Chapter 150 Don't like it?
She questioned loudly, but she was already a little weak when she argued strongly.

"Exactly! How can we cut off the blood relationship between us as close relatives? As for him?" Xie Si who was standing on the side, who was afraid to speak before, opened his mouth, and glanced at Gu Ye who was standing beside Xie Sining: "I'm afraid he is an outsider! You really are your own."

Gu Ye stood beside Xie Sining and grabbed the corner of his mother's clothes with his small hands, his round eyes were full of angry fireworks.

And just when Xie Si said these words, Gu Ci, who heard the movement here, just walked in from the door, and those words fell into Gu Zi's ears without missing a word, and when he heard the movement, Mr. Xie Turning her head too, she saw Gu Ci walking in from the door, remembering what her son said just now...

Even Xie Si, who was still arrogant before, turned pale for a while, especially under Gu Ci's cold gaze, his back was covered with sweat, he stammered a little: "Sister, Brother-in-law..."

But never thought that Gu Ci walked in the door and stared at the two men with heavy eyes, but he didn't speak, but the atmosphere around him was a bit wrong, and he knew why he came here just by looking at it. Back it up!
Thinking of those words just now, both Xie's mother and son felt a little guilty for a while, they lowered their heads and dared not look at Gu Ci, the old lady Xie secretly scolded her son for being stupid!How can you speak such wild words while still on other people's land?

Xie Sining didn't expect Gu Ci to come over, but now he saw him standing at the door staring at the two with an unkind expression and secretly smiled inwardly.

She didn't expect him to appear suddenly. Although she just stood there without opening her mouth, it was already impossible for the two of them to talk, she said with a sneer in her cold-eyed temper.

"Since you know what the water splashed by a married daughter is, then you should also know that this is the Gu family, not a place for you to run wild!"

Hearing Xie Sining's words, Mrs. Xie suddenly raised her head and wanted to scold. She caught a glimpse of the man standing beside her, and she paused when she reached the edge of her mouth. This has made me look like a fox and pretend to be a tiger!I will teach you a lesson some other day.

But she never thought that this was just the beginning, and what surprised her was yet to come.

Xie Sining touched Gu Ye's head with one hand, and said to them with a cold face: "If you want to continue to live here, just clamp your tails and be human one by one! Stay in your own room! Don't bother Let me know that you guys gossip in front of Ye'er, otherwise don't blame me for being rude, I will do what I say!"

Those words resounded through the room with a bone-chilling chill, and the two of them stood beside them with their heads lowered, really daring to speak out!

Finally, Xie Sining stared at the two and asked, "Did you hear that?"

The old lady Xie was watched by Gu Ci next to her, her face turned from blue to red, and then from red to white, and finally she had to nod in agreement, and then the old lady and Xie Siqing went back to the room blushing.

After there were only three members of the family left in the house, Gu Ci, who had been standing at the door without speaking, suddenly couldn't help laughing and praised.

"My lady is so domineering!"

Hearing these slightly teasing words, Xie Sining cast a glance at him and said, "Okay, don't stay here anymore, what should you do?"

In the afternoon, the courtyard door was knocked again.

Xie Sining opened the door and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

The woman in front of her had a sallow complexion, full of timidity.

Hearing that the door was pushed open, he carefully raised his eyes to look inside, and saw the person in front of him was slightly stunned for a moment, then his eyes gradually became moist, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Third sister..."

Xie Sining's throat was a little choked up, she knew that this belonged to the few lovers of the original owner, she adjusted her emotions and was about to speak, when a sharp voice broke in, interrupting what she was about to say.

"The second girl is here?" Mrs. Xie stalked over with a book in her hand, fanning the wind. What are you doing standing at the door? Hurry up, put your things down and go back, there are still a lot of things at home!!"

The old woman was in the study room and was trained by Xie Sining to not be able to lift her head, but now only with Xie Simei can she feel straight again.

Standing in front of Xie Simei, Xie Sining saw the old woman say something, the light in the eyes of the people in front of her eyes gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared, and the person returned to the previous lifeless look, she cursed this woman in her heart!
Xie Simei nodded numbly, and slowly put a large pile of things in her hands on the ground, and then she was about to walk away but was suddenly grabbed by her wrist, she looked back!I saw Xie Sining standing in front of me, looking at her firmly, "Is this my house? I let you go?"

While talking, Xie Sining looked back at Mrs. Xie.

The old woman was dumbfounded, hey!He let out a cry, and then shouted: "What! You still want her to live here??"

"Why not?"

Seeing Xie Sining's reckless appearance in front of her, Mrs. Xie stomped her feet!Very angry.

"I came here before, your nose is not your nose, your eyes are not your eyes! Why are you suddenly so generous now! I see, you little white-eyed wolf just didn't think of me as your mother!"

Seeing Xie Sining's reckless appearance in front of her, Mrs. Xie stomped her feet!Very angry.

"I came here before, your nose is not your nose, your eyes are not your eyes! Why are you suddenly so generous now! I see, you little white-eyed wolf just didn't think of me as your mother!"

Xie Sining felt the hand that was holding her tremble slightly, seeing the old woman gasping for breath, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he even let out a chuckle.

"It's just that I don't want to favor one person over another. After all, Xie Si lives here, so it's okay for my second sister to come."

"No!" Mrs. Xie refused without thinking, "We are all here, your father is getting old, and your eldest sister is married!! There are a lot of work in the house... who will do it?"

The old woman originally shouted at the top of her voice, with a domineering appearance, and she really regarded this place as Xie's small courtyard, but when she met Xie Sining's eyes, she suddenly became half shorter.

"When I was in the small study earlier, you have completely forgotten what I said, mother? Do you want me to remind you?" Xie Sining had a half-smile, seeing the old lady who was too guilty to speak, and led Xie Simei into the room. When he lifted his foot, he kicked the old woman on the ground.

Old Madam Xie stared helplessly, her eyeballs were about to pop out, but she could only bear it.

And Xie Simei, who was led by Xie Sining to walk in, although her feet were still limping, but she had witnessed the scene where the third sister blocked her mother and was speechless, her mouth was slightly opened, and she was still in a daze until now. of.

"Second sister."

After leading him to the backyard, Xie Sining let go of his hand and looked at Xie Simei.

When she heard calling herself, she nodded quickly, a little worried: "Sanmei, you just...would mother be angry.

Seeing her still a little scared, Xie Sining smiled brightly: "What are you worried about? You are at my house now, who cares if she is happy or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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