Chapter 149
She has an idea.

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Gu Ci held her hand and said, "You and I are husband and wife, just speak up if you have something to say, don't hesitate."

Xie Sining breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "That's right, I have a second sister."

After briefly explaining the reason to Gu Ci, Xie Sining wanted to bring the second sister over. Anyway, the mother and son have both lived here, and there is no more than one more person. What's more, the second sister is the original owner. The only person who was kind to her during his lifetime.

Gu Ci naturally understood what she was thinking, so Dang even said to her: "Even so, the eldest sister should be brought over. I was still unconscious when you and I got married, and I didn't have time to have a banquet. If there is an opportunity, invite the important people and have a good get-together."

When he said important people, Xie Sining understood what he meant, held his warm palm, smiled and nodded at him.

After Mrs. Xie and Xie Si lived together, she was curious about everything in the house, and she would look around all day long, even Gu Ye's small study.

There is no way, originally they asked Xie Sining to give the money, but Xie Sining put it off with a few words, they were dissatisfied, but they couldn't tear themselves apart with Xie Sining in front of Gu Ci, so they thought about turning their heads at home and watching Is there anything worthwhile.

However, they didn't know that the family's money had been hidden by Xie Sining long ago, and the valuables were also put away. No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find anything to exchange for money.

Finally, they came to Gu Ye's study after groping around. Gu Ye was doing homework assigned by Gu Ci at this time. Seeing these two people looking around in the room made him feel very disgusted.

The so-called "grandmother" and "uncle" have been rummaging through things in the study room, disturbing him so much that he can't do his homework well, he pouted and had no choice but to clenched his little fists.

"What are you two looking for?"

Gu Ye stood at the back and asked a question. At this time, the mother and son looked back at him. Mrs. Xie was thinking about how to fool him, but Xie Si on the other end spoke first.

"Isn't this going to school with you in a few days? I'm here to find out if there are any books to read and review in advance."

Seth mumbled casually.

He looked like a fool, and he didn't look like he wanted to study.

Looking at the books on the ground again, Gu Ye curled his lips and said: "But you have thrown all the books on the ground. My father said that books are important things for scholars, and they should not be discarded and damaged at will."

Only then did Xie Si notice the books he threw on the ground, but he didn't care. He picked up an Analects and said, "It's just a few pieces of torn paper, what's important."

After speaking, he threw it on the table beside him. Gu Ye couldn't see it, so he ran over to pick up the messed up book and put it back on the bookshelf.

"If you have nothing to do, go out. I still have to study and do my homework. My mother doesn't come back to disturb me on weekdays."

"Mother's mother and brother, why are you so rude..."

The latter sentence was said by Gu Ye muttering, although the voice was low, the mother and son could still hear it.

Old Madam Xie's expression was not very good at that time, but Xie Si immediately put on airs when he heard this.

"How do you talk, kid? No matter how you say it, I am your uncle, and you still have to call my mother grandma. That's how you talk to elders? I really don't know how Xie Sining taught the kid..."

"You are not allowed to call my mother!"

As soon as Xie Si started talking about Xie Sining, Gu Ye's face collapsed, and he glared angrily at the boy in front of him.

"Why can't you say it? Besides, she's not your mother..." As soon as he said this, Mrs. Xie immediately stopped him, not letting him continue.

However, what Gu Ye couldn't bear most was when others said that Xie Sining was not his own mother. Hearing this, he immediately bumped him with his small head and knocked Xie Si to the ground.

"Hey hey..."

Xie Si groaned, then got up and grabbed Gu Ye by the collar, raising his fist to hit him.

"You little bastard, dare to bump into me, I have to teach you a lesson one by one"

Seeing that the fist was about to fall, Mrs. Xie's face turned pale, and Gu Ye was so frightened that he covered his face, but before the fist hit him, he felt his collar loosen.


Hearing Xie Si's painful voice, Gu Ye opened his eyes, and saw Xie Si Ning with a cold face, twisting the hand that Xie Si was about to hit Gu Ye just now.

"Mom!" Gu Ye was overjoyed, and threw himself into Xie Sining's arms, then turned to look at Xie Si who was restrained by his wrist and dared not move.


Let you bully me!deserve it!

Seeing that it was Xie Sining, Xie Si was surprised at how strong her hand was, and at the same time shouted: "Xie Sining, what's the matter with you? Let me go!"

Xie Sining didn't let go of his hand, but just looked at him with a frosty face.

Seeing her unmoved, Xie Si had no choice but to turn to the dumbfounded old mother.

"Mother, mother, save me quickly, mother!" Xie Si shouted for help with his male duck voice that hadn't completely transformed.

Seeing her son like this, Mrs. Xie couldn't stand, she rushed over and pulled Xie Sining's hand away.

"What are you doing! Let go of your brother!"

Relieved, Xie Si acted like a spoiled child to her mother, "Mom, look at her, she made my hands like this, which makes me how to read and write in the future!"

Xie Si's wrist turned red, and Mrs. Xie felt distressed when she saw it, and immediately accused Xie Sining.

"Xie Sining, your wings are stiff, aren't you? You dare to hit your brother like this. If he gets injured, he won't be able to hold a pen in the future, and his official career will be cut off. See if I won't end up with you!"

"Whoever dares to touch my son, let alone hit him, I would consider it easy to lose his hand." Xie Sining coldly glanced at the mother and son, and said without the slightest emotion in his tone.

"Wow you, you are rich now, it's amazing, you don't think of me as a mother at all!"

"Mother?" Xie Sining looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes were as cold as ice in a cold pool, and his back felt unstoppable.

"I still call you mother now, just because of your kindness for giving birth to me. If you want to talk about the kindness of nurturing, it will be paid back the day you sold me for some money!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Mrs. Xie with cold eyes, and said every word for the original owner.

"It was you who said at the beginning that I would no longer have anything to do with the Xie family after leaving the house. Whether I live or die is my own business, and it has nothing to do with you. You said these words yourself. What are you doing now, mother? Forgot all?"

For some reason, facing Xie Sining like this, the arrogant old lady Xie turned embarrassing and speechless for a while, but she still insisted on speaking.

"Water thrown out by a married daughter! This is a rule passed down from the ancestors. What's wrong with me saying that at the beginning? Could it be that the daughters who have been married since ancient times really don't care about their mother's family?!"

(End of this chapter)

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