After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 157 It's easy to understand

Chapter 157 It's easy to understand
Mr. Sun naturally guessed it a long time ago, and told the book boy standing at the door: "Send someone to the Zhang family and the Gu family to invite people."

The book boy responded with a cry and went out.

As for Zhang Fuyun, under the gaze of his husband, he trembled a little. He could hear that he was going to invite someone from Zhang's house, and his back straightened immediately, and the fear in his eyes was swept away.

But he didn't dare to look at Mr. Sun so arrogantly, and only looked at Gu Ye sitting on the ground with red eyes.

The Gu family was relatively close, and Xie Sining came to the private school soon after getting the news. Gu Ye stopped crying a long time ago, and looked at Xie Sining with red eyes.

This made Xie Sining feel bad, so he quickly hugged him to comfort him, and asked.

"what happened."

Mr. Sun didn't know where to start with this matter. There was another movement at the entrance of the private school, and everyone in the study couldn't help but look out.

I saw a small purple sedan chair stopped at the door, and then a woman got out of the sedan chair.

The woman was wearing a lotus-colored brocade embroidered with begonia flowers, with a golden butterfly hairpin on her sideburns. She was walking slowly with the help of a maid. She was holding a handkerchief with her other hand. Her steps were calm and elegant, but she was seeing Xie Sining was slightly taken aback, then smiled.

Looking at the situation now, combined with what the steward said, there is still something I don't understand.

What should I say, I can only say that the enemy's road is narrow.

Hao Xiu'er walked up to her, and greeted Mr. Sun with a blessing, her sleeves filled with fragrance, and the room was full of fragrance.

Xie Si, who had been shrinking in the corner, stared straight at her graceful figure, and then swallowed dryly.

On the other hand, Zhang Fuyun stood in the crowd with his hands behind his back, but his face was already cold.

Seeing this appearance, Mr. Sun frowned: "I don't know who you are?"

"Master Zhang Hao, Mrs. Zao, who left my wife first, asked me to handle this matter." He said with his head bowed.

The scholars standing behind exchanged glances with each other, and then looked in Zhang Fuyun's direction with interest.

After hearing this, Mr. Sun nodded in understanding, and then asked the book boy to explain the matter.

After hearing this, Xie Sining was indifferent, but Hao Xiu'er just smiled faintly.

"It's just a conflict between the two children, so why do you need to fight so much? Let alone..." Hao Xiuer's eyes glanced at Xie Sining, "I know my young master's temper very well. Modesty and politeness, but I'm afraid there is something hidden about being so abnormal today."

Seeing her utter a few words, she quickly left the fat young master in front of him clean, Xie Sining also curled his lips into a sneer.

Naturally, she wouldn't blame her like this. If you go to discuss the secret with her, then the wound on Gu Ye's face will no longer be important.

"I know my Ye'er the best. He won't cry like this so easily. It shows how ruthless your young master is. Look at this face, which is now purple." Xie Sining comforted Gu Ye with pity in his eyes.

He said at the same time: "What's more, so many people have seen it! It was your young master who came to find fault first. The two argued, maybe there was a quarrel, but he beat people directly. Are you still worrying about such a tyrannical person?" He quibbles?"

Xie Sining glared at Hao Xiu'er, like a calf-protecting mother beast, her every word was extremely sharp: "If this is not a big deal, does Mrs. Zhang think that someday this young master will chop someone with a knife?" Now, is it a big deal?!"

Hao Xiu'er was speechless at this moment, and couldn't help but secretly annoyed that Fu Yun had made her lose face in front of Xie Sining. Zhang Fuyun, who was standing in the crowd before, looked at Gu Ye who gently comforted the red eye sockets with his hand, and was angry and sharp at the same time. Like a long sword, invincible.

His eyes couldn't help being a little dazed, and he couldn't help but think of his second aunt who killed him when he was a child, and how his mother protected him in this way.

Although Hao Xiu'er was angry and impatient, she thought of the old man's orders at home, and the group of aunts who wanted to step on her to climb up, and she was about to speak again...


Zhang Fuyun suddenly yelled, and everyone turned their heads to look. His complexion was inexplicable, his body trembled a little, but he still held up his momentum and said: "It's just a few poor people, you just use the money to get rid of it! Why are you here?" Talk to them more!? No one should lower his status!"

Hearing his lofty words, Xie Sining almost laughed out of anger, what a noble man!
Hao Xiu'er also realized at this time, this person has a sharp mouth, and she is not his opponent, why bother to argue with her here, so she said.

"My young master really knows people well, heh, Mrs. Gu, let's make an offer! This matter should be settled sooner." She looked at Xie Sining who was standing opposite, her eyes full of provocation, she knew she was not greedy for money, so only It's just to humiliate her.

And Xie Sining was indeed pissed off as she expected, when he was about to speak, his sleeves were suddenly pulled gently by a force, and when he turned his head, he caught a glimpse of the little guy looking at him with a flash of light in his eyes.

She blinked, with a look of questioning in her eyes.

Gu Ye is a big kid, and the gleam in her eyes never fades, she understood now.

Now he is not in a hurry, instead he folds his arms and looks at Hao Xiu'er in a flawless manner.

"It's only natural for you to pay compensation to those who beat you. Why do you speak in such a charitable tone now? Presumably Zhang Yuanwai's family is rich and powerful."

She said it meaningfully, but it was not as Hao Xiuer expected.

Listening to her biting the words "wealthy and powerful", Hao Xiu'er was startled, but she still insisted on speaking despite having a bad premonition.

"That's natural. If you want money, just tell me straight up. Why be so oblique." She frowned and urged impatiently.

"Make a price!" Zhang Fuyun, who stood silent for a long time, suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Pangdun immediately felt that the eyes of the people around him were different, and the feeling of being held high and high was back. He was in a good mood, and his eyes were fixed on Xie Sining and the others.

"Are you really asking for the price?" She turned her head to look at Zhang Fuyun, with a faint smile.

He was annoyed, and said angrily: "Once this young master has said a word, it's hard to catch up! Can there be fakes?"

Xie Sining smiled at the moment, "Okay, okay, once Master Zhang has said something, it's hard to follow, so I will reluctantly say the number."

She was thinking about it when Gu Ye, who had been leaning in Xie Sining's arms, suddenly spoke.

"Three hundred taels of silver!"

As soon as this statement comes out!The surrounding area became quiet for a moment, and then everyone started talking in low voices.

Zhang Fuyun didn't expect him to open his mouth like a lion, and said angrily, "Why don't you go snatch it!"

Seeing his angry appearance, Gu Ye's face was full of innocence, "It's not that you said before that you asked me to give me any price, and you can give it. Why is the young master still annoyed now?"

As soon as this remark came out, whoever couldn't hold back the laughter made a puff!
Zhang Fuyun's face suddenly became very strange, from blue to red, from red to black.

Originally dignified, standing Hao Xiu'er's face also became very ugly.

And Xie Sining's eyes are full of smiles, this little thing has become very shrewd now.

How can Zhang Fuyun not know that this kid is cheating himself, but he dug the hole himself before, feeling that everyone around him is looking at him...

(End of this chapter)

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