Chapter 170

Today happened to be the day for going to the market, so there were many more people on the street than other times. The two sisters searched the street, but they couldn't find any trace of Mrs. Xie and Xie Si.

"How about this, Second Sister, we both go to find Mother and the others separately, you go over there to look for it, and I'll go to that street over there to have a look, no matter if I find it or not, we will come back here to meet up after an hour." Xie Sining proposal.

Xie Simei had no objection, and nodded, "Okay, third sister, you should pay attention to yourself." Today is crowded and messy, don't encounter yesterday's incident again.

"I know." Xie Sining didn't say anything else, after separating from Xie Simei, he walked towards the other side.

There were so many people on the street, Xie Simei's legs and feet were not good, and she walked with a limp. She was already slow, and she had to pay attention to the pedestrians passing by.

After searching for a while on the street, I was already sweating profusely.

I thought I still couldn't find them, but when I passed by a busy street, I vaguely heard two familiar voices.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we will really pay back the money, you just give it two days!"

This voice was very familiar, who else could it be if it wasn't Mrs. Xie?

Xie Simei searched for the sound, and saw a large group of people gathered around the entrance of a casino called Fuguitian.

"You dare to gamble if you don't have money. If you don't pay back the money you owe today, I'll see if I won't take your arms and legs off!"

The thugs in the gambling hall were vicious, scaring Xie Si and Mrs. Xie until their faces turned pale. When they heard that they were going to pay off the debt, Mrs. Xie almost fainted.

It turned out that after Xie Si came out of the private school yesterday, he randomly found someone to take advantage of on the street, stole some money and ran to Fuguitian, thinking of making a fortune.

Who knew that the few taels of money he had stolen was not enough for two games, and he lost all his efforts in a short while.

Seeing others winning money, he was unwilling to leave like this, so he saw others borrowing money in a gambling hall, so he also borrowed money to gamble.

As a result, it got out of control as soon as it was opened. The more he gambled, the more he lost, and the more he lost, the more he gambled. Looking at the accounts that could only be withdrawn but not paid in, he was almost jealous of gambling.

Mrs. Xie came out to look for her son and asked many passers-by before she found out that her son had entered a gambling hall, so she came looking for her.

When Mrs. Xie saw Xie Si, he was being questioned for a bill, and if the other party disagreed, she would strike. She hurried over to protect her, and only then did she know that her son had already owed several hundred taels in the gambling house. Silver.

A few hundred taels of silver, for the old lady Xie from the village, that was a huge amount. Even if she bought the land of the house at home, she could not get half of it. How could she get it out.

However, when Xie Si borrowed money, he had pledged it, and if he couldn't get the money out, he had to use his hands and feet to repay the debt.

"I beg you, we really didn't deny our debts, but we came out without any money. My daughter lives in the town and she has plenty of money. When we go back, we will pay you back!"

Mrs. Xie was protecting her son, begging outside the gambling hall.

The owner of the gambling house is not a fool either, seeing that their mother and son are dressed like they don't look rich, if they let them go, they will suffer a lot.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Tell you to go back and get the money? When the time comes, one of you will come and leave. Who will I have to pay for? Today, you will either pay back the money, or he will be abolished."

After the boss finished speaking, he gestured to his subordinates with his eyes.

A few burly men went over and pulled Mrs. Xie aside, then punched and kicked Xie Si.

Mrs. Xie couldn't bear to have her son beaten like this, so she rushed over to protect her.

Xie Simei happened to see this scene when she came over, and hurried over to pull the big guys away.

"Mother, brother! Don't beat my mother and brother."

When the big men saw the woman who jumped out suddenly, they stopped their hands in doubt.

Seeing her daughter coming, Mrs. Xie cried and howled, "Why did you come here! Your mother and brother are about to be beaten to death! You are heartless!"

Seeing her daughter coming, Mrs. Xie cried and howled, "Why did you come here! Your mother and brother are about to be beaten to death! You are heartless!"

"Mother, what's going on here?" Xie Simei didn't care about Mrs. Xie's complaints anymore, she only looked at the current situation and asked what happened.

It's okay if you don't ask, but when Xie Simei asked, Mrs. Xie cried even louder.

"Second girl, your brother owes him hundreds of taels of silver, and he is about to use his arms and legs to pay off the debt!"

Xie Si was so frightened that he was shaking like chaff, and when he saw the second sister coming, he suddenly thought of something, pointed at Xie Simei, and said to the boss of the gambling house with an ugly face: "Her, I will give her to you, don't give her up." Take my arm off!"

Upon hearing this, the old lady Xie looked at her son in surprise, and then slowly looked at Xie Simei, her eyes seemed a little confused.

But Xie Simei was completely stunned now, with a face full of disbelief.

The person in front of him is his own brother, a relative whose blood is thicker than water!He actually said such words.

Then he looked at his mother again, and when he saw the hesitation in that look, Xie Simei's heart was completely chilled.

The old lady Xie was still hesitating, but Xie Si grabbed her arm and said, "Mother, I am the only male in our family, your only son! If my arm is removed, I will become disabled in the future. Who else's girl is willing to marry me, how can she continue the incense for our family?"

Originally, there was still a little hesitation in my heart, but when Xie Si said this, the last bit of conscience disappeared in an instant, "Yes, she, I can mortgage my daughter to you, and you want to sell her or whatever, please Just let my son go."

"Mom!! I'm your own too! I'm also the meat that fell from your body! It's okay for you to favor Xie Si all these years, but now that he has caused such a big disaster, you still have to use me to pay off his debts! "

When Xie Simei said these words, her whole body trembled, as if every word exhausted all her strength.

Faced with Xie Simei's questioning, Mrs. Xie didn't feel ashamed at all, instead she was confident.

"Just because you are my daughter, you were born by me, and now your younger brother is in trouble, shouldn't you, as an older sister, help your younger brother? I gave birth to you and brought you up so big, now I will let you live like a baby!" What's wrong with the debt, isn't the grace of childbearing not worth it?"

Old Madam Xie's words were like sharp knives, piercing Xie Simei's heart, wiping out the last bit of family affection she had left.

The faces of the mother and son made the onlookers shake their heads when they saw it, and some even felt sorry for Xie Simai, "This girl is too pitiful. With such a mother and younger brother on the stand, this life is ruined."

"Being used by my mother and younger brother to repay the debt, hey, life is hard!"

Passers-by's comments came to his ears, but Xie Simei had already expressed no expression on his face, and looked at the mother and son in front of him with no waves in his eyes, paralyzed there like a puppet with a broken string.

(End of this chapter)

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