Chapter 161 Are you a scourge?
"So early today?"

Gu Ye's eyes were full of proud smiles, he nodded, and today he specially wore bunts, "Mom, let's start."

Seeing that his eyes were full of anticipation, Xie Sining nodded inexplicably.

It didn't take long for Gu Ye to be dumbfounded. He was arranged by Xie Sining to straddle under the tree, his feet were very sore and hard, and he could hardly lift his hands. Looking at his mother's face full of doubts: "Didn't you say you want to learn martial arts, mother. "

"Practicing martial arts is not a matter of one day. You have to learn the basic skills first. You can see that it won't take long to make a horse gait. How can you learn deeper things after you have not stabilized your foundation?" He grinned after a while. , could not help but say.

Gu Ye grimaced, "Mom, I found that practicing martial arts is much more difficult than studying."

"If you want to achieve the ultimate in one thing, how can it be so easy? So all walks of life are not easy, but studying is spiritual, and practicing martial arts is physical, so no matter what you do, as long as you can do it The pinnacle of that industry deserves to be respected." Xie Sining taught.

Gu Ci just came out of the house, and couldn't help but smile when he heard this sentence, and then saw Gu Ye who was standing under the tree, and couldn't help but praise: "Today is really hardworking."

After being reprimanded yesterday, and praised by his father this morning, Gu Ye finally felt better, muttering: "There are roads in the mountains of books, hard work is the path, learning is boundless and hard work."

"The same goes for practicing martial arts." Gu Ci added beside him.

Afterwards, the other door of the east room was also opened. Xie Sining looked back and saw Xie Simei walking out from inside. Seeing that her eyes were a little red, she asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Xie Simei shyly shook her head.

"Don't think about anything when you get here, you should have a good rest, you know." Xie Sining instructed gently.

She didn't speak, but said: "Sanmei, let me make breakfast for you."

Taking a look at the sky and the sun has risen, it is indeed late, and taking a look at the door of the West Room is still closed, shaking his head speechlessly, "Practice hard, let's go cook."

In the kitchen, Xie Sining asked while washing rice, "I was not at home yesterday afternoon, what happened at home?"

Xie Simei didn't expect that she would ask this suddenly, she felt a little confused, and subconsciously looked up at her with panic on her face.

Seeing that she was just asking, he was relieved, forced a smile, and shook his head: "There was nothing wrong yesterday."

Seeing her guilty and flustered appearance, Xie Sining also curled up his lips and nodded.

Originally, he only asked this question because she was crying in the room yesterday, but seeing her like this, Xie Sining could sense something was wrong no matter how slow he was.

But she didn't say anything, and she didn't ask further. After a while, Xie Simei raised her eyelids and looked at Xie Sining. Seeing that her expression hadn't changed, she breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know that all of this fell into Xie Sining's eyes. The look in her eyes grew colder.

After the rice was washed, she wanted to pour the rice over to cook porridge, but Xie Simei came over with one step and snatched the rice from her hand.

Xie Sining turned his head to look at her.

Xie Simei still smiled shyly: "Let me cook, third sister, you go out to accompany Ye'er."

"Can you do it alone?" Xie Sining asked in a low voice and saw her nodding, then he said nothing and walked out.

It wasn't until Xie Sining walked out that Xie Simei let out a long sigh of relief.

Xie Sining walked into the yard, the little guy was still striding under the tree in the yard, Gu Ci was sitting on the stone table by the tree reading a book, walked over and took a handkerchief and wiped his forehead lightly. sweat.

"Are you tired?"

Sweat dripped from Gu Ye's forehead, but his eyes were still determined. He didn't speak but just patted his head. Seeing him like this, although Xie Sining's eyes were distressed, there was also a bit of relief.

Although she wasn't the kind of loving mother who lost her son, she also sat on the stone table after wiping off her sweat, and looked at Gu Ci with her chin propped up.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ci put down the scroll and asked just because her eyes were too hot.

"I sent Ye'er back from school yesterday, and you've been in the study since then?"

Thinking that she suddenly realized that there was an accident in the school yesterday, why didn't he go with him, and explained: "There was something wrong yesterday, and I went out not long after I came back."

"Then when did you come back yesterday?"

Seeing her continue to ask, a bad picture suddenly appeared in front of Gu Ci's eyes, and he just said: "I came back after finishing my work, and I didn't remember the time."

Xie Si Ning's face was still calm, but if you look carefully, you can find that her eyes are covered with frost. At this time, the door of the west room was pushed open with a creak, and Xie Si came out of the room with a coat on his body, yawning.

Turning to look at the other room, it shouldn't be, the old lady wakes up early in the country on weekdays, why even Xie Si woke up today, but the old lady hasn't seen anything for a long time.


He was yawning, and he was caught off guard when he heard someone calling him, and his body trembled!look over.

Seeing Xie Sining, he couldn't help but fiercely said: "Why are you calling me!?"

Taking a deep breath, he said with patience, "Go and see in your mother's room."

After hearing this, Xie Si glanced at the room next door, and said lazily: "Don't worry, mother just wants to rest more."

After speaking, he smelled the fragrance and walked towards the kitchen.

Xie Sining watched Huo Da stand up and walked into the west room by himself. The door was pushed open, and the room was dimly seen. Before entering, he heard a snoring sound. Mrs. Xie was lying on the bed and approached and touched her forehead. The temperature was normal, and she relaxed. tone.

Can't help worrying about my own blindness, it's funny.

Shaking his head, he closed the door and walked out.

In the kitchen, Xie Simei had already cooked porridge and was about to serve it up. Xie Sining walked over and took a bowl of porridge without saying a word, and then greeted the father and son in the yard to eat.

I don't know why, except for Xie Si who was still drinking carelessly at the table this morning, the other people had their own thoughts. The table was quiet and silent. Xie Sining said.

"Do you want to call your mother to get up for dinner?"

"The old lady hasn't woken up yet, not to mention that the son she loves the most hasn't made any fuss about serving a bowl of porridge for the old lady. What are you doing here?" Xie Sining's tone was a little offended, and Gu Ye couldn't help but raise his head.

After hearing this, Xie Simei silently lowered her head.

Gu Ci, who was sitting next to her, looked over and wondered what happened to her this morning.

"You have nothing to say, what am I doing?" Xie Si muttered in his mouth, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

"I was a little tired yesterday, so I won't go to private school today." The old lady is still awake!Xie Si suddenly recalled, and said quickly.

Xie Sining glanced at him coldly, and finally said with a sneer: "Do you really think that the private school here is your Xie's family!? Go if you want, and don't go if you don't want to? Let me tell you, if you don't go today, you don't have to in the future go again."

Hearing her speak so impolitely, Xie Si stared like a cow, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to hide his mouth and drink porridge, thinking in his heart, when I get rich in the future, don't say I won't go to a private school, Even if I buy you, the Gu family, and let you kneel in front of me, it's nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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