Chapter 160 It Will Come True
"Mom! Don't talk about me, my son is going out today to do something important!"

"Heh, you little bastard is impatient with your mother, isn't she, and you're still going out to do big things." Mrs. Xie was very worried before, but now she has to worry about it?

The old lady Xie was so chatty, where would she stop.

After hearing this, Xie Si was very impatient, and went back to the house after looking at the gap.

Only Mrs. Xie stood there and yelled, "You brat!"

And in the east house.

A family of three sat in the room, and Gu Ye told his father what happened today honestly.

Under Gu Ci's dark gaze, the little guy's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he even felt aggrieved.

"Obviously he moved first..." What are you doing looking at me like that.

The little guy didn't say the last sentence, but his eyes were full of resentment.

"It's true that this matter is not your fault, but." Gu Ci looked at Gu Ye who was sitting obediently on the small bench.

"Some things shouldn't be settled like this, not to mention what's the matter with a man sitting on the ground crying? Are you the little sister of Erhu's family?"

Gu Ci's repeated questions aroused Gu Ye's interest, and he couldn't help lowering his head and pursing his mouth to reflect.

After saying a few words, seeing his bruises on his face, he couldn't bear it anymore, but he still kept his face straight: "Your body is still a little weak, let your mother take you to practice some other day, as for what to do if you encounter such a thing in the future Deal with it, you go and rest first, I will tell you next time."

Gu Ye lowered his head, obviously not interested, and said listlessly.

"Father, tell me now, I'll listen."

Gu Ci was a little annoyed when he heard what he said before, and he just said it was just because he felt sorry for him, but now that he himself said that, if he would bear it any longer, he just said it directly.

"Why should our family be greedy for his three hundred taels of silver? Do you think you have robbed them of a large sum? But you don't know that it is just a drop in the bucket to others. Even our family is not very rare about the three hundred taels of silver. You Shouldn't you be on duty today and just tell others so clearly that as long as you give money, you can punch as many times as you want?"

Xie Sining sat by and listened without interrupting.

"But, but in that situation at that time, it was impossible for me to take it seriously and give him a punch. Instead of letting him apologize casually and the matter is over, it is better to let him bleed." Gu Ye was still a little dissatisfied , argued.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Ci took a deep breath before saying: "If someone commits a crime, I will repay you double. Money can be an incidental condition, but it is definitely not the main solution to this matter. Let him suffer a little. Remember this lesson, and then put some blood, wouldn't the impression be more profound?"

After hearing what his father said, Gu Ye was completely speechless and lowered his head.

"What your father meant was to tell you that everything should be prioritized." Xie Sining saw him languid, but still couldn't hold back his mouth.

"Remember it in the future? Don't let others think that you are easy to bully. Only once you have a deep impression, others will not dare to do it again next time."

Gu Ye nodded, this time he really understood, looked at the silver box in his hand, and pushed it towards his mother.

The meaning was obvious, Xie Sining looked down and said, "You got it in exchange for your injury, you keep it for yourself, keep it or whatever, I won't interfere, just don't use it indiscriminately."

Gu Ye nodded awkwardly, looking at the silver box in his hand, he felt dull.

"Okay, don't sit here anymore, it's getting late, go wash up."

Seeing his appearance, Xie Sining couldn't help but said.

The little guy nodded again, and then walked out.

When there were only two people left in the room, Xie Sining glanced at Gu Ci who was still holding his face, and couldn't help but said, "Okay, don't hold it."

Letting out a long breath, he looked at Xie Sining helplessly, and asked, "Did I be a little too aggressive just now?"

Hearing him say this, Xie Sining couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said deliberately.

"It's not just that it's a little too fierce, it looks like it wants to eat people."

Gu Ci took a deep breath and asked, "Really?"


Seeing the smile in the woman's eyes, Gu Ci couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips and asked, "What kind of cannibalism?"

Xie Sining stopped talking, and after being silent for a while, he changed the subject and said, "That's all for now, don't mention it again tomorrow. I already mentioned him in school, and when I came back, I was told again. Don't mention it any more."

Gu Ci raised his sleeves slightly, then nodded and asked, "What's going on with the Zhang family."

Under the slightly dim candlelight, she sneered: "It's just that the rich man is arrogant, he is used to looking at people with his nostrils, and he just wants to throw money at people. It's time to teach him a lesson, but..."

Looking up at the man sitting upright, "You and Mr. Sun are old acquaintances?"

Gu Ci shook his head and denied, "It's not considered an old acquaintance, it's just that we met after we came here."

Hearing this, Xie Sining nodded thoughtfully.

"It's getting late, go to bed early." He said softly.

"I'll go and see Ye'er, you should rest first."

After Xie Sining finished speaking, he got up and went out, went to the next room and gently opened the door, walked to the bed and saw a big bag bulging in the quilt, and smiled lightly.

He reached out and patted the bulging bag: "Is Ye'er in it?"

There was a soft sound from inside, and then the little guy lifted the quilt up and jumped out, "Mother one by one"

She held the wound medicine in her hand and said, "Sit down, mother will apply the medicine to you."

Gu Ye nodded obediently.

He sat obediently, feeling that the itching and dryness on his face had calmed down a lot, and his mother's enlarged face was in front of him, "Mother, I want to learn martial arts from you."

Hearing this all of a sudden, Xie Sining gave him a slightly surprised look. The status of military generals in this dynasty was far inferior to that of civil servants. Thinking of what Gu Ci said before, he understood.

"If you want to learn from your mother, of course I taught you, but if it's just because your father said something casually and you are not interested at all, then there is no need to waste this time on it, you know?"

Gu Ye blinked his eyes, and shook his head when he understood: "I want to learn by myself, and I don't want to be bullied by others."

Just after applying the medicine, Xie Sining pursed his lips and smiled when he heard his words: "Okay, then get up early tomorrow, you're a little man, now you can't stay in bed anymore."

The little guy looked focused and determined, and nodded heavily.

"Go to bed early, I'm going out." After the ward said, he went out and closed the door gently.

Walking to the door of the east house, I suddenly heard a low sob from the next room, paused my footsteps, and walked towards the next room twice.

Xie Simei's low-pitched voice came from inside, she frowned and hesitated for a while, but she still didn't open the door to go in, turned and went back to the room.

In the early morning of the next day, Xie Sining had just pushed open the door when he saw the little guy standing in front of the door with his hands behind his back, and he stayed there for an unknown how long, so he raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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