Chapter 151

Seeing her take it for granted, Xie Simei's new worries dissipated a lot, and a rare smile appeared on her lips. She nodded, trying not to think about whether she would be beaten when she returned home, and looked at the third sister in front of her. , with a little trance in his eyes.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, not to mention that Xie Sining has changed people now, so there is nothing to say.

Seeing that Xie Simmei was still worried, he held her hand and said, "Okay, don't think about it so much, help me clean up the dishes when you have this time, it's getting late."

Before she could recover, she was hurriedly pulled by Xie Sining to pick vegetables. Xie Simei had a smile on her face. The two sisters sat on the small bench in the backyard, talking and laughing from time to time, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Sanmei, did you get so many dishes today?"

After picking for a while, Xie Simei was much more cheerful than before, seeing Xie Sining brought two more lotus root from the side, she couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, Ye'er, who had enough, told me yesterday that he wanted to eat lotus root, so he bought it." Xie Sining said, his words were full of helplessness, but his eyes were full of doting.

Xie Simei was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Ye'er?"

"My son" Xie Sining replied without thinking.

Seeing her caring for herself, Xie Simei thought for a long time before realizing that this should be the child left by her ex-wife. Seeing the way her sister lowered her head, she sighed in her heart: It is true that every family has hard-to-read scriptures. Seeing that Sining is now cheerful Quite a few, I still have to accommodate the young master at home, after all, it's hard to be a stepmother.

She wanted to ask her brother-in-law how he treated her well.

But Xie Sining didn't mention it all the time, so Xie Simei preconceived that this brother-in-law might not be a good one, and at the same time she sighed, she felt a little more pity for her little sister.

After finishing all the dishes, Xie Simei wanted to go to the kitchen with her, but Xie Sining stopped her.

After finishing all the dishes, Xie Simei wanted to go to the kitchen with her, but Xie Sining stopped her.

"Sit here and rest, I can take care of the kitchen." Xie Sining was full of confidence, and walked towards the stove after speaking.

Seeing the little girl's back, Xie Simei laughed. She sat on the small bench and looked around.

The backyard is not too big, and the square yard is surrounded by the setting sun. Mrs. Xie never came to make trouble, and it was only at this moment that Xie Simmei's heart completely calmed down.

Suddenly there was a burning smell coming from the stove not far away, as if the pot was burnt, Xie Simei hurriedly stood up and limped but didn't keep up with her body and fell straight forward—supporting herself with one hand, Xie Simei lifted At first glance, the pupils shrank slightly.

The hand stretched back in the next second, and she shook a little unsteadily before standing still.

Xie Simei raised her head, and the man in front of her frowned slightly, standing in front of her with her hands behind her back. She felt her heart beating after being silent for a long time, and finally calmed down before she spoke.

"Thank you sir."

After saying this, I don't know what else to say.

The person in front didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and when they heard the thank you, they just nodded, then turned and left.

Xie Simei looked at the white figure, didn't come back to her senses for a long time, and stood in the courtyard in a daze, until she heard the stove shouting for dinner, then she walked forward in a stupid way.

In the main room, which is considered to be the Gu family's courtyard today, since moving to the town, the family has had the most visitors. Ever since Xie Simei entered the main room, she saw a man in white on the opposite side.

And that person is helping Xie Sining roll up his sleeves at this moment, seeing this scene for some reason, Xie Simmei's heart sank straight down...

"Okay, don't just stand there, let's eat." Xie Sining greeted.

Since Mrs. Xie came in and saw this table of dark food, her complexion was not very good-looking, but because of Gu Ci's presence, she couldn't get angry, thinking secretly, she couldn't believe that this man saw his wife doing such a thing. Can table dishes get angry?
Secretly waiting for a good show.

Since Xie Simei walked into the main room and saw the two people's intimacy, she had always belonged to God Feitian, until someone touched her elbow.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw a tender white dumpling smiling at me. The little boy was white and well-dressed. He was dressed as a young scholar, and his bookish look was nothing like those bratty kids in the village who talked badly and kept fighting. It's a world of difference.

"You are my second aunt?" the little boy asked.

Xie Simei looked at the child in front of her who looked a bit like that man, her eyes couldn't help but look at Xie Sining, and she saw the person on the other side smiling.

"You're really a ghost, so you're going to sit with your second aunt?"

Gu Ye, who was sitting next to her, smiled embarrassedly. Xie Simmei saw that the two were speaking intimately. How could they look as separated as a stepmother and a stepson?They are clearly closer than their own mother and child.

"Didn't you want to eat lotus root yesterday? Come and try it."

Xie Sining sat across from him and picked up chopsticks of lotus root for the little guy.

Xie Simei watched coldly from the side, the lotus root was obviously still raw, and she was waiting for the young master who was raised in fine clothes and good food to make a fuss, and then make a big fuss.

But unexpectedly, the little guy obediently took a bite of the lotus root in the bowl, his expression remained unchanged, and he even raised his head and praised.

"Mother's cooking is getting better and better."

Xie Simmei looked at the slice of lotus root in his bowl, raised her head in disbelief, and subconsciously looked at the man opposite.

On the other side, Xie Sining whispered something to the man with a smile on his face, and then when she saw the originally cold and jade-like man, there were little smiles in his eyes.

Seeing the affectionate appearance of their husband and wife, Xie Simei felt a dull pain in her chest, and her unwillingness and jealousy almost swallowed her to sleep.

Except for Xie Simei, Mrs. Xie's dishes, from the lack of appetite at the beginning to the venting of anger later, are simply eaten with an open stomach. Although the taste is not very good, there is still meat anyway.

On the other hand, Xie Sining's family chewed and swallowed slowly while talking and picking up vegetables slowly. In the end, Mrs. Xie's stomach was full, and the whole complexion was a little ugly due to the stomach swelling.

But Xie Sining was asking the consultant in a low voice: I made this table by myself, how about it?
Seeing the meat still stained with crusts on the rice, Gu Ci couldn't stop the smile in his eyes, but said: Very good.

The couple were whispering together, Gu Ci suddenly felt an unfriendly gaze looking at him, and raised his head...

It's Xie Simei.

When the person on the opposite side caught his line of sight, he withdrew his line of sight as if in shock, and Gu Ci also looked away indifferently, leaving Xie Simmei sitting on the bench with his heart beating like a drum.

After the meal was over, Mrs. Xie and Xie Si felt their swollen bellies and leaned on the bamboo chair without any intention of helping them clean up.

Xie Simei was also distracted, Xie Sining was about to clean up the table and blocked her with one hand, she looked up.

"Just finished eating, go out with Ye'er for a walk, I'll clean up here."

I had been busy for a long time before, and I really didn't want to be busy after dinner. I heard him say that Xie Sining rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Then Mr. Lau is here!" He said while holding the little guy's hand.

It was rare to hear her take the initiative to call her husband, Gu Ci's dark eyes were also fainted with a smile, and he lowered his head to clean up the dishes on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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