Chapter 169
Gu Ci seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said these few words.

In fact, Xie Sining has always felt that the two of them were weird in the past few days, and when he came back that day, he also felt that something seemed to have happened, but Gu Ci said nothing was wrong, so she didn't ask.

"I know it's not suitable, but the second sister's leg is disabled because of me, so I thought, if it can be cured, it will be a worry for me." Xie Sining said so.

After hearing her words, Gu Ci thought about it carefully, then put down the book in his hand, took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"I know you want to do something for your second sister. You have always been straightforward. Maybe there are some things you haven't noticed. Sining, have you ever thought about whether your second sister is suitable for us?"

When he said this, Xie Sining seemed to think of something, she turned her head to look at the man, and her face changed into another serious look.

"I think you two have been a little weird these days. When I asked you that day, you said nothing happened. What happened?"

Xie Sining's eyes can't tolerate sand, if it's true that Xie Simei did something, then she doesn't need to read the story.

Hearing her cross-examination, Gu Ci remembered that when Xie Sining was going to private school that day, Xie Simmei sneaked into their room, and was bumped into by her.

At that time, she was holding the pen she used to write on weekdays, and the attachment in her eyes could not be fooled.

At that time, he reprimanded him with a few cold words, and when Xie Sining came back with Gu Ye, he didn't say anything about it.

He just thought in his heart that Si Ning's second sister had never been loved by her parents since she was a child. With such a mother, the three sisters had suffered a lot since they were young.

But now that she saw her sister living so well, there was a gap in her heart, and it was inevitable that she would have some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

Therefore, he didn't say it out, and in the past few days, he tried his best to have Xie Simei's place, so he didn't show up, but this is not always the way.

Now facing Xie Sining's cross-examination, Gu Ci thought over and over in his heart, but he still didn't tell the truth. He used a joking tone earlier to ease the atmosphere.

"What can happen at home? I just think that your second sister grew up in the village and has a mother like a mother-in-law. I'm afraid she doesn't have a chance to come out, let alone have a chance to deal with others."

"So what exactly are you trying to say?" Xie Sining narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Gu Ci chuckled, took her hand and pulled her into his arms, and only after she sat in his arms, he pretended to sigh and said.

"Hey, you see that your husband is so handsome and talented, so you really don't worry about it at all, and let others look at you, so you are tempted?"

Xie Sining hooked his arms around his neck, and burst out laughing after hearing his words.

"Tch, why didn't I see it before, you still have the problem of narcissism, do you think that anyone who sees you will like you?"

"It doesn't matter whether others like it or not, the most important thing is one by one." Gu Ci said and approached her, "Do you like it, lady?"

"'re not ashamed!" Xie Sining's face was hot when he asked, and he let go of his arms with a word of embarrassment and was about to get up.

However, Gu Ci tightened his arms, "What is there to be ashamed of between husband and wife? This is for fun." He paused to think for a while, and then added: "The joy of the boudoir"

Seeing the teasing look on the man's face, Xie Sining bit his lip and punched him, then he got up and walked towards the bed with her in his arms.

The night was cool and windy, the candles in the room were blown out, and the night was peaceful.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Ci, who had been exhausted for half the night, hadn't woken up yet. He went to the building next to him while he was half asleep, but found that his touch was empty.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Xie Sining had already got up and was just packing up and getting ready to go out.

Looking at the figures walking in the room, Gu Ci leaned sideways and looked at her with his head supported on one hand.

"It's always been that I haven't worked hard enough for my husband, and I haven't let my wife sleep more."

Xie Sining, who had just put on his clothes, heard the sound of beating behind him, and immediately turned around and gave him a gouging look.

"Speak well, you are a father now, why are you still so rude when you speak?"

Gu Ci didn't take it seriously when he heard this.

"I'm a father, but I'm also a husband. In front of my own wife, I'm pretending to be too serious.

He just talked in a different way, and Xie Sining wanted to refute him a few words but didn't know where to start, so he had to leave the room angrily.

Last night, Gu Ci was a little tired from tossing around, so that he got up later in the morning than usual. He thought it was too late to make breakfast for Gu Ye to take to private school, but when he came to the kitchen, he saw that Xie Simmei had already been busy. up.

"Second sister?"

Xie Sining walked in and was surprised to see that Xie Simei had almost prepared breakfast, and said in surprise: "Why are you so busy with your own work? You should have called me, how embarrassing it is."

Hearing what she said, Xie Simei shook her head with a smile, her eyes darkened.

She has been here for several days, Xie Si Ning never woke up late, but today he got up late, presumably because he was tired from helping the government people deal with those black people on the street yesterday.

Thinking of this, she said, "Where did the third sister say this? You let me live with you, and you also treated my legs. I just did what I could. Why are you embarrassed?"

"Besides, I should thank you. If you hadn't taken me to the doctor, my leg would have been like this for the rest of my life."

"Second Sister." Xie Sining patted her hand and comforted her: "Everything will be fine. When your leg is cured, your good days will still be long."

The two sisters talked a few words in the kitchen, and then came out with freshly made porridge and steamed buns. When they reached the front hall, Gu Ye was already sitting at the dining table.

Seeing that Gu Ye was alone, Xie Simei remembered something.

"By the way, third sister, it seems that mother and younger brother didn't return all night yesterday. Do you think something will happen to them?"

Thinking of what happened to the man in black yesterday, Xie Simei was still a little worried. Although her mother and younger brother were not nice to her, they were close relatives after all, and it was impossible to ignore them.

Hearing that Mrs. Xie and Xie Si didn't come back overnight, Xie Sining was also a little surprised, but she didn't worry about Xie Simei, she was just surprised for a moment and then comforted Xie Simei.

"Don't worry about that. It's not like you don't know what kind of people mother and younger brother are. If something happens, mother will find a place to hide by herself, and nothing will happen."

Although what Xie Sining said was the same thing, Xie Simei was still a little worried.

Xie Sining also saw her worry, so he patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, if you're really worried, after dinner, after we send Ye'er to the private school, I'll accompany you to the street to find someone."

After hearing this, Xie Simei breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and sat down to eat.

After eating, Xie Simei and Xie Sining sent Gu Ye to the private school first, and then went to the street to find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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