Chapter 166 Gu Ci's Old Friend

Duan Zihan recognized Xie Sining who was surrounded in the middle, his eyes were full of horror.

And Xie Sining, who was in the battle, cut the neck of the person who rushed up with one hand, bleeding profusely, the man in black opened his eyes and fell to the ground with a thud.

She held the scimitar of the previous man in her hand, her eyes were icy and cold, the scimitar in her hand was stained with scarlet blood, and there were people rushing forward recklessly, amidst the shadow of the sword, a man in black noticed that the person in black was terrified and shivered. Xie Simei behind the wall.

A thought!Then ran towards that direction.

Duan Zihan was dragged by the people around him and couldn't get in, so he could only stand in front of the alley and watch anxiously, but now he was standing outside the crowd, and saw the man in black running towards Xie Simei with sharp eyes.

My heart is in a hurry!He broke away from the hand that was holding him around, and ran towards the inside.

Xie Simei looked in horror at the man in black who appeared in front of her at some point, and when the blood-stained knife in the other's hand was about to fall—a sword suddenly appeared above her head!

Immediately the weapons intersect!

Clang!a bang.

Duan Zihan was wrestling with the killer, Xie Simmei looked up blankly.

Bang!Holding the knife in hand, Xie Sining stood on top of a wooden box. She was relieved until the last killer fell to the ground hard and died within two seconds of opening her eyes.

As soon as he turned his gaze, he saw Duan Zihan, who was struggling with the man in black next to him, and lightly weighed the machete in his hand. It just so happened that Duan Zihan slashed his arm. After pausing for a moment, he became even more frantic, completely ignoring the sound behind him that had stopped.

Finally, until there was severe pain behind him, the black man blinked dryly twice, and finally fell to the ground slowly.

It wasn't until the man in black fell down that Duan Zihan panted heavily. He raised his eyes to look at Xie Sining who was standing on the wooden box.

"Thank you Mrs. Gu for saving me!"

Xie Sining jumped off the wooden box and didn't say anything.

Those yamen servants gathered over one after another, looked at Xie Sining with admiration, and wanted to surround her to thank her, but in the end they retreated under her cold gaze.

Xie Sining didn't forget that just now they took Duan Zihan and hid in the corner to watch him fight alone.

After the black man fell to the ground for a while, Xie Simei came out from behind the wall with red eyes.

Duan Zihan saw her smile softly and asked in a low voice.

"Is the girl alright?"

Xie Simei pursed her lips, just shook her head slightly and didn't speak, but her eyes fell on his arm that was gushing blood, and she raised her eyes to look at Duan Zihan, although she didn't have the right to speak, her eyes showed worry.

Duan Zihan seemed to understand, and said in a gentle voice, "It's just a skin injury, it's nothing serious."

She didn't speak anymore, she was frightened today, but just lowered her head silently.

Xie Sining also took a look at his wound: "Go and bandage it."

After saying this, her eyes fell on the messy corpses that fell on the ground.

Duan Zihan also frowned and thought for a while, looked at the scene on the ground, waved his hand to greet people, and carried the corpses back to the Yamen.

Thinking of something, Xie Sining slightly raised his hand to stop their movements, then squatted down and opened the skirt of the man in black, Duan Zihan was slightly taken aback when he saw this.

When the skirt was opened, he saw a plain token pinned to the black man's waist.

Xie Sining raised his eyebrows, as expected.He took the token down and put it in front of his eyes, and looked carefully, Duan Zihan next to him stared straight at him.

He didn't look at it too much, he just glanced at it twice, then threw the token back and stood up, patted the ashes on his hands and said, "You guys clean it up slowly, I'll go back first."

After speaking, the pale Xie Simi walked down the alley with his face turned pale. Duan Zihan looked at the figures of the two women in front of him, and suddenly opened his mouth and called out.

"Miss Gu..."

Hearing the voice, Xie Sining turned around and looked at Duan Zihan suspiciously: "Is there anything else?"

Seeing her stop, Duan Zihan quickly took two steps forward, his face was a little embarrassed, but he still clasped his fists and said: "Usually, I know that Mrs. Gu's martial arts skills are extraordinary, but now I see her, she is really extraordinary, and I am amazed! "

Seeing him coming forward was a compliment, Xie Sining stood where he was, his face was still calm and unmoved.

Duan Zihan looked a little embarrassed when he thought about what he was going to say next, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Although we have a large number of people in the government office, our martial arts are really mediocre, and there are only a handful of good martial arts masters in our county. Not necessarily willing to condescend to teach us a group of errand servants."

Xie Sining heard the general idea, and seeing his blushing face, he guessed what he was going to say next, and as expected, Duan Zihan hesitated for a moment and then said.

Xie Sining heard the general idea, and seeing his blushing face, he guessed what he was going to say next, and as expected, Duan Zihan hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Before I was amazed by Mrs. Gu's martial arts. I wonder if it would be lucky for Mrs. Gu to teach her in the government office?"

Duan Zihan asked cautiously, while Xie Simei looked up at her sister in disbelief.

A group of yamen servants in front of them also stood up straight when they heard this sentence, and looked at each other with a bit of reluctance on their faces.

Xie Sining raised his eyelids, glanced at Duan Zihan standing in front of him, and then his eyes fell on the dozen or so yamen servants in the distance.

She didn't forget how hard she helped them before, but what happened?These people hide behind and watch the show in a cowardly manner, generally not in a hurry at all.

Such an ungrateful, ignorant and cowardly group of people still expect her to teach them?Could it be that he looks like a fool?She gently pulled one corner of her lips, meaning unknown.

Perhaps Xie Sining's eyes were too direct.

When it fell on those few people, some of the dozen or so yamen servants seemed to understand the meaning in her eyes, and lowered their heads in shame for a moment.

Duan Zihan hadn't figured out the key point, he looked at Xie Sining and then at the dozen or so yamen servants, a little confused.

Although I was very upset, this matter has nothing to do with Duan Zihan, so it's not good to give him a cold face. Xie Sining thought about it, took a deep breath and just said.

"It's an important place in the government office. I'm afraid it's not good for me to go in as an outsider. It's not convenient, so let's forget it."

Duan Zihan was somewhat disappointed, but the other party couldn't force it if he didn't want to, so he nodded.

After saying this, Xie Sining didn't hesitate, and walked home with Xie Simmei.

Seeing the woman leave from a distance, several people breathed a sigh of relief. It happened that Duan Zihan raised his head and saw this scene inexplicably.

"What? You don't want Mrs. Gu to teach you martial arts?" Duan Zihan's complexion was a little dark, and he asked a few people who were obviously stiff. They looked at each other, then scratched their heads, and said embarrassingly.

"We are a few big men after all. If it is reported that a woman is required to teach us martial arts, where will we save our government's face in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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