Chapter 163

These days Xie Simei is almost always with Xie Sining, Mrs. Xie is naturally not able to come here to make trouble, now suddenly being yelled at like this, Xie Simei seems to have returned to the previous days, subconsciously lowered her head, conditioned reflex Go get her the dishes.

However, just as she was about to get up, Xie Sining grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Second sister, you eat yours. Our mother has hands and feet, and she is not a useless person. Do you need to get the bowls and chopsticks?"

Although he said this to Xie Simei, his eyes were on Mrs. Xie.

Upon hearing this, the old lady Xie was so angry that she stared fiercely at Xie Sining in front of her, and shouted, "Why, I gave birth to three daughters, and now the youngest is unreliable, and the second child can't be manipulated anymore? Is that so?" If you are not filial, I am afraid that in the future, people will poke your spine!!"

Xie Simei sat restlessly on the side with her head lowered, if you look carefully, you can find her body trembling slightly.

On the other hand, Xie Sining was sitting next to him, holding a spoon in his hand and fiddled with the porridge slowly, without even raising his eyes.

"If it is reasonable to say that from childhood to adulthood, we are not the ones who are loved by our parents the most."

Upon hearing this, the old lady exploded.

Angry eyes widened: "Why, could it be that I treated you badly when you were young? Now you come to argue with me about this!"

Lifting his eyelids, he took a leisurely look at her, Xie Sining's eyes were unmoved, and he even smiled slightly.

"Of course not, I just feel that the younger brother is not here now, and the mother has hands and feet, so it's better to work hard."

Mrs. Xie was about to say something when she heard her say it again.

"What's more, the filial ones are not here, and two unfilial ones are not here. You have worked hard?"

As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Xie Sining, staring at herself with a half-smile, that hatred in her heart!What I regret the most now is letting the second girl live in the town, and learning from this unfilial thing is broken!

But now that things have come to this point, there is no other way, no matter how angry he is, he can only grit his teeth and swallow blood.

She snorted heavily, stood up and went to get the dishes from the house by herself.

It wasn't until the old lady Xie left that Xie Simei finally breathed a sigh of relief, gasped for breath, and asked the person sitting next to her a little uneasy.

"Little sister..."

The voice stopped, Xie Sining took a sip of porridge, but didn't talk to her any more, just said: "People are bullied by kindness."

Xie Simei was startled, and was about to ask the old lady Xie's voice from the door, she quickly lowered her head.

As if deliberately venting her dissatisfaction, the steps were extremely heavy, and soon after, Mrs. Xie came in with a bowl of porridge that was very full, while glaring at Xie Sining hatefully, and then put it heavily on the table superior!
How could Xie Sining talk to her?After finishing drinking, he sent the bowl to the stove house, and went back to the house by himself.

After she returned to the room, the old lady Xie seemed to have finally lost her scruples, and yelled at Xie Simei who was sitting silently eating.

The voice was very loud, apart from deliberately venting, it was more like pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, deliberately scolding for the people in the east room.

Sitting in the room, Xie Sining heard the scolding outside and his head was buzzing. He could almost guess what Xie Simei was going through without even thinking.

Considering the original owner's affection... Xie Sining took a deep breath and stood up, pushing the door open.

The old lady's ears are naturally sharp, and when she heard the movement here, she immediately cursed more vigorously, and all kinds of swear words continued.

"You bastard! You really thought you wouldn't pay attention to your old lady after coming to town for a few days, right?!"

Accompanied by Xie Simei's sobs, Xie Sining stepped into the room just in time, glanced at the situation in the main room, and felt dizzy and disgusted.

He pulled up the person who silently lowered his head, and then swept the old lady Xie with a pair of phoenix eyes all over her body!The cold light burst out.

Thank you, old lady, for a shock!I don't know why, but I feel a little guilty at this time when I was born by myself.

"If you still want to live here and want Xie Si to continue studying, just be honest with me. If you offend me, you will end up going back to your hometown in despair. It's as simple as that."

Her speech was cold, and her stature was a head taller than Mrs. Xie, and now she seemed to be looking down.

But just go back to your hometown? !
The old lady raised her shrewd eyes and glanced at Xie Sining. Somehow, she thought of something, and her whole body trembled!
He glanced at her, and walked out of the main room holding Xie Simmei.

The two of them walked to the well before letting go, and then silently brought up a basket of water, and handed over the handkerchief left in the hospital: "Wash."

Xie Simei was crying silently before, her eyes were red, her nose was red, and her voice was a little hoarse, but she took the veil silently and wiped it gently.

Both of them were by the well, looking at each other speechlessly for a while.

There was a big vat by the well, it was empty and there was no water in it, Xie Sining leaned back on the big vat, quietly waiting for her to wipe it, and looked up at the clear blue sky.

"It's been so many years, aren't you used to it, what are you crying about in one or two sentences?"

In Xie Sining's impression, the eldest sister in the family has the most pungent personality. In the end, the old lady married an old man far away in the mountains and suffered a lot.

The second sister was the most silent, she was more numb than silent, in the original owner's impression, Xie Simei's eyes were always empty every time she was scolded.

Hearing what Sanmei said, Xie Simei took a deep breath, but only she knew, why was she crying because the old lady scolded others?She was just crying for herself.

The most cowardly and timid third sister when she was a child was able to straighten her back and challenge the old lady, and she would only live in the time of raising her head forever, but Xie Sining didn't know it.

There was no movement of water, Xie Sining turned his head and saw that she had already wiped it, and the pair of handkerchiefs that were handed to her earlier were folded into squares and placed on a shelf beside her.

Looking up at her, the well water is cold, and there is no trace of crying on her face: "Go and clean up, let's go out."

Xie Simei raised her head and looked at her in surprise: "I don't need to clean up."

"Go quickly."

She was pushed back into the room in a daze, and it was not until she stood in front of the small bronze mirror in the room that Xie Simei saw that her bun was a bit messy, and then she understood what she meant by talking about things.

After combing her hair again, she walked out of the room. Before she could speak, she would be led out by Xie Sining.

Mrs. Xie came out of the house after finishing her porridge. As soon as she came out, she saw these two little hooves. She went out for a walk and didn't call herself! Just as she was about to open her mouth... her eyes suddenly rolled!
A smile rose from his eyes.

The two people outside didn't know what the old lady was hiding in her heart. Xie Simei watched the people coming and going on the street. When the steamer was opened on the hawker stall on the street, the white mist scattered in all directions, accompanied by the smell of meat buns. , all of which make people yearn for.

Suddenly, two bulging steamed buns were handed over to him, and there was a momentary surprise in his eyes, he raised his head and saw Xie Sining.

(End of this chapter)

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