Chapter 162
On the other side of Zhang Yuanwai's mansion, Zhang Fuyun finally finished his meal in the flower hall, looked up, and his father looked at the woman next to her with red and swollen eyes, feeling very impatient.

"I'm going back to the courtyard." He dropped his chopsticks and wanted to leave.

"You stop for me!"

Zhang Yuanwai yelled from behind, Hao Xiuer saw him rushing over to comfort him, and patted him on the back, looking at this restless old man, Zhang Yuanwai's eyes widened angrily.

"I tell you, today you must go to private school for me!"

"Sun Hao's private school is not the only one in the whole town, so you can't change it for me, not to mention I was tired yesterday, so what's the matter with taking a day off today? Aren't you also unhappy yesterday!" Zhang Fuyun took it for granted, turning his back to him daddy.

Hao Xiu'er listened to the father and son talking, and stood silently in the corner.

"Yesterday you threw three hundred taels of silver to your old man with a wave of your hand. It would be fine for someone else, but he is such a poor boy. He will not go to school today. Then what do you make others think? What do you think about us Zhang? Family!?"

The old man yelled a few words, and then ordered: "You look at him for a while, send him to the private school, and come back when someone goes in!"

Her face was still a little swollen, even though she was unwilling in every possible way in her heart, she could only nod her head.

After Zhang Yuanwai finished speaking, he flicked his chopsticks and left.

Looking at the woman in a red dress standing in the corner who was an eyesore, Zhang Fuyun snorted through his nostrils, turned around and left.

When they came to the gate of the mansion, Hao Xiu'er waited for a long time before seeing Zhang Fuyun came out reluctantly, she forced a smile and said: "Young Master, you better get in the car quickly, don't be late."

"What is your identity! Are you worthy to take care of my affairs?" I was upset at first, but now I opened my mouth even more impolitely.

Hao Xiu'er turned pale, and stood on the spot with her head bowed.

After finishing speaking, the little fat pier climbed into the carriage by himself.

Or maybe it really is that Yuanjia Road is narrow, and when the carriage slowly drove to the gate of the private school, Hao Xiuer just happened to bump into Xie Sining, who was holding Gu Ye by the hand, when she got off the carriage.

Xie Sijian who was beside Xie Sining met Hao Xiu'er again, his eyes were almost glued to her body.

Unexpectedly, he ran into him as soon as he came to the private school, Zhang Fuyun snorted coldly, and walked in swaggeringly.

Hao Xiu'er also slightly hooked her lips and smiled at Xie Sining, if she didn't see her swollen eye sockets, she could be considered graceful.

She has no interest in spending time with her here, and after the little guy and Xie Si went in, she turned around and left.

After she left Hao Xiu'er, she gently lifted up her sleeves, the bruises and scars on her arms that were originally white and flawless looked shocking.

She took a deep breath before getting back into the carriage.

After what happened yesterday, Zhang Fuyun didn't have a good look at Gu Ye. Many times Gu Ye could feel that Zhang Fuyun looked at him with hatred.

Although he felt uncomfortable, but thinking about what his father said yesterday, as long as he didn't come to provoke him, he had the right to pretend that he didn't see it.

Compared to Gu Ye who studies hard and ignores outside interference, Xie Si has no motivation to study in the private school, and is full of thoughts about wealth, wealth, and the charming Hao Xiuer.

Thinking about it, he actually fell asleep in class, dreaming a sweet dream, and the hala flowed on the book. After being discovered by the husband, he took a ruler and tapped on the table where he was lying on his stomach.

Xie Si, who was dreaming of having sex with Hao Xiu'er, was suddenly woken up, and Xie Si, who didn't know where he was, suddenly yelled dissatisfied.

"What are you arguing about! You're disturbing my sweet dream one by one" When I looked up and saw Mr. Sun looking at me with a cold face, I immediately froze.

"First... sir."

Seeing his useless appearance, the gentleman couldn't help shaking his head, then pointed outside, and said, "Go outside and sleep standing up. If you don't study, don't affect other students."

Xie Si, who was reprimanded, dared not speak, came out of his seat, turned around and stood against the door, although he was punished, he still thought about the beautiful things in his dream.

Then I looked back, and saw that Mr. Tou was teaching some sour and hard-to-remember poems, which I found boring.

Looking at the beautiful scenery outside, he suddenly had an idea, after taking a look, no one noticed, so he went directly to the outside.

After the morning class, the teacher came out of the classroom and found that Xie Si had disappeared outside the door. He sighed and shook his head again, and left with his hands behind his back.

Inside Gu's house.

Xie Sining and Xie Simei were picking vegetables when Gu Ci came out of the house and glanced at the two sisters in the yard.

Seeing the man coming out of the house, Xie Simei suddenly lowered her head, as if feeling a little guilty, but Xie Sining saw that he seemed to be going out, so she asked a question.

"Do you want to go out?"

Gu Ci nodded, "Well, there are some things. If you don't come back for lunch, you don't have to wait for me."

"Okay, then you come back early."

Xie Sining explained briefly without asking him where he was going.

After Gu Ci went out, Xie Simei looked at the direction the man was leaving, looked at Xie Sining, and asked, "Don't you ask where he went?"

Xie Sining replied nonchalantly while picking vegetables: "Of course it's their business when the man's family goes out. If he said he wanted to talk about it, then he said it. If he didn't want to talk about it, there's no need to ask."

After hearing these words, Xie Simei nodded thoughtfully, and then asked as if thinking of something: "Then third sister, don't be afraid, he's looking for others outside—" She didn't finish the rest of the sentence.

"Second Sister." Xie Sining looked at her with a smile and said, "If this man really intends to cheat outside, it's useless even if you tie him up every day, and I trust him, he won't do anything wrong to me. "

The firmness and confidence of her words made Xie Simei feel uncomfortable, and the jealousy in her heart became even worse, and she didn't feel like she smashed the vegetables in her hands without realizing it.

Until Xie Sining saw it.

"Second sister, what's wrong with you? You ruined all the dishes."

Only then did Xie Simei come to her senses, looking at the vegetable dregs and leaves in her hand, she explained in a panic.

"I... I didn't mean it, oh, what's going on with me..."

Seeing the panic on her face, unable to hide it, Xie Sining noticed something strange, but didn't say anything, just put away the picked vegetables.

"Okay, okay, it's just a vegetable, there's no need for this, I think these are enough to eat, I'll take the vegetables to the kitchen first, second sister, clean up this."

Taking away the vegetable basket containing the vegetables, Xie Simei looked at the pair of rotten vegetable leaves in front of her, feeling inexplicably upset, then took a broom to clean it up, and then went to the kitchen.

At noon, Gu Ci and Gu Ye were not at home, Xie Si was in a private school like Gu Ye, and Mrs. Xie hadn't woken up yet, so it was just the two sisters who were eating, and while they were eating, Mrs. Xie, who had slept until noon, finally woke up.

Xu came here smelling the aroma of the food, and as soon as he entered the room, he saw the two of them eating.

Today's meal was made by Xie Simei, and it looked much better than Xie Sining's cooking a few days earlier. The old lady Xie twitched her index finger, and sat down at the dinner table without any politeness.

There was no bowl and chopsticks for her on the table, so she didn't dare to command Xie Sining, so she turned to Xie Simei and taught her a lesson: "Are you blind? I didn't see your old lady. I sat down, so hurry up and get me a pair of bowls." Chopsticks?"

(End of this chapter)

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