After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 153 Don't just drink soup

Chapter 153 Don't just drink soup
Xie Sining saw the stinky guy rushing toward his room with the pastry in his hands, and said worriedly.

Hearing what she said, Gu Ye couldn't help but grimace when his little thought was lost.

A long answer was made, but the ending was prolonged, and the voice was full of resentment.

"Second sister, there is a small wing room on the east side. It was originally used for staying guests. The bedding and bedding are all neatly laid out. You can go directly to live in it. There is hot water in the kitchen, and you can use it for washing later."

After explaining all these, Xie Sining watched her walk into the house, and then went to look in the kitchen.

Everything in the house was tidy and the stove and counter were wiped clean. She couldn't help admiring, this man is really good! He is getting better and better.

Seeing the newly tidied kitchen, he was in a good mood, stepped out of the house and walked into Gu Ci's study.

When he got to the door, he stopped as if something had happened, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Who is it?" came a question from inside.

"It's me." Xie Sining replied loudly, while speaking, he pushed open the door, and saw Young Master Ruyu, a dignified man sitting behind the desk, looking up at him.

"The kitchen is really well cleaned!" Xie Sining praised without hesitation.

Gu Ci lowered his head again, holding the scroll but the corner of his mouth inadvertently evoked a smile, it had already darkened, leaving only a little peripheral light in the sky.

The study room was a little dark, Xie Sining frowned, and took out a bookcase from the desk.

The candlestick was lit, and a warm and soft halo was cast in the small study room. Xie Sining dragged a stool from the side and sat down beside the desk, watching the man lower his head to organize the books. Next to him, he seemed to be distracted again.

At least that's what Gu Ci saw when he raised his head.

Gu Ci couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking?"

Hearing him speak, Xie Sining seemed to have just come back to his senses, turned his head and asked, "Have you arranged the academy for Ye'er?"

"It's been arranged. It's a private school in the town. The gentleman's character is very good."

"When will you send him there?" Xie Sining rested his chin on his hand, his eyes dim.

Seeing her like this, Gu Ci knew what she was thinking.

"Send Ye'er to apprentice tomorrow afternoon, and let Xie Si go with her by the way."

Hearing that Xie Si's name, Xie Sining came immediately, sat up straight, and asked, "Are you really sending him there!?"

It is self-evident who Xie Sining is talking about.

"Since you have agreed, then we have to do it. It is our business to send him there. As for how much he can learn, it depends on his ability." Gu Ci was not in a hurry, and said Xie Sining slowly. Thinking of Xie Si's domineering look, he frowned in panic, pursed his mouth, and didn't want to speak.

Could it be that because of this so-called blood relationship, it is necessary to raise a parasite?
Let that parasite of the Xie family rely on her with peace of mind?

Xie Sining was frowning and thinking about something, suddenly heard someone laughing, and when he looked up, he saw Xie Ci's face full of jokes.

"What are you laughing at?"

Gu Ci closed the scroll and sat up straight but only said, "Don't worry."

He stared at the man suspiciously for a while.

"The temptations in towns are much greater than those in villages. As you said, he can mess with women and girls in villages. How can he be a person who can study at ease in towns?"

Xie Sining heard what he said, his eyes lit up and he understood, he couldn't help squinting at the man, thinking: The man really has a bad stomach.

"It's getting late, my lady should hurry up and rest." Gu Ci looked at the light in the man's eyes, as if he understood what it meant, and shook his head inwardly with helplessness.

As the two walked out together, Xie Sining couldn't help but mutter: "From now on, read less at night, the dim candlelight is not good for your eyes."

Gu Ci walked behind Xie Sining, chuckled and nodded.

After tidying up and washing up, the two of them lay down on the bed and fell asleep. They slept peacefully here, but the people in the two rooms on the other side of the west room did not sleep so comfortably.

Although there is a quilt, it has not been exposed to the sun for many years, and the tide is shady, and I only feel insects and ants crawling over my body, just thinking about it makes me a little itchy.

Old Madam Xie was lying on the bed, smelling a musty smell in the room, and gritted her teeth angrily.

The second girl, that little bastard, would use the broken house to fool herself, her hands on the quilt were tightly clenched.

On the other side, in the east wing, Xie Simei used to work all day long in the village until she cleaned up the inside and outside of the house.

Only then could I fetch water to wash up, lay on the bed with exhaustion all over my body, and fell asleep after a while.

But the difference today is that after feeding the chickens in the morning, I received a letter from the folks in the village. I took a few clothes and rushed to the town non-stop. Although I was busy with things, I was not tired at all.

The quilt was warm on the body, and the stomach was not as empty as usual, with sour water.

Compared with the past, today is the happiest day I have lived since I was born, but as soon as Xie Simei closes her eyes, she can think of the third sister and that cold and inviolable man, talking and laughing at the intimacy of Yan Yan, The bottom of my heart was blocked and panicked.

They were all born in the womb of a mother, why is she, Xie Sining, living such a good life now, and she is still living in the village all day, living some dark days?

At this moment, Xie Simei inexplicably thought of her own feet...

Originally, I could have married off like Xie Sining earlier and jumped out of this cage.

But who would marry a cripple and go home as a wife?
Those who wanted to get married were all discouraged, Xie Simei thought of this and tears fell from the corners of her eyes, soaking the pillow towel.

So, the next morning, when Xie Simei got up from the bed and went to the yard, she ran into Xie Sining, she subconsciously wanted to turn her back...

Xie Sining grabbed her with quick eyes and hands.

"Why are your eyes red? What happened?"

The person in front of her had sharp and fiery eyes. Under her gaze, Xie Simei was always a little ashamed, and lowered her head involuntarily, not daring to face her gaze.

Seeing her like this, Xie Sining became anxious, she didn't want to say it but she couldn't force him to say it, so she could only say: "Tell me if anything happens, don't keep it alone."

Xie Simei nodded slowly.

"What else can she do? It's your old lady who wants to do something!"

The two were talking here, when the door of the west courtyard was suddenly pushed open with a bang, and the two looked up at the same time.

After seeing Mrs. Xie push open the door, she crossed her hips and looked at them angrily.

Xie Sining knew the reason just by looking at her face from a distance. She couldn't help but chuckled in her heart, but her face remained calm and said with concern.

"Mother, why are you so angry so early in the morning? Who made you unhappy?"

Old Madam Xie saw Xie Sining's eyes smiling brightly like stars, her breath stuck in her chest, and she heard her say it again.

"Little brother hasn't woken up until now? I think I slept well, how did mother sleep well yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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