Chapter 108 You Are Not Her

Jiang Nianzi's smile gave people a very comfortable feeling, and her voice was gentle, "My name is Jiang Nianzi."

"I don't know if you know about Feng Ling's ad. I'm here to talk to you about it."


Shi Shuo frowned slightly, he thought about it seriously, it seems that someone told him that he wanted to find him to shoot commercials, but...

"Didn't I already refuse?"

Jiang Nianzi nodded, "Yes, but we are very sincere, so I came to talk to you in person."

Shi Shuo lowered the brim of his hat and prepared to walk past her, "I've already said that I won't answer, and it's useless for anyone to come looking for me."

"Listen to me first, our reward is very generous."

"Not interested in."

Seeing that Shi Shuo was going further and further away, Jiang Nianzi had no choice but to catch up with her in two steps, "I am Jiang Yixuan's younger sister, can you listen to me?"

Hearing the word Jiang Yixuan, Shi Shuo stopped and looked over.

Seeing her stop, Jiang Nianzi hurried up.

Jiang Yixuan's name still works.

"I'm Jiang Yixuan's younger sister, can we talk about the advertisement again?"

Shi Shuo's eyes flicked past Jiang Nianzi's, and he suddenly straightened up and put down his phone, looking down at her with no warmth in his eyes.


"What, what?"

"You are her sister but not her. Why should I give you face and talk to you?"

Shi Shuo's words didn't leave her any leeway, "I'll say it for the last time, I won't shoot this commercial."

After Shi Shuo finished speaking, he strode away.

As soon as he lost the game of rock-paper-scissors, he ran into someone who wasted his time when he came out to buy an iced drink.

If Yixuan herself came to take pictures with her, then he would be very willing.

Unfortunately not.

Jiang Nianzi froze in place.

She joined the company under the name of Jiang Yixuan, and when the people in the company knew that she was Jiang Yixuan's younger sister, they also came together to praise her.

She thinks that those compliments are all sincere because of herself.

Today, she had already thought about her speech, but she got such an answer.

——"You are her sister but not her. Why should I give you face and talk to you?"

Jiang Nianzi clenched her fist slowly, no, she has to talk about this advertisement.

She trotted after him.

"Villain, if you are not satisfied with the remuneration, we can talk about it. This commercial was shot with me."

Shi Shuo felt bored, why did he still pester him after rejecting him twice.

Don't you know the sun is very hot?
"I'm not the only star player in the league. You can find people from other clubs to accept this advertisement."

"But they're not like you."

Shi Shuo paused slightly with his hand scratching the screen, "What did you say?"

"I know there are many star players in the league, but you are different from them. Our company is looking for you."

Jiang Nianzi thought that his attitude had softened, so he hurried to make persistent efforts.

"Our boss is all your fans, she watches all your games!"

Shi Shuo ignored her last words, he curled his lower lip, "Are you saying that other star players are not as good as me?"

Jiang Nianzi nodded, "Yes!"

Shi Shuo scoffed disdainfully, "Who do you look down on, can you become a star player if you are not good?"

"Don't step on it in front of me."

"I won't accept this ad, even if I accept a partner, it won't be you."

Jiang Nianzi's smile finally stopped, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell my sister?"

Shi Shuo raised his chin contemptuously, "You go."

Jiang Nianzi: "..."

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(End of this chapter)

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