Chapter 158 Is it OK?
He took a deep breath, stared at the mother and daughter in front of him and said fiercely to Hao Xiu'er: "Give them money!"

"Wow!!" The scholars standing around shook their heads in amazement.

Hearing everyone's voice, Zhang Fuyun seemed to be angry, and stared at Gu Ye triumphantly, straightening his back.

Hao Xiuer turned pale.

The old man asked himself to handle this matter earlier, thinking it was a good job to save face, when he left the mansion, he sat in a sedan chair, and everyone in the mansion knew that she went to the young master's school, but they never expected to meet Xie Sining and her son .

If because of this injustice, he punched out three hundred taels...

The old man loved his precious lump, so naturally he wouldn't do anything to Zhang Fuyun who took advantage of him, but it was different to her, so she spoke a little nervously.

"Master, don't be impulsive..."

Zhang Fuyun glanced at the gorgeous woman standing beside her, and said with a cold snort.

"What is your identity? You are also worthy to take care of my affairs!?"

These words were merciless, and Hao Xiu'er's previous high-ranking hostess' attitude of being a party beater was wiped out. Under Xie Sining's eyes full of interest, Hao Xiu'er was extremely embarrassed.

Xie Sining didn't understand what he meant, but he still praised with a smile: "The young master really deserves to be the heir of the Zhang family, look at his courage, tsk."

After being praised a few times, Zhang Fuyun was so light that he almost went to heaven, and said: "That's natural!"

While glancing at Hao Xiu'er who was standing beside him with a pale face, he reprimanded: "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Hurry up and ask someone to go back and get the money!"

Hao Xiu'er's body trembled a little, but she still pressed it firmly, raised her eyelids and glanced at Zhang Fuyun, then turned sideways and said something to the little maid beside her.

The little maid took orders and went.

In the courtyard, Zhang Fuyun seemed to be aloof, but in fact he didn't take advantage of it at all. He lost everything, but because of an inexplicable compliment, Mr. Sun stood silently by the side, not interfering in this matter.

The little maid took the silver box in a short while, and then handed it to Zhang Fuyun.

Weighing the weight of the silver box in his hand, he didn't even have the interest to open it to take a look. He really regarded money as dung, threw the box full of silver bills in front of Gu Ye, and said to himself.

"Take it, you will be my master today!"

After saying this, he strode out very chicly with his hands behind his back.

But before he took two steps, another sedan chair stopped at the entrance of the private school. Zhang Yuanwai, with a face full of flesh, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and got off the sedan chair.After that, without any explanation, he walked up to Hao Xiu'er, waved her hand and slapped her!

Haoxiuer was standing upright at first, but she was slapped when she was caught off guard. She covered her swollen and tall face, and looked at Zhang Yuanwai with red eyes in disbelief.

Zhang Yuanwai was panting like a cow, and cursed: "You bitch!"

Can't help but glance to the side, some sons who were frightened by him couldn't hold back after holding back for two seconds.

"You think your father's money came from the wind!?" Then I saw a little doll holding a silver box sitting in Xie Siming's arms with a provocative face.

He immediately lost his temper!

But one is a woman and the other is a child, so it's not easy to do anything, not to mention that the money is already in their hands, so they have to give up after much hesitation, and have to drag the two prodigals of their own family back.

Xie Si's heart throbbed when he saw the coquettish woman crying pear blossoms with rain, being ruined by such an old man.

Seeing that Hao Xiu'er was being dragged into the sedan chair by the member Zhang, he couldn't help but took two steps forward, but then stopped in front of the vicious nursing courtyard next to him.

It wasn't until the members of the Zhang family left that the private school became quiet again.

Xie Sining gently rubbed the little guy's face.

"Does it hurt?"

Gu Ye chuckled and said in a low voice.

"It doesn't hurt a long time ago, it just looks scary."

Xie Sining was shocked, looking at the silver box in his hand: "Then..."

The little guy snorted and said very arrogantly.

"He really punched me. It's not realistic for me to punch me back. I shouldn't pay a price. Since the father and son of the Zhang family left, the people who were watching in the private school have gradually gone home. , even Mr. Sun disappeared, and the courtyard became quiet.

The little guy was still triumphant before, but the more he talked, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he turned his head to look at his mother.

I saw a dark complexion, the previous pride dissipated, and the guilt gradually came up, and I pushed the silver box that was always at hand, and pushed it there.

Xie Sining didn't look at the silver box he pushed over, but asked: "Why did you cry like that before it didn't hurt.

Hearing that the little guy was hesitant, he pursed his lips and said: "Mother taught me before, if you are wronged, you don't have to bear it..."

While talking, he raised his eyelids to look at Xie Sining, and then continued with a glance: "When I was at Erhu's house, I heard Erhu's mother tell Erhu's little sister that if she was wronged, she would cry desperately, and someone would come to help her It’s up to the master, adults can’t turn a blind eye.”

Gu Ye was a little nervous when he didn't hear Xie Sining speak after he finished speaking.

Xie Sining didn't know what he was thinking, so he stretched out his hand to rub his face and said, "That's because Erhu's sister is still young and has no ability to protect herself, so she can only cry loudly..."

She paused in her words, as if she was thinking about how to explain to him, "In short, you have to protect yourself at this age and don't let yourself get hurt, you know?"

Looking at his mother's sad face, Gu Ye always felt that she had something to say, so he nodded and listened obediently.

"It's not useful to cry at any time. Only when a person is strong enough can he not be bullied. If he is really weak and can be bullied, no matter how much he cries, it's useless, you know?" she asked in a low voice.

Gu Ye looked at his mother, and nodded solemnly: "I see, mother."

Seeing that the people in the private school were almost gone, Xie Sining also took the little guy and walked out slowly, asking questions while walking.

"When you come to the private school on the first day, do you still dare to come after encountering such a thing?"

The little guy snorted and said: "That little fat man must have been taught a lesson after being sent home by his father today. Even if he hadn't been torn, he would have to be a man with his tail between his legs tomorrow. How dare he come to me Trouble?"

Hearing the arrogant words, Xie Sining burst out laughing: "You are a thief, does your face still hurt?"

"Don't hurt mother, it's just that it looks scary, and that little fat man just looks strong, but in fact, his hands are light and weak, without any strength." Gu Ye took a little fat man one by one, and didn't take it as an excuse. thing.

There was such a big piece of purple on the face, how can I really say that it doesn't hurt, I sighed.

"You still have to take good care of yourself in the future and don't let yourself get hurt, you know?" She asked again, still a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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