Chapter 145 Let's Go Home

Gu Ye yelled loudly when he heard the movement, and ran over da da da, the first day in the new home was very joyous.

"I found that there seems to be no big rooster here, and it doesn't crow in the morning, so it can sleep for a long time!"

Xie Sining laughed, "You discovered this?"

He nodded heavily!
Seeing him like this, Xie Sining couldn't help reaching out and flicking his head, "Okay, let's clean up and get ready for dinner."

Gu Ye didn't feel anything wrong at first, but when he nodded, he heard Xie Sining preaching again.

"Today is an exception. After that, even if there is no rooster crowing, I can't sleep so late, you know."

The little guy's face scorched, and he could only nod in the end.

Seeing his appearance, Xie Sining shook his head and said: "I'm going to cook some porridge, you go and tidy up."

Gu Ye finally knew what was wrong, and it happened that Gu Ci came out of the house at this time, and he frantically winked at his father behind him.

"Ye'er, are your eyes cramping?" The appearance was so weird, Xie Sining looked back suspiciously, and saw Gu Ci standing in front of the door with gentle eyes.

The son's face was full of sadness, Gu Ci was very righteous to rescue him: "You go clean it up, I will cook the porridge."

"You will?" Xie Sining expressed doubts, and then led the little guy to wash up under the gaze of the man.

Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. Although he didn't know how his father's cooking skills were, he felt at ease with his father from the bottom of his heart.

After the mother and son washed up, Gu Ye rushed to the kitchen, followed by Xie Sining.

Gu Ci turned around and saw the mother and son, and said with a smile, "Are you hungry, the porridge will be ready soon."

The two watched him lift the lid of the pot, and suddenly the heat in the pot rose, white bubbles appeared, and at the same time, the aroma of rice in the pot filled the entire kitchen.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, he stood on tiptoe unconsciously, and looked into the pot to see the rice steaming up, rolling in the thick rice porridge in a round shape, which was very gratifying.

The rice porridge is soft and white, even if it's just a pot of porridge, just looking at it like this makes people's index fingers twitch.

He couldn't help but praise: "Daddy is amazing!"

Gu Ci patted his son's head and said, "Then obediently go get the bowls and chopsticks, and get ready to eat soon."

The little guy let out a hey and hurried over.

Until there were only the two of them left in the kitchen, Xie Sining had stood by and looked at the father-son relationship between the two, full of emotion.

"What's the matter?" Seemingly noticing Xie Sining's gaze, Gu Ci couldn't help asking.

Xie Sining shook his head and said, "I didn't expect you to have such skills."

Although this man used to cook a lot when he was in the village before, but the food at that time was barely edible, and it was a thousand miles away from the porridge today.

Hearing what he said, Gu Ye just smiled and didn't explain anything.

Gu Ye brought the bowls and chopsticks over in a dizzy manner, and after the porridge was finished, the family sat in the main room and ate breakfast with the pickles sent by the fat aunt.

"Do you want to find another private school for Gu Ye in the town?" Xie Sining asked while stirring the porridge in the bowl with a spoon.

Gu Ci nodded: "Don't worry about this matter, I will arrange it myself."

The little guy was sitting next to him drinking porridge, listening to his parents talking without interrupting.

"It was already late when I went to the street yesterday, and I didn't have anything to buy. I'll go out later and buy some food." Xie Sining glanced at the man sitting next to him and continued.

This time the man didn't speak.

After breakfast was finished, Xie Sining led the little guy out.

As soon as she went out, she ran into the aunt from yesterday. Aunt Hong had a deep impression on Xie Sining. Now when she opened the door this morning, she saw the mother and son, and she couldn't help but smile from the bottom of her eyes.

"Is this for grocery shopping?"

Xie Sining nodded with a smile: "That's right, I got up late today to get out at this time."

"What's the matter, you don't have any parents-in-law, so you can sleep as long as you want. It's no coincidence. I was tossed about by my two grandchildren all morning, and I also made it to go out at this time. How about going with a companion?"

This aunt had a bright temper and warmly invited her, and she was also a neighbor, Xie Sining nodded without reason to refuse.

The three of them walked towards the main street together.

"Although there are vegetables to buy in both the east market and the west market, the food in the west market must be good, and the meat in the east market must be delicious." Along the way, Aunt Hong said with a godlike spirit, she really regarded buying vegetables and cooking as a A unique skill.

Xie Sining walked beside him and listened with a smile, nodding in agreement from time to time, the main purpose of going out today is to buy vegetables, and the three of them arrived at West Market not long after.

Now the sky is already bright, but the people in the town are still unabated, and there is an endless stream of hawkers.

Aunt Hong took Xie Sining's hand and walked all the way in.

And just at the gate of the West Market, an old woman walked out with a bundle of garlic in her hand, swearing, when she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye, the swearing stopped suddenly, and she couldn't help but go in that direction look.

Immediately, his old eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but took two steps in Xie Sining's direction, and he really saw a familiar face.

The old lady scanned her little daughter's whole body, and saw that she was well dressed, and there was not even a single patch on her whole body!

Breathing became hot.

Here, Xie Sining hadn't noticed the old lady Xie who was following behind. After shopping for vegetables with Aunt Hong, both of them had their hands full, and even held two pieces of meat, so they walked back together.

Mother had just bought a lot of delicious food, Gu Ye was in a good mood, and followed beside her with a smile.

This also made the old lady Xie who was hiding in the dark even more jealous. Looking at the large bundle of garlic leaves in her hand, she couldn't help cursing inwardly, it really is a money-losing product!
I live so well, and I don't contact my mother's family, and I don't know how to support my younger brother.

Right now, he has no choice but to hold back and follow them first.

There were quite a lot of people in the market, and Mrs. Xie kept her eyes on her tightly for fear that she would accidentally lose her, and it would be a waste of money.

It was precisely because of the crowds on the street that Xie Sining hadn't noticed the people following him until now, and waited until he got home.

After the two said goodbye, they entered the house, and Mrs. Xie came out from the darkness.

Looking at the small courtyard with three entrances in front of him, the greed in his eyes could hardly be stopped.

Thinking of the appearance of the youngest daughter laughing at Yan Yan just now, she couldn't help but snort coldly, holding a bundle of garlic in her hand, thinking of going home first, making a long-term plan.

Waiting to get on the bullock cart back to the village.

The bullock cart was swaying on the somewhat rugged mountain road. Mrs. Xie sat on the long board and thought about things by herself. Several old ladies around exchanged glances with each other.

"I said, Mrs. Xie, why didn't you talk to me today?"

After talking for a long time, there was no response, and the woman who spoke couldn't help reaching out and poking the old lady Xie who was sitting next to her.

The old lady Xie came back to her senses now, looked at the people around her disdainfully, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at her and raised her eyebrows with her current appearance: "It's nothing, I just asked why you didn't speak."

This time, Old Madam Xie's wrinkled face was full of smiles, but she stopped talking completely, ignoring the women around her.

(End of this chapter)

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