Chapter 167 At least not now
"That's right, if people in other government offices find out, wouldn't it be a laughing stock?"

Duan Zihan looked at them in disbelief, he didn't expect them to be such superficial people, remembering the time when he was looking for the lady of the Gu family, he couldn't help laughing at himself, and said angrily.

"A man should not only have face, but also be flexible!"

"What's more, if I don't have the ability, how can I have any face? What's more, the girl's martial arts are indeed superior to you and me, or I don't know how much higher. If she can condescend to teach us, That is our blessing! No one else can think of it."

He paused and continued: "Or do you want to be injured by gangsters when you are on business in the future, or do you want to learn art like Mrs. Gu, and save the common people from troubles in the future? We are government servants. In the final analysis, we still need to be tough enough. I won't be replaced by you!"

Duan Zihan looked at these brothers with a tone of hatred.

Hearing him say such a long paragraph, several people froze in place and thought for a long time, and then they slapped their heads. After all, these people are short-sighted. What Duan Zihan said makes sense, how many people sharpened their heads and wanted to squeeze into the government office ?I can't help but regret it when I think of it.

"But..." Zhang Daming regretted it inexplicably, and angrily kicked the body that fell on the ground: "The lady of the Gu family was helping us earlier, when we fought with this assassin, we watched from the side and did not help..."

As soon as they mentioned this, everyone nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid this has already been hated."

Duan Zihan also recalled the previous situation, no wonder the other party's complexion was not good when he talked to Mrs. Gu's family before. It turned out that the problem was here, and it was also his own carelessness that did not notice this.

His complexion was a little gloomy, and he had to think long-term at this time, but said: "Don't stand here one by one, that's enough, first carry the bodies of these assassins back, and let me test them, as for the others... After that talk later."

This was the only way to go, the yamen servants found a cart from nowhere, and transported all five corpses back to the government office. Duan Zihan walked behind, holding the token that fell from the assassin.

Frowning and thinking about things.

The origin of these killers is probably not simple, and they just heard that something happened in the gambling house on the east side of the city, and they were going to go there to see what happened, and they just happened to encounter this incident for some reason .

I ran into these killers, but I don't know if it was intentional, but this is just a small county town, how could it attract these desperadoes?

In addition, these people's skills are so good, what kind of force was it before that could seriously injure them so far?

This matter is full of doubts, so did these people encounter this matter by coincidence or someone deliberately facilitated it?

There are too many and complicated things, Duan Zihan can't figure it out for a while, so he can only let it go, and don't think about it for the time being.

On the other side, Xie Sining and Xie Simei were walking in the alley.

Xie Simei had already recovered a bit, thinking about something in her head, raising her eyes to look at Xie Sining from time to time, as if hesitating to speak.

Xie Sining noticed it but didn't ask, waiting for her to speak.

After a long time, seeing that Gu's house would be reached after turning another alley, Xie Simei couldn't hold back and asked carefully.

"When did you learn martial arts, third sister?" Still so powerful.

Xie Sining walked in the alley with his hands behind his back, as if he was strolling in the garden, he hadn't exercised his muscles for a long time, he had picked up a few odds and ends before, but now his limbs are unbelievably comfortable, he thought about it.

"I married into the Gu family, and I don't have any skills. The Gu family is such a family. If I don't learn something, I will easily be looked down upon by others... I usually just practice casually when I have nothing to do."

When she said something like this, Xie Simei automatically made up a lot of drama, and then nodded suddenly, and whispered, "So that's how it is."

Obviously, he firmly believed in this, and he didn't want the five killers who couldn't even deal with so many men. If Xie Sining just practiced casually, how could he reach such heights?

But she didn't go into details, and her attention was quickly attracted by another matter. Thinking of the man who stood in front of her without hesitation, Xie Simei blushed a little, and stammered.

"Third Sister, that person saved me earlier...uh." Thinking of what she was about to say, she paused in embarrassment, full of hesitation.

Xie Sining turned his head and glanced at her and said, "Just speak up if you have something to say."

"That Mr. Duan saved me earlier...we owe him a favor, he has something to ask you, or...she didn't finish the rest of the sentence, Xie Sining already knew what she was going to say, but felt a little inexplicable.

Didn't I owe more favor to him than I did before to help them?Now he actually asks his sister to repay their favor.

In the end, he just glanced at her inexplicably, opened his mouth to say something, but didn't say a word.

Xie Simei looked at the third sister expectantly as soon as she finished speaking, but she didn't get a response after waiting for a long time.

In front was Gu's house, Xie Sining was speechless by what she said earlier, so he didn't care if she was angry or not, the door was not locked, so he pushed open the door and walked in.

Now it's sunset, the little guy just came back from the private school, when he turned his head and saw Xie Sining, his eyes lit up, and he ran over staggeringly.


"Come back so early today? Who picked you up?"

Xie Sining stretched out his hand to hold the little guy in his arms, and asked, that private school is quite a distance from Gu's house.

"Daddy passed by from the private school and brought me back!"

Gu Ye said in a small mouth, Xie Sining raised her head and happened to see the man coming out of the main room, she was a little surprised, raised her eyebrows slightly and asked.

"Didn't you say you were coming back at night? Why did you come back so early?"

The man's voice was still gentle, and he just said: "I came back early because of some accidents."

Somehow, thinking of the incident on the street earlier, Xie Sining nodded thoughtfully.

While talking here, there was a sudden bang in the east room!
Some people looked over there one after another, only to see the door of Xie Simei's room being closed heavily, Xie Sining's face was a little gloomy.

"Where's Xie Si? Why don't you see him?"

His eyes swept across the yard, but he didn't see the figure of that person, so he couldn't help asking.

Gu Ye looked a little embarrassed, shrank his neck, and did not speak.

Xie Sining's suspicious eyes turned to Gu Ci from the little guy's face.

"Sun Xinxuan said that Xie Si was not very serious in class in the morning, so he was asked to go out and stand for punishment. After a while, he went out to see that the courtyard was empty, and he sneaked out at some point, and has not returned yet."

Gu Ci didn't have so many scruples, and said directly in a flat voice.

Hearing this, Xie Sining felt a little speechless and said with a sneer.

"You really are a dou who can't support the wall..."

"And grandma... seems to have gone out too." Little Gu Ye, who was obediently standing in the corner, spoke carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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