After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 171 1 Life, 1 Life, 1 Double?

Chapter 171 A couple for a lifetime?

He was confirming that the boss of the gambling house didn't care who they were, and heard that Mrs. Xie said that she would use her daughter to pay off the debt.

"You can think clearly, do you really want to use your daughter to pay off the debt?"

"Yes, yes, use her to pay off the debt! If my son loses his hands and feet, his life will be ruined! Second girl, you should feel sorry for your brother!"

Seeing Mrs. Xie's face, Xie Simei's heart was already numb, and then the boss of the gambling house asked his subordinates to drag her away.

When the two big men came over to drag her, Xie Simei pulled back from her despair, broke free from the two big men, and slammed into the stone pillar in front of the casino.

This scene shocked the onlookers, and the next moment they saw Xie Simei hit his head on the pillar, his head was bleeding, and he fell down limply.

"Isn't this a fatality?"

Someone in the crowd spoke.

At this time, several officials came from the crowd, and it was none other than Duan Zihan who took the lead.

"What's going on?" Duan Zihan looked at the scene in front of him and questioned, and then asked someone to help the woman who fell to the ground when she hit the pillar. When she saw the woman's front, she immediately recognized the girl who was with Xie Sining that day.

At this time she had passed out, Duan Zihan stepped forward to sniff her breath, seeing that she was still breathing, he was relieved, and then asked to send her to the hospital for treatment.

Seeing that all the officials came, the boss of the gambling house didn't want to make this matter too big, so he went up to explain respectfully.

"My lord, it's just a small matter. I'm really sorry to disturb my lord."

"Small matter?" Duan Zihan's eyes darkened, with a bit of coldness, "My eyes are not blind yet, and this has killed people, and you actually told me it was a small matter? Human life is a small matter, so what do you say? event?"

After some questioning, the boss's face was not very good.

Those who can open a gambling hall are basically covered by someone behind their backs. After all, how many people in this kind of business can have clean hands?As long as it doesn't make too much trouble, the government doesn't bother to take care of it, or in other words, they don't dare to take care of it.

"Master Duan, look at what you said. We are all open for business, and we are all honest people. How dare we kill people? It's just that most of us who run gambling houses are those who don't pay back the money they owe. of."

As he said that, the boss pointed at Xie Si, and continued: "No, this kid owed our gambling hall several hundred taels of silver last night, and if he couldn't pay the money, he said that he would use this girl to pay off the debt. I can't think about it, I hit the pillar, I didn't force it!"

Duan Zihan was about to speak when he heard this, but Mrs. Xie cried when she saw the official messenger coming, as if she saw a savior.

"My lord, my lord, please save us! We are all ordinary people, how can we have so much money, they are obviously stealing money."

As soon as the boss heard this, of course he wouldn't stand and let her bite him. He turned around and asked the clerk to bring the IOU, and showed it in front of several officials and everyone.

"Several adults, as well as the big fellows, have seen it clearly. Here is the proof. It is clearly written in black and white. There is also the fingerprint of this kid himself. Even if I sue the government, that is my reason. !"

As soon as the IOU was taken out, the old lady Xie was stupefied, but she still said: "Si'er is still young, how does he know what an IOU is or not, I can see that he was deceived by you!"

"Hmph, anyway, this is money borrowed by your son, and it's clearly written on it, if you haven't listed it one by one"

The boss didn't talk nonsense to them, he narrowed his eyes slightly as he spoke, and the meaning in his tone was very clear.

Hearing this, Xie Si began to tremble and hid in Mrs. Xie's arms again, looking at the group of vicious people in horror.

Hearing this, Xie Si began to tremble and hid in Mrs. Xie's arms again, looking at the group of vicious people in horror.

Originally, he thought that he could use Xie Simmei to pay off his gambling debts. Although she has bad legs and feet, she is actually pretty good-looking. The people in the gambling hall will definitely not hurt her. At most, they will sell her to the building, which is better than It's good to use his hands and feet.

But unexpectedly, she hit the pillar directly, what a bitch!
Mrs. Xie looked at Duan Zihan for help, but what he said afterwards made her completely give up.

"It's only right and proper to pay back the debt. If it's really black and white, then you should pay back the money as soon as possible. Now, Mrs. Xie's heart fell into an ice cave, and then she thought of something, and said to the gambling shop owner: "Just now I have already mortgaged my daughter to you. Although she hit a pillar, she is not dead yet. She will take care of her head and the wound on her head will not leave a scar. Besides, you have accepted it just now, and our account will be settled. I'm in love with myself! "

Duan Zihan on the side was also shocked when he heard what the old lady Xie said. How could there be such a mother in the world?No wonder that girl wanted to die just now.

Wait a minute—the last time he saw that girl, Xie Sining seemed to be seeing her second sister, could it be that the old woman in front of him was...

Thinking of this, Duan Zihan happened to see a familiar figure in the distance, so he asked the servants to stay where they were and watch, and he chased after that figure.

It was a little far away, and there were so many pedestrians on the street, Duan Zihan managed to catch up with her and shouted at her.

"Miss Gu!"

Xie Sining had just searched around from South Street and planned to go back to wait for Xie Simei, but when he got here, he was stopped by someone. Looking back, he found that it was Duan Zihan.

After he came to him, she asked, "It's you, are you here for work?"

Duan Zihan nodded, and then said to her: "The girl who was with you yesterday is your sister, right? Something happened to her."

Hearing that something happened to Xie Simei, Xie Sining's expression darkened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with my second sister?"

Afterwards, Duan Zihan took her to Fuguitian and explained the situation.

After hearing that Mrs. Xie actually wanted to mortgage Xie Simei to a gambling house in order to save her son, Xie Sining's face was gloomy and scary.

"Then how is my second sister?" She asked Duan Zihan again.

"When I arrived, your second sister had already hit a pillar, but she was not seriously injured, she just passed out. I have sent my subordinates to the hospital." Duan Zihan explained.

Xie Sining nodded in thanks, and soon came to the door of the gambling hall, and saw the mother and son who had no conscience at all.

Seeing Duan Zihan coming back, the mother and son didn't feel anything at first, but when they saw Xie Sining following behind, the old lady Xie immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Third girl, you are here. If you don't come, your mother and brother will die here today!"

"Hey, this one who bumped into the pillar and wanted to die just left, and another one came." The boss looked at Xie Sining.

At this glance, she can be seen that she is different from the woman just now. Although the clothes are similar, the temperament of the woman in front of her is completely different.

Ignoring the boss, Xie Sining just looked at the old lady Xie in front of him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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