Chapter 152 Don't Feed Anywhere

The conversation between the two of them seemed casual, but they were so close that no outsiders could interfere. I don't know why. She should be happy to see her younger sister living so well, but now seeing these two people Such an intimate appearance made my heart ache.

Filled with unwillingness, she took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Xie Sining was holding the little guy's hand and was about to go out when he suddenly thought of something and turned around and saw Xie Simei sitting on the stool.

"Second sister, let's go for a walk together."

After talking for a long time, no one responded.

I saw Xie Simei sitting on the stool with dull eyes, Xie Sining and the little guy looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

Before Xie Sining walked in, he waved at Xie Simei's eyes twice, and she came back to her senses.

"Why, what's the matter." Looking at the mother and son holding hands in front of her, she felt a little embarrassed.

Xie Sining smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just asked if you want to go out together."

Hearing this, Xie Simei subconsciously cast her eyes away from the white figure, and saw that the man was actually cleaning up the dishes.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to shake his head, and then his eyes met the gaze cast by Mrs. Xie, with threats in his eyes.

After a long silence, he finally nodded.

Xie Sining didn't notice the old lady Xie's gaze, "Let's go."

Knowing that her legs and feet are not good, although she said to walk, but her feet did not move a step, first watched her stand up and walk forward, and then took Gu Ye's hand to follow.

Leaving old lady Xie and Gu Si behind, the two sat in the main room and looked at each other, old lady Xie couldn't help being furious.

He didn't open his mouth, this person really didn't take himself seriously and didn't even shout!
Xie Si was even more furious. He was always the center of the family. When did you go out to play and didn't take him there?
Thinking of this, he immediately stood up, but seeing Gu Ci's faint gaze, he couldn't help laughing twice.

"Brother-in-law is a scholar, how can he do this kind of rough work! Then Xie Sining is really unruly, and let her husband do this kind of thing! Instead, he ran out to play."

There was a bit of flattery in his voice, but also a bit of righteous indignation, as if his relatives were in front of him, wantonly slandering Xie Sining.

Gu Ci tidied up on his own and didn't speak.

The two of them seemed to understand something, and they usually saw the light in their eyes when they looked at each other.

The old lady Xie sighed with emotion, with a little worry: "Your son-in-law, I am the one who is sorry for you, for not teaching my daughter well... Then Xie Sining has been wild since childhood, and he has no eyes for elders, no respect for elders!"

Seeing their words getting more and more outrageous and thanking them, their faces darkened, and they put the packed dishes on the table, and threw the rag for wiping the table on the table before looking at them coldly.

"My own wife, the sea is wide enough for the fish to leap, the sky high for the birds to fly, she can go wherever she wants, and you can also point her fingers!"

The chilly sentence was like the wind coming out in March in the cold winter. The two looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes. How could there be a man like this? ?
What they said earlier was clearly on the side of this man, so why are they still not flattering?

Xie Si couldn't figure it out, but Mrs. Xie felt that these three girls had a good life, and she even let him marry a good man.

In the town, the three people outside naturally didn't know what happened in Gu's house. In the evening at the end of spring, the cool breeze blowing on the body was very comfortable, and there were many street vendors selling goods on the side of the road.

The shopkeeper carried the load and yelled in the streets.

A large expanse of sunset was falling from the sky, and the three of them shuttled among the crowd, feeling very comfortable.

"Second sister, do you want to eat?"

Xie Sining asked while walking.

"Didn't we just finish eating? Where else can we eat?"

Xie Simei refused with a smile.

A group of people walked very slowly, staggering for a long time and only walked half a street.

"You don't have to buy something to fill your stomach. You can just buy some snacks when you're full. Candied haws and yam cakes, taro cakes, and mung bean cakes are Ye'er's favorite food on weekdays."

"Mom, I still like to eat rice cracker candies."

The little guy is not tall and only reached Xie Sining's waist, walking beside her, hearing her add in a low voice.

Xie Sining couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"A little boy, hungry!"

The mother and son were laughing and laughing on the side of the street, while Xie Simei was walking on the other side, looking a little lonely. Not long after, her hand was held by the other hand.

"Come on, let's go see if there are any new pastries in the pastry shop over there."

Before Xie Simei could react, he was dragged away by her. He was flattered and jealous at the same time, feeling sore and uncomfortable.

And Xie Sining didn't know what the people around her were thinking at all, what she thought was very simple, nothing more than that she inherited the original owner's body, so it would be better for the original owner's only relative.

When she arrived at Xue's pastry shop, Xie Simmei's nose was filled with a sweet fragrance, and her face suddenly turned red for some reason.

"Come and see what you like to eat."

Xie Sining came to the counter and pointed to all the pastries on the front and said.

Xue's proprietress was still warm and generous, and looked over with a smile, but Xie Siming subconsciously lowered his head and did not speak.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Xie Sining hadn't heard anyone respond to his words for a long time, and he didn't know what to say for a while. Hi sister, but...

The proprietress standing next to her seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly smiled and came over to smooth things over.

"Ms. Gu's family is here again today. Look, this is the hibiscus cake I've been trying to figure out recently. It tastes very good. Many neighbors and villagers agreed after buying it! Do you want to try some pieces?"

Gu Ye naturally didn't notice the change in the atmosphere between the two adults next to him.Looking at the neatly arranged sweet and soft pastries, the eyes shine.

Gu Ye looked at the pieces of pastries, and couldn't help but tugged on his mother's sleeves.

Feeling the sleeves being pulled, Xie Sining came back to look at the row of pastries, and said with a smile, "Then let's have this one too, and another mung bean cake."


Seeing that her younger sister and the proprietress were so familiar, Xie Simmei couldn't help but glance at the row of pastries because she often came to do business.

In previous years, it was only during the Chinese New Year that I could barely eat a piece at a relative's house.

Mrs. Xie is reluctant to buy these things, even if she is willing to buy them, it is impossible for her to eat them.

After receiving the two packs of pastries, Xie Sining patted the little guy's head and scolded the little guy with a smile.

Gu Ye was not annoyed when he heard her say that, and took the pastry from his mother with a playful smile, and put it in his hand, and the three of them went home.

The three of them returned home with the last rays of the setting sun on the horizon. When the courtyard door was opened, there was no one in the courtyard, and the main room was also quiet.

"Save the pastry for tomorrow morning. You have eaten enough today, so don't eat any more."

(End of this chapter)

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