontons were just on the table, so little Gu Ye didn't bother to listen to what they said about the curfew. His thoughts had already been on the wontons, and he filled one in front of him and ate it.

Xie Sining was about to stop it, but he didn't expect this little thing to move so fast.

Sure enough, the little guy gasped and grinned.

She let out a chuckle, and the previous anxiety was gone.

Gu Ci, on the other hand, sat on the side, slowly stirring the spoon in his hand and the wonton in the bowl.In contrast, Gu Ye burst into tears immediately.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Take everything slowly. What are you doing in such a hurry? No one will grab it from you."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Ci then opened his mouth to teach.

Gu Ye lowered his head and feebly agreed: "I see, Dad."

Afterwards, the meal became honest, and the family of three walked home slowly under the moonlight.Qingshui Lane has become quiet, not as lively as the main street.

When I got home, I probably tidied up, made the bed, and after washing Gu Ye, I sent the little guy to bed.

They waited for the little one to fall asleep before they began to tidy up the house. The two of them lit the oil lamps and did not take a rest until all was done under the dim light.

Silent all night.

It was early in the morning of the second day, probably because it was too late yesterday to pack things up, and the next day, when the sun was up three poles, there was no movement in Gu's house.

Xie Sining lightly covered her vermilion lips, yawned delicately, stretched, and then got out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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